Mobiele zendmast verhoogt kans op diabetes - Zembla
Mobiele zendmast verhoogt kans op diabetes
Wetenschappers hebben voor het eerst een verband ontdekt tussen een verhoogde kans op diabetes onder schoolkinderen en de blootstelling aan hoogfrequente elektromagnetische golven van zendmasten voor mobiele telefoons. Dat meldt Stichting Kennisplatform Elektromagnetische Straling.
Uit het onderzoek blijkt dat leerlingen van scholen in de buurt van een zendmast met een hoog stralingsniveau een hoger HbA1c-gehalte in hun bloed hebben dan leerlingen van scholen bij een zendmast die minder straling uitzendt. HbA1c staat voor Hemoglobine A1c. De HbA1c-waarde geeft de hoeveelheid versuikerd hemoglobine in het bloed aan en wordt in de medische wereld erkend als een indicator voor diabetes mellitus.
Het onderzoek is gehouden door wetenschappers van de King Saud Universiteit in Saoedi-Arabische hoofdstad Riyad en gepubliceerd in het International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. Hoewel bij dieren eerder een verband is aangetoond tussen straling van hoogfrequente elektromagnetische velden (RF-EMFR) en diabetes, is dit volgens de onderzoekers het eerste onderzoek bij mensen.
De wetenschappers onderzochten twee scholen met in totaal 159 gezonde leerlingen tussen en twaalf en zeventien jaar, waarbij erop werd gelet dat er geen kinderen met diabetes in de familie bijzaten of kinderen die thuis ook dicht bij een zendmast woonden. Beide scholen stonden dicht bij (circa 200 meter) een zendmast voor mobiele telefonie, maar in de ene school was het stralingsniveau 96 microwatt per vierkante meter en in de andere school 19 microwatt per vierkante meter. Leerlingen van de school die blootstonden aan het hogere stralingsniveau hadden een HbA1c-gehalte van 5,44 procent in hun bloed. De kinderen op de school met het lagere stralingsniveau 5,32 procent. De kinderen met een hoger HbA1c-gehalte lopen volgens de onderzoekers een significant hoger risico op diabetes mellitus type 2.
In de ZEMBLA-aflevering ‘ Ziek van je mobieltje ’ zegt de Belgische kinderoncoloog Stefaan van Gool dat vooral kinderen grotere gezondheidsrisico’s lopen door het gebruik van een mobiele telefoon dan volwassenen.
EVM richtlijn Eerder dit jaar heeft groep internationale wetenschappers een nieuwe EMV-richtlijn geschreven voor de diagnose, behandeling en preventie van EMV gerelateerde gezondheidsproblemen. Deze is gepubliceerd in het wetenschappelijk magazine 'Reviews on Environmental Health'. De groep bestaat uit kankeronderzoekers, neurologen, biologen, milieuonderzoekers en ambtenaren van ministeries van gezondheid uit Duitsland, Zweden, Oostenrijk, de VS, Slowakije en Luxemburg. De groep stelt dat steeds meer wetenschappelijke onderzoeken aantonen dat blootstelling aan EMV schadelijk is voor de mens. Niet alleen is de relatie met kanker, Alzheimer of onvruchtbaarheid aangetoond, artsen zouden ook bij onverklaarbare gezondheidsklachten vaker moeten zoeken naar EMV-blootstelling als mogelijke oorzaak.
Te hoge blootstelling aan elektromagnetische velden (EMV) van mobiele en draadloze telefoons, wifi, elektrische apparaten, elektriciteitskabels en andere bronnen in huis en op openbare plekken kunnen diverse gezondheidsklachten, onvruchtbaarheid en zelfs kanker of Alzheimer veroorzaken. De beste manier om deze kwalen te behandelen en te voorkomen is de blootstelling aan EMV te verminderen, concludeert een internationale groep wetenschappers.
WHO: mogelijk kankerverwekkend In 2011 classificeerde de Wereldgezondheidsorganisatie (WHO) de blootstelling aan de straling van mobiele telefoons als ‘mogelijk kankerverwekkend’, nadat een werkgroep van dertig wetenschappers uit veertien landen een aantal wetenschappelijke studies had beoordeeld, die een verband tussen kanker en het gebruik van mobiele telefoons aantonen.
De Raad van Europa riep op om de blootstelling aan elektromagnetische golven te beperken, in afwachting van verder onderzoek. Met name voor kinderen en jongeren, omdat zij het meeste risico op hersentumoren lopen. De Europese Environment Agency (EEA) waarschuwt sinds 2007 voor de gezondheidsrisico's van elektromagnetische velden door het gebruik van mobiele telefoons en vergelijkt die met de gevaren van asbest en tabak.
De Duitse en Engelse overheid adviseren sinds 2014 om het gebruik van Wifi thuis te beperken en Frankrijk verbood vorig jaar het gebruik in de kinderopvang. In Nederland is het door de overheid ingestelde Kennisplatform Elektromagnetische Velden steeds terughoudend geweest, al adviseert het platform de blootstelling voor kinderen te beperken en thuis zo min mogelijk draadloze apparatuur te gebruiken.
People before the Whitehats took over once president D. Trump came into office the original intent of the LHC was going to be very evil.
The House of Odescalchi is a top bloodline of the Black Nobility with princely titles and palaces in Rome, Italy, and Hungary. The Odescalchis are the most tyrannical family on the planet and are using particle accelerators to oppress society. They are lawless criminals that are extremely arrogant.
The Romney family and Detroit Partnership’s agents in the teamsters at the time extorted and manipulated the auto industry to cause the government bailout when it happened while Obama was in the White House.
The family often uses the name Erba-Odescalchi for their merger with the Erba family that ruled in the town of Cernobbio, Italy. I believe that CERN was cleverly named after Cernobbio which is on the Italian and Swiss border. Fabiola Gianotti is the Director General of CERN today and she was born in Rome.
There have been various Austrian and Hungarian nuclear physicists like John von Neumann. The House of Odescalchi’s role from Rome is overseeing the development and use of advanced technologies and weapons in society. CERN oversees most of the particle accelerators around the world and it is the Swiss bankers which are financing the Uranium and Plutonium which fuels them.
There is a statue of Shiva at CERN. The nuclear physicist Robert Oppenheimer was involved in the development of nuclear technologies and the creation of the atomic bomb. Robert Oppenheimer quoted Vishnu-Shiva stating “Now I am become Death, the destroyer of worlds.”
Particle accelerators are a type of nuclear weapon that are enhancing gravity which is like magnetic pressure in the lower atmosphere. Along with HAARP they are able to direct these magnetic emissions over targeted areas.
With HAARP and other similar tools controlled by the USAF they can ionize parts of the atmosphere. When the magnetism is released from a particle accelerator they can ionize pathways to move around this magnetic pressure through the vector.
When they run these particle accelerators it makes society feel lethargic and more stressed. As a matter of fact I will cover why NBC did that story of the man who sees demonic faces. And why they chose to report on this because it has alot to do with why it was so important for the Whitehats to take over. The only reason they showed you that report is because of the possible side effects of turning it on as it can reveal the true nature of our reality.
So if people started seeing demonic beings the military is put in place to quell a possible chaotic turn out. Because these entities do not like being discovered as they are. Their power is in the shadows not the light.
Remember I told you it's just one gigantic Ouija Board?
Why did I say that?
The LHC demonstrates its macro-cosmic and multicontextual "as above, so below" ( Think Baphomet) awareness through its geometry i.e. how the whole complex is laid out underground as viewed from above.
The basic configuration of the LHC complex consists of a large loop, the LHC, with a diameter of ~8.5 km, and a smaller loop called the "Super Proton Synchrotron" (SPS) placed tangentially inside the LHC, used as the final proton beam injector for the LHC, with a diameter of ~2.2 km.
The SPS's position and size are key to the first step of decoding the LHC "Orion Stargate".
It is designed to open up gateways. Just like Ouija Boards are.
But mainstream scientists will tell you the creation of the LHC is to find the Higgs boson, considered by some scientists to be the fundamental element of matter and often called the “God Particle.” This ofcourse is a cover story.
You all have to understand that there is a very evil faction of entities behind this project. Because this also connects to the ley lines. The rediscovery of Ley Lines in this century is unveiling (apocalypse; Greek for unveiling) the secrets of Nature.
Ley lines are the luminous strands that many are pulling at today, hardly suspecting what riches lay at the end of these subtle light lines.
All Ley Lines lead to the planetary Grid, the primary light and energy matrix, creating, enveloping, and maintaining planet Earth.
A ley-line is a straight fault line in the earth's tectonic plates:
This is a scientific fact.
Through these cracks in the earth's tectonic plates the magnetic energies released are very powerful indeed.
Many people have claimed to have felt the energy surge up their body, and some have claimed that they have blacked out, as the surge was that powerful.
Did you know "The Da Vinci Code" was based on Rennes Le chateau in France, which is also on a leyline?
It is documented that Alexander the Great was guided by Aristotle to take control of the major dome centers of these intersecting Ley Lines from dark forces. Which is why he put his top General, Ptolemy to rule Egypt.
During the medieval times anyone who had any knowledge of Hermetic's was designated a Heretic and died a horrible death. This held true for anyone who knew how to read or write a Heresy.
Leaving only the royals and the monasteries literate.
Throughout history all megalithic structures have been strategically built on top of these so called Ley Lines.
From the pyramids of Giza to Stonehenge, Notre Dame, Solomon's Temple, Parthenon, Oracle of Delphi, Rennes Le Chateau, Ziggurat, the Vatican, DC Capitol, Mecca, Agia Sophia, Aztec Pyramids, Bermuda Triangle, Coral Castle, Tesla's lab in Shoreham NY, including all Nuclear power plants, military basis and sports stadiums.
Which are also used to harness energies - like giant batteries!
Many of the sections where two or more Ley Lines intersect are marked with obelisks, such as,
• Washington DC Monument
• Vatican Courtyard
• Cleopatra's Needle in Central Park
These electromagnetic lines of the earth are its veins and receive its energies from the sun that connects and effects, every living thing on this planet.
Many of our ancient spiritual figures knew this hidden knowledge and meditated or prayed on these lines or megalithic centers, which elevated their electrical auras, intellect, and connection to higher self, through the activation of the 7 energy centers (chakras).
I believe that the activation of the Large Hadron Collider during the eclipse may create a window for the CERN researchers to explore and study the stargates or portals. It is believed that the activation of the large collider during this special event might create enough energy to open up the portals to alternate dimensions and realities.
~T edit: Look at the logo. Compare to [goog]. Symbolism will be [their] downfall.
There are episodes of the Simpsons which blatantly promote the Freemasons, the Illuminati and even show items of the Monarch mind-control such as
"following the Yellow Brick Road."
The episodes are quite revealing. Aspects of Illuminati programming can also be seen in the movie "Spirits of the Dead", where
spirit copies of one's abusers are placed into the slave, and the movie "Cat Girl" where a beautiful girl is turned into a killer beast.
Several movies have come out
showing the concept of creating robotic people such as the 1920's movie Golem, the 1966 movie Cyborg 2087, and the movie Frankenstein.
According to Illuminati history, the Collins Illuminati bloodline did pre-20th century experiments to create a Frankenstein, and Mary Shelley's novel is actually
secretly based on their research.
The Rothschilds have carried out successful production of synthetic people this century. This is all in accord with the black
magic goal of controlling bodies, whether live or dead.
The 90 mm. "Night of the Living Dead" expresses the satanic black magic goal to control bodies. And if the Illuminati can't control their slaves, the final solution, if nothing else works, is to-as the CIA say- "terminate with extreme prejudice" (a.k.a "Executive Action"), like they did to Mary Pinchot Meyer on Oct. 13, 1964, Princess Grace Kelly & countless others.
In the City of New York versus The Simpsons episode (aired 21-Sept-1997) America's favorite family decides to visit the World Trade Centre after Bart and Lisa show a brochure saying "9/11"
The original series of Star Trek had lost money, but in September, 1987 a new series called Star Trek, The Next Generation was started with $1 million dollars budgeted for each of its 24 episodes.
The episodes pushed the Illuminati’s agenda in every show. People were being aroused to bombard Paramount with requests for a new Star Trek. Bob Justman who worked with Roddenberry said, “When I left Star Trek in 1968 it was a disaster. It was a failure as far as the network was concerned.”
That is because it didn’t make money. Hollywood tells us it makes these movies because they are what the public want and that they have to go where the money is--the closer truth is that Hollywood makes movies that push an agenda--Hollywood makes movies that Hollywood wants to make.
And since Star Trek was part of the illuminati’s mind-control, the show and it successors had to go on. How important is Star Trek?
A witness has talked about Boeing workers sneaking off their jobs and hiding in the tunnels underneath the huge Seattle Boeing plant so they could watch Star Trek shows. This enormous Boeing plant is used for rituals and mind-control.
This Boeing building is enormous, for it is where they have assembly lines to build the huge jets, like the 747s, 707s, etc. An extensive maze of tunnels lays underneath the main building, large enough to accommodate all the tens of thousands of workers on any shift.
It is interesting who was associated with the production of Star Trek: The Next Generation.
Script writers for the Next Generation had a Star Trek Bible to write from.
These script writers included such persons as Alan Adler, Dennis Putnam Bailey, three Grays, Debra Mclntrye, Ronald Moore, Grant Rosenberg, Randee Russell, Bryan Stewart. These are common names within the Illuminati.
Coca-cola, an Illuminati-run corporation, was one of the major advertisers for Star Trek, and the god-man Dalai Lama of Tibet, who is a Star Trek fan, visited the cast of Star Trek in 1988 in Hollywood and got his picture taken with members of the cast.
Probert who worked with Star Trek productions also worked with Walt Disney’s Imagineering subsidiary. Here are some of the Star Trek scenes:
A Wizard of Oz head is shown on a show. Data is a humanoid with an on-off switch who can store vast amounts of data. His memories can be so strong that personalities in those memories fight for control of Data. (See the episode aired 1/23/89).
Holodeck creations of people (humans who are mirror images) who are aware of themselves.
This is a well-used concept for programming Monarch alters. The first episode with this aired 1/1 1/88 and got several awards--an Emmy Award, and an award from the George Foster Peabody Award board.
A few other items which will show the reader the occult agenda of Star Trek, the Next Generation and how it fits into the mind-control programming (dates that the show aired are in parenthesis):
a Reptilian Race called Tellisians (10/12/87), a Cosmological Egg-from the cabalistic magical world view (10/26/87), a brain scanned by a probe (11/9/87), age regression, reverse aging and memory loss (2/8/88), android duels & a crystalline body (1/18/88), a race of computer operators (2/1/88), an ozone hole in the atmosphere kills a planet (2/15/88), a matriarchal oligarchy--shades of the Mother of Darkness’s oligarchy (1/25/88), people who are only holographic projections (4/11/88), a cyberneticist & androids (2/13/89), doubles (mirror images) (4/3/89), half-human half-robot people (5/8/89), clones of people (5/22/89), a holodeck person who doesn’t know his last name (6/19/89), Betazoids (11/13/89), and a drug which causes hysterical paranoia (7/17/89).
Colorado is the area where trauma-based alien-theme programming is carried out with a mock UFO. Gaston, one of the programmers in that area, is turning out top secret Monarchs with solometric systems. NORAD and Colorado Springs and several other Colorado locations are major headquarters for end-time call back programming. Interestingly, they have placed the Star Trek Fan Club in Colorado.
This recent movie portrays Monarch Mind Control and S&M. Mind-controlled slaves are frequently used to create S&M films. The Illuminati’s S&M porn film snuff industry has been booming for over 4 decades.
(Compare the name Videodrome with Vidimax mentioned above.) The porn films done of a particular Monarch slave who is used as a porn star will be coded according to the code name given to the star.
Let’s say they call the Star “Lily”, then the porn movies will be cataloged Lily 1, Lily 2, Lily 3, etc. This type of porn involves a great deal of real torture, humiliation, and actual deaths of people. This type of porn is portrayed in the Hollywood movie Videodrome.
The main character in Videodrome represents what a mind-controlled slave would see. The main character Max is told, “I want you to open up to me.” He then feels intense pain and doubles up and falls down, and submits, “all right.”
Then he is ordered to “Give us channel 83.” He then proceeds under the mind-control to kill two partners, who he has previously liked and with whom he has had no quarrels. He is further told, “You are an assassin for Videodrome.
They can program you. They can make you do what they want.” Interestingly, the name of the brand of cigars smoked on the show are named Medicis. He is told, “To become the new flesh you must kill the old flesh.”
This is the type of suicide programming given Monarch slaves. He is ordered, “Come to Mickey.” Mickey happens to be part of Mickey Mouse programming and one of the nicknames of the programmer Michael Aquino.
He is then shown a picture of suicide. Then the hypnotic command, “Come to Mickey” is said three times. “Long live the new flesh.” The movie announces, “The battle for the mind of North America will be fought in Videodrome.”
This is also billed as a “cult classic”. Who decides what is a “cult classic”? At any rate, this is another film which depicts part of the Monarch total mind-control. We will not take the space to cover indepth, but will touch on a few items here.
The main character is McKnowlty which sounds a lot like MK Ultra. Is it a play on words? It could be. A council like the Illuminati’ s with lifetime appointments is in the film.
The persons under control in Trancer II bear some resemblance to the Monarchs. Some of the language that is used is lifted from the language handlers use.
“FOLLOW MY INSTRUCTIONS, SLEEP, SLEEP, SLEEP” a person is instructed. “RABBIT SPEAKING”, “YOU BELONG IN A GREEN WORLD.” The movie also has Freeze codes which are a color.
This 1983 movie with Ken Marshall and Lysette Anthony is just one more example of hundreds of Hollywood movies which show some aspect of the Illuminati &/or their mind-control.
Krull is an island ruled by sorcery. A prince searches for a magic ornament to save his bride and their kingdom. The film has a poppy field, castles, an All-Seeing-Eye, armies of robots, Satan, and other features that a Monarch internal world will be set up with. A person can turn into a dog, pig or lion.
This Shirley Temple movie was just one of many Hollywood films used for programming. The princess has a nice “dream”.
Slaves are programmed to view their service in the real world as dreams, and their fantasy worlds in their internal mind as reality. The Princess has a scene with hot cross buns and ravens.
This scene was used for programming. The Princess sits on a throne. There are fairies and a joker, which are used in programming. The father is said to be dead, but is not dead in this movie---thus creating the type of reversal that the programmers like to work into the minds of slaves.
A rich genie helps the princess, and when she finds her Daddy, she wakes him up with a kiss and a song. The girl’s name is Sarah, a name which appears within a number of Monarch system’s as an alter name.
The broadcast of the 1995 Miss Universe Contest did a very unusual freeze-framing of the show while it was on. The screen was mysteriously freeze-framed 9 times, this was a trigger for Illuminati Mothers of Darkness alters.
A Mother of Darkness type throne was sat upon by the winner of the contest. An all-seeing-eye was flashed up on the screen with the code A MAY ZING written on it. This is the type of puns that the programmers enjoy.
The winners of the contest came from INDIA, CANADA, and the USA. The order and names of those countries have to do with end times programming. The names were a code to certain Mothers of Darkness systems.
India wore a Mother of Darkness type garment.
Canada wore black and white, and USA wore Red. Miss India gave another code during the interviews, “If someone wants to put monkey’s on your back, if you stand up they get on your back.”
In 1958, the author Richard Condon had his novel The Manchurian Candidate published which describes an American Army sergeant, who is captured and programmed to assassinate on the cue of a queen of diamonds of a deck of cards.
Richard Condon’ s ability to think about the potential of behavior modification and hypnosis, had allowed him to stumble upon what had actually been going for over a decade.
Frank Sinatra bought the movie rights for this book, let the movie out briefly and then squelched the second release of the film. Frank Sinatra has been a slave handler.
He has handled Bob Hope’s slaves, when Bob Hope has lent them to the Rat Pack (which consisted of Dean Martin, Frank, Sammy Davis, Jr. Peter Lawford & Joey Bishop). Frank Sinatra spends time with the Rockefellers and the Rothschilds.
Both he and Dean Martin have handled slaves. Dean Martin was described by The Hollywood Reporter as a “hypnotically attractive, homegrown American monster.”
In Fritz’s previous writings he has exposed how Peter Lawford & Sammy Davis, Jr. were satanists. Dean had the audacity to want to bring out a slave on his T.V. show on a lease in a tiger outfit.
As mentioned previously, the sexual alters see themselves as kittens or cats and are given obedience training with the type of collar Dean wanted to bring them out on stage with on television.
The television network stopped it. As Frank Sinatra grew up, his parents always had money. His mother was a cigar-smoking cruel foul-mouth woman, who performed illegal abortions.
She got caught once and had to face the penalty on Feb. 27, ‘39 in a Hudson Special Sessions Court. Frank’s hero was Benjamin “Bugsy” Siegel, boss of Murder, Inc. About 30% of the dirty work for the Illuminati is carried out by the Mafia.
The Illuminati have their own death squads which are superior to the Mafia, but individuals must approach one of the Illuminati councils for approval to assassinate.
Often it is easier for someone in the Illuminati just to put out an unauthorized contract than to go through proper channels. Bugsy associated with all the Mafia heads including Charlie “Lucky” Luciano who controlled mind-controlled slave Marilyn Monroe.
Both Frank Sinatra and CIA mind-control programmer William Joseph Bryan, Jr. (aka William Joseph Bryon, and William Jenning Bryan III, etc.) were members of the Tommy Dorsey Band.
Bryan programmed people while he was with the Air Force as Chief of Medical Survival Training which was the Air Force’s covert mind-control section.
Later he opened up his own hypnotherapy Institute on Sunset Strip in Hollywood where he programmed some people in the Illuminati who are actors.
He also was the person who programmed Sirhan Sirhan to be involved in the Robert Kennedy assassination. He also hypnotized Alvert Di Salvo. After Bryan died in spring, 1977, the CIA cleaned out all of his files including his home files.
Bryan was fat, 6’ 1 1/2”, and a Satanic priest in the Old Roman Catholic church. This is same satanic church that William Schnoebelen was a Satanic priest in, before giving his life to Christ. (Bill Schnoebelen tells his own story in Lucifer Dethroned. Chino, CA: Chick Publications, 1993.)
Schnoebelen was offered a slave but turned down the opportunity to be a handler. In William J. Bryan, Jr.’s book entitled The Chosen One The Art of Jury Selection, Bryan teaches how to use hypnosis on jury members to win one’s case.
On the back of the book he states about himself, “In addition Dr. Bryan served as an Electronics Engineer in the Navy in World War II, was Director of all Medical Survival Training for the United States Air Force, and a leading expert on brainwashing.”
William J. Bryan was the technical director for Frank Sinatra’s movie The Manchurian Candidate. It was hoped that the movie would scare Americans into thinking that the enemy (the communists) was carrying out mind-control.
United States of GITMO: Indictments, Arrests and Executions – Trump Just Posted this Video on Truth Social: GITMO is About to get VERY Busy!
United States of GITMO: Indictments, Arrests and Executions – Trump Just Posted this Video on Truth Social: GITMO is About to get VERY Busy!
Medeea Greere, an independent publisher, is now on Telegram at and exists only on reader support as we publish Truth, Freedom and Love for public awareness. Thank You for your support!
Updated: Friday, April 5, 2024
Note: The list of arrests and executions of famous people should be released early 2024 to the public. If you have any other info on Arrests and executions of famous people 2023, please share in the comments below.
This article contains information about alleged arrests, tribunals and executions that were being made during the Covid outbreak and after. We cannot verify this information for certain so please do your own research. Ever since this list started to circulate throughout the internet, many people have asked:
Why do we still see these people in public appearances and on social media?
We believe that this is for optics. If people learned about all of this all at once, it would be very upsetting to them. Feel free to research deep fakes, robotics, body doubles, and cloning and decide for yourself.
Donald Trump’s swamp draining is about to begin in earnest, with political crooks around the country concealing ankle monitors, house fires attempting to destroy evidence at an array of high-profile people’s houses, and Guantanamo Bay being prepared for the influx of American high-profile prisoners.
There is plenty of evidence out there for those who know what to look for. Feast your eyes on these fine examples:
As reported by Fox in Phoenix, President Trump sent the Arizona Army National Guard to watch over prisoners at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba. Why? Obviously, there will soon be many more prisoners in Gitmo and since the National Guard was sent in, these will most likely be high-profile prisoners.
EXCLUSIVE: The Forbidden Prayer That Propelled Trump to Power – Suppressed by the Vatican! Hidden from the Masses, This Sacred Invocation Holds the Key to Trump’s Presidency – Unearthed Secrets Revealed!
Arrests and executions of famous people 2023 updated:
Marina Abramovic ARRESTED & EXECUTED
François Legault PM of Quebec ARRESTED & ON HOUSE ARREST
Recep Tayyip Erdo?an Pres of Turkey ARRESTED & EXECUTED
John Huntsman former Ambassidor to China ARRESTED WAITING TRIBUNAL
Lynn Forester De Rothschild ARRESTED & EXECUTED
Farrell Williams ARRESTED & EXECUTED
John Davison “Jay” Rockefeller IV ARRESTED & EXECUTED
Richard branson ARRESTED & EXECUTED
Leo Eric Varadkar PM of Ireland ARRESTED & EXECUTED
David cameran Former UK PM ARRESTED & EXECUTED
Prif Weinidog Cymru Wales PM ARRESTED & EXECUTED
Jordana Brewster ARRESTED & EXECUTED
Calista Flockhart ARRESTED & EXECUTED
Barbra Streisand ARRESTED & EXECUTED
Billy Bob Thornton ARRESTED & EXECUTED
Christopher Bridges ARRESTED & EXECUTED
Leonard Goldberg Producer ARRESTED & EXECUTED
All Royalties have either been removed, arrested, or executed around the world
All Prime Ministers have been removed, arrested or executed around the world with the exception of Poland
200,000 Federal Indictments of the Swamp – The List is Astounding!
– Democratic Illinois State Representative, Keith Farnham. Has resigned and was charged with possession of child pornography and has been accused of bragging at an online site about sexually molesting a 6-year-old girl.
– Democratic spokesperson for the Arkansas Democratic Party, Harold Moody, Jr. Was charged with distribution and possession of child pornography.
– Democratic Radnor Township Board of Commissioners member, Philip Ahr. Resigned from his position after being charged with possession of child pornography and abusing children between 2 and 6 years-old.
– Democratic activist and BLM organizer, Charles Wade, was arrested and charged with human trafficking and underage prostitution.
– Democratic Texas attorney and activist, Mark Benavides, was charged with having sex with a minor, inducing a child under 18 to have sex and compelling prostitution of at least nine legal clients and possession of child pornography. He was found guilty on six counts of sex trafficking.
– Democratic Virginia Delegate, Joe Morrissey, was indicted on charges connected to his relationship with a 17-year-old girl and was charged with supervisory indecent liberties with a minor, electronic solicitation of a minor, possession of child pornography and distribution of child pornography.
– Democratic Massachusetts Congressman, Gerry Studds, was censured by the House of Representatives after he admitted to an inappropriate relationship with a 17-year-old page.
– Democratic Former Mayor of Stillwater, New York, Rick Nelson was plead guilty to five counts of possession of child pornography of children less than 16 years of age.
– Democratic Former Mayor of Clayton, New York, Dale Kenyon, was indicted for sexual acts against a teenager.
– Democratic Former Mayor of Hubbard, Ohio, Richard Keenan, was given a life sentence in jail for raping a 4-year-old girl.
– Democratic Former Mayor of Winston, Oregon, Kenneth Barrett, was arrested for setting up a meeting to have sex with a 14-year-old girl who turned out to be a police officer.
– Democratic Former Mayor of Randolph, Nebraska, Dwayne L. Schutt, was arrested and charged with four counts of felony third-degree sexual assault of a child and one count of intentional child abuse.
– Democratic Former Mayor of Dawson, Georgia, Christopher Wright, was indicted on the charges of aggravated child molestation, aggravated sodomy, rape, child molestation and statutory rape of an 11-year-old boy and a 12-year-old girl.
– Democratic Former Mayor of Stockton, California, Anthony Silva, was charged with providing alcohol to young adults during a game of strip poker that included a 16-year-old boy at a camp for underprivileged children run by the mayor.
– Democratic Former Mayor of Millbrook, New York, Donald Briggs, was arrested and charged with inappropriate sexual contact with a person younger than 17.
– Democratic party leader for Victoria County, Texas, Stephen Jabbour, plead guilty to possession and receiving over half a million child pornographic images.
– Democratic activist and fundraiser, Terrence Bean, was arrested on charges of sodomy and sex abuse in a case involving a 15-year-old boy and when the alleged victim declined to testify, and the judge dismissed the case.
– Democratic Party Chairman for Davidson County, Tennessee, Rodney Mullin, resigned amid child pornography allegations.
– Democratic activist, Andrew Douglas Reed, pleaded guilty to a multiple counts of 2nd-degree sexual exploitation of a minor for producing child pornography.
– Democratic official from Terre Haute, Indiana, David Roberts was sentenced to federal prison for producing and possessing child pornography including placing hidden cameras in the bedrooms and bathrooms at a home he shared with two minor female victims.
– Democratic California Congressman, Tony Cárdenas, is being sued in LA County for allegedly sexually abused a 16-year-old girl.
– Democratic aide to Senator Barbara Boxer, Jeff Rosato, plead guilty to charges of trading in child pornography.
– Democratic Alaskan State Representative, Dean Westlake, resigned from his seat after the media published a report alleging he fathered a child with a 16-year-old girl when he was 28.
– Democratic New Jersey State Assemblyman, Neil Cohen, was convicted of possession and distribution of child pornography.
– Republican Tim Nolan, chairman of Donald Trump’s presidential campaign in Kentucky, pled guilty to child sex trafficking and on February 11, 2018 he was sentenced to serve 20 years in prison.
– Republican state Senator Ralph Shortey was indicted on four counts of human trafficking and child pornography. In November 2017, he pleaded guilty to one count of child sex trafficking in exchange for the dropping of the other charges.
– Republican anti-abortion activist Howard Scott Heldreth is a convicted child rapist in Florida.
– Republican County Commissioner David Swartz pleaded guilty to molesting two girls under the age of 11 and was sentenced to 8 years in prison.
– Republican judge Mark Pazuhanich pleaded no contest to fondling a 10-year old girl and was sentenced to 10 years probation.
– Republican anti-abortion activist Nicholas Morency pleaded guilty to possessing child pornography on his computer and offering a bounty to anybody who murders an abortion doctor.
– Republican legislator Edison Misla Aldarondo was sentenced to 10 years in prison for raping his daughter between the ages of 9 and 17.
– Republican Mayor Philip Giordano is serving a 37-year sentence in federal prison for sexually abusing 8- and 10-year old girls.
– Republican campaign consultant Tom Shortridge was sentenced to three years probation for taking nude photographs of a 15-year old girl.
– Republican Senator Strom Thurmond, a notable racist, had sex with a 15-year old black girl which produced a child.
– Republican pastor Mike Hintz, whom George W. Bush commended during the 2004 presidential campaign, surrendered to police after admitting to a sexual affair with a female juvenile.
– Republican legislator Peter Dibble pleaded no contest to having an inappropriate relationship with a 13-year-old girl.
– Republican Congressman Donald “Buz” Lukens was found guilty of having sex with a female minor and sentenced to one month in jail.
– Republican fundraiser Richard A. Delgaudio was found guilty of child porn charges and paying two teenage girls to pose for sexual photos.
– Republican activist Mark A. Grethen convicted on six counts of sex crimes involving children.
– Republican activist Randal David Ankeney pleaded guilty to attempted sexual assault on a child.
– Republican Congressman Dan Crane had sex with a female minor working as a congressional page.
– Republican activist and Christian Coalition leader Beverly Russell admitted to an incestuous relationship with his step daughter.
– Republican congressman and anti-gay activist Robert Bauman was charged with having sex with a 16-year-old boy he picked up at a gay bar.
– Republican Committee Chairman Jeffrey Patti was arrested for distributing a video clip of a 5-year-old girl being raped.
– Republican activist Marty Glickman (a.k.a. “Republican Marty”), was taken into custody by Florida police on four counts of unlawful sexual activity with an underage girl and one count of delivering the drug LSD.
– Republican legislative aide Howard L. Brooks was charged with molesting a 12-year old boy and possession of child pornography.
– Republican Senate candidate John Hathaway was accused of having sex with his 12-year old baby sitter and withdrew his candidacy after the allegations were reported in the media.
– Republican preacher Stephen White, who demanded a return to traditional values, was sentenced to jail after offering $20 to a 14-year-old boy for permission to perform oral sex on him.
– Republican talk show host Jon Matthews pleaded guilty to exposing his genitals to an 11 year old girl. Republican anti-gay activist Earl “Butch” Kimmerling was sentenced to 40 years in prison for molesting an 8-year old girl after he attempted to stop a gay couple from adopting her.
– Republican Party leader Paul Ingram pleaded guilty to six counts of raping his daughters and served 14 years in federal prison.
– Republican election board official Kevin Coan was sentenced to two years probation for soliciting sex over the internet from a 14-year old girl.
– Republican politician Andrew Buhr was charged with two counts of first degree sodomy with a 13-year old boy.
– Republican politician Keith Westmoreland was arrested on seven felony counts of lewd and lascivious exhibition to girls under the age of 16 (i.e. exposing himself to children).
– Republican anti-abortion activist John Allen Burt was charged with sexual misconduct involving a 15-year old girl.
– Republican County Councilman Keola Childs pleaded guilty to molesting a male child.
– Republican activist John Butler was charged with criminal sexual assault on a teenage girl. Republican candidate Richard Gardner admitted to molesting his two daughters.
– Republican Councilman and former Marine Jack W. Gardner was convicted of molesting a 13-year old girl.
– Republican County Commissioner Merrill Robert Barter pleaded guilty to unlawful sexual contact and assault on a teenage boy.
– Republican City Councilman Fred C. Smeltzer, Jr. pleaded no contest to raping a 15 year-old girl and served 6-months in prison.
– Republican activist Parker J. Bena pleaded guilty to possession of child pornography on his home computer and was sentenced to 30 months in federal prison and fined $18,000.
– Republican parole board officer and former Colorado state representative, Larry Jack Schwarz, was fired after child pornography was found in his possession.
– Republican strategist and Citadel Military College graduate Robin Vanderwall was convicted in Virginia on five counts of soliciting sex from boys and girls over the internet.
Big Pharma Doesn’t Want You to Know About Alternatives: The Medicinal Plants Hiding in Your Backyard:
– Republican city councilman Mark Harris, who is described as a “good military man” and “church goer,” was convicted of repeatedly having sex with an 11-year-old girl and sentenced to 12 years in prison.
– Republican businessman Jon Grunseth withdrew his candidacy for Minnesota governor after allegations surfaced that he went swimming in the nude with four underage girls, including his daughter.
– Republican director of the “Young Republican Federation” Nicholas Elizondo molested his 6-year old daughter and was sentenced to six years in prison.
– Republican benefactor of conservative Christian groups, Richard A. Dasen Sr., was charged with rape for allegedly paying a 15-year old girl for sex. Dasen, 62, who is married with grown children and several grandchildren, has allegedly told police that over the past decade he paid more than $1 million to have sex with a large number of young women.
– Democratic donor and billionaire, Jeffrey Epstein, ran an underage child sex brothel and was convicted of soliciting underage girls for prostitution.
– Democratic New York Congressman, Anthony Weiner, plead guilty to transferring obscene material to a minor as part of a plea agreement for sexted and sending Twitter DMs to underage girls as young as 15.
– Democratic donor, activist, and Hollywood producer Harvey Weinstein is being criminally prosecuted and civilly sued for years of sexual abuse (that was well known “secret” in Hollywood) including underage sexual activities with aspiring female actresses.
– Democratic activist and #metoo proponent, Asia Argento, settled a lawsuit for sexual harassment stemming from sexual activities with an underage actor.
– Democratic Mayor of Racine, Wisconsin, Gary Becker, was convicted of attempted child seduction, child pornography, and other child sex crimes.
– Democratic Seattle Mayor Ed Murray resigned after multiple accusations of child sexual abuse were levied against him including by family members.
– Democratic activist and aid to NYC Mayor De Blasio, Jacob Schwartz was arrested on possession of 3,000+ child pornographic images.
– Democratic activist and actor, Russell Simmons, was sued based on an allegation of sexual assault where he coerced an underage model for sex.
– Democratic Governor of Oregon, Neil Goldschmidt, after being caught by a newspaper, publicly admitted to having a past sexual relationship with a 13-year-old girl after the statute of limitations on the rape charges had expired.
– Democratic Illinois Congressman, Mel Reynolds resigned from Congress after he was convicted of statutory rape of a 16-year-old campaign volunteer.
– Democratic New York Congressman, Fred Richmond, was arrested in Washington D.C. for soliciting sex from a 16-year-old boy.
– Democratic activist, donor, and director, Roman Polanski, fled the country after pleading guilty to statutory rape of a 13-year-old girl.
– Democrats and Hollywood actors still defend him to this day, including, Whoopi Goldberg, Martin Scorcese, Woody Allen, David Lynch, Wim Wenders, Pedro Almodovar, Tilda Swinton and Monica Bellucci.
– Democratic State Senator from Alaska, George Jacko, was found guilty of sexual harassment of an underage legislative page.
– Democratic State Representative candidate for Colorado, Andrew Myers, was convicted for possession of child pornography and enticing children.
– Democratic Illinois Congressman, Gus Savage was investigated by the Democrat-controlled House Committee on Ethics for attempting to rape an underage female Peace Corps volunteer in Zaire. The Committee concluded that while the events did occur his apology was sufficient and took no further action.
– Democratic activist, donor, and spokesperson for Subway, Jared Fogle, was convicted of distribution and receipt of child pornography and traveling to engage in illicit sexual conduct with a minor.
– Democratic State Department official, Carl Carey, under Hillary Clinton’s state department, was arrested on ten counts of child porn possession.
– Democratic Maine Assistant Attorney General, James Cameron, was sentenced to just over 15 years in federal prison for seven counts of child porn possession, receipt and transmission.
– Democratic State Department official, Daniel Rosen, under Hillary Clinton’s state department, was arrested and charged with allegedly soliciting sex from a minor over the internet.
– Democratic State Department official, James Cafferty, pleaded guilty to one count of transportation of child pornography.
– Democratic radio host, Bernie Ward, plead guilty to one count of sending child pornography over the Internet. Democratic deputy attorney general from California, Raymond Liddy, was arrested for possession of child pornography.
– These are just a few of the many thousands of demonic, evil pedophiles and sex traffickers that have been indicted. With more to come. Expect mass arrests, if they haven’t already started. We can only pray for an end to this wicked, evil scourge by exposing it to the light.
Democrats are the problem, they are criminals. Some are arrested already. what you see are doubles. Court records list all who were arrested and executed. Facts not Lies.
The list of arrests and executions of famous people should be released early 2022 to the public. If you have any other info on Arrests and executions of famous people 2022-2023, please share in the comments below.
GITMO: Where They Go One, They Go All To Tribunal
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The Khazarian mafia is planning a holocaust or mass murder event for the US Christian heartland on April 8th. The entire April 8th solar eclipse event has been forensically traced to the (kill 90% of humanity and enslave the rest) Chabad death cult.
They are also telegraphing a “black swan event” through people like the fake General Mike Flynn and the politician Ron Paul.
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There is also widespread preparation for mass casualties, as can be seen for example in this emergency hospital being set up in Calgary, Canada.
Let us be perfectly clear, solar eclipses are when the moon blocks the sun and have never been associated with mass casualties. This means what is planned is not a solar eclipse.
Our US Space Force sources tell us the KM are planning to use Reagan-era Star Wars satellite-based weapons, laser firing planes and other methods to kill as many people as possible in a burnt offering to Moloch, aka Satan. The mark used by the cult of Moloch is the official insignia of the Satanic Nazi government of Ukraine.
These Messianic fanatical criminals want to carry out this event as a preliminary for a planned sacrifice of a red heifer to Moloch.
This would be followed by the construction of the third temple. Since the time of Moses, only nine red heifers have been sacrificed. Now, a “massive altar” for the tenth red heifer sacrifice has been built in Israel, and there is a tremendous amount of speculation that it could happen soon…there was “a practice run of the purification ceremony” in 2023. But an official ceremony must be conducted before the heifers get too old to be used for such a sacrifice…according to Temple Institute rabbis, they hope to carry out the ceremony before [the April 22nd] Passover 2024.
The holocaust planned for this sacrifice WILL BE STOPPED. The US Space Force and white hat military will shoot down these satellites and other weapons if they are deployed.
Also, if they carry out a mass murder event in the US heartland then Jerusalem, Geneva, Kiev and the Norwegian Antarctic base will be wiped out by intercontinental nuclear missiles, US Space Force sources promise.
The reason the KM are desperate to carry out a mass murder event is because they are losing power and know they will be facing war crimes tribunals and the death penalty when that happens.
The events surrounding the British Royal family are a sign of this imminent collapse. King Charles, his wife Camilla, Prince Andrew, Prince Edward, Crown Prince William and his wife Kate Middleton have vanished from public view. Our MI6 sources tell us they were all killed by white hats after they sacrificed Kate Middleton to Satan.
Regardless of whether or not this is true, the public events surrounding the royals indicate something highly unusual is going on. There was the parade of the royal guards with a flag covered in black cloth and a white horse without a king on it. This is a traditional sign the king has died. Also, Kate Middleton failed to reappear after her “abdominal surgery.”
After this, there were clumsy attempts to make it seem all was normal. A photograph of Kate released by the royal family was quickly exposed as fake. Then a video purported to be of her with Prince William was released.
Next in this drama, BBC told people to expect a major announcement from the Royal Family. Flags were seen at half-mast on UK government buildings, leading to speculation the death of King Charles was about to be announced.
All this happened after the public announcement of the death of Jacob Rothschild (Roth=Red, Schild=shield of Satan), who many claim was the real father of Prince William (our own MI6 sources say the father is the King of Spain).
The MI6 sources say what really happened was a major white hat operation against the Satanists at the top of the UK government. With the red shield of Satan having been removed from the scene, a public announcement was going to be made that Kate Middleton had been killed in a Satanic sacrifice and that the royals involved had been executed.
That is why the flags were at half-mast and a major announcement was about to be made, the sources say.
However, before this could happen, Barack Obama, the Thunder of Satan (Luke writes in chapter 10, verse 18 that Jesus said: “I saw Satan ‘fall like lightning.’ The Hebrew translation is “baraq o bamah.”) shows up at the British Prime Ministers’ residence.
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Following this, a new video was released by BBC showing Kate Middleton saying she had cancer.
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They also released a photograph showing King Charles was still alive.
The problem is the Kate Middleton video released was a deep fake. You can tell because the ring on her hand disappears and then reappears. Also if she is on chemo, why does she have a full head of hair?
As for the picture of Charles, a Canadian intelligence agency source comments: “They can read the name on a soldier’s uniform from a satellite in space but they can’t take a clear picture from the side of the road. The circus continues.”
The reality is a public announcement Kate Middleton had been sacrificed to Satan would lead to a complete collapse of KM rule in the West, which is why they are trying so hard to cover it up.
The troubles surrounding the Rothschilds and the British Royals are connected to the murder of NSA Agent Robert David Steele. The head of MI6 tells us Steele was murdered because he discovered
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