
dinsdag 23 maart 2021



The symptoms sure match radiation sickness, and the protective gear to fight it seems to match that of those in Japan during their nuclear disaster? Dr.’s Fauci and Birx sure aren’t dressing up outside like this.

Wuhan bio workers dressed in what looks like radiation suits? Something deadly serious going on.
Japan workers in their radiation suits working at nuclear reactor site.

We were last to get it perhaps because President Trump did not allow China to bring their Huawei, alleged stolen 5-G technology from US Military, into the USA. Meanwhile,  Italy, Spain, UK, Princess Cruise Ships and a few others rolled out Huawei 5-G along with Wuhan in a celebratory fashion that led to a pandemic of COVID-19. Still, there are many using 5-G technology here or at least they have 5-G phones and we were the last to get it? In the mist of all the pandemic, I heard the President was working on 5-G protection before it is to be officially rolled out in the US. With conflicting pieces of hearsay, I found there are companies selling radiation protective devices called micro-processors to PROTECT BIOLOGICAL OBJECTS (like humans) FROM THE NEGATIVE INFLUENCE OF TECHNOGENIC ELECTROMAGNETIC RADIATION!

radiation blackbirds

If technology companies are agreeing that cell phones and computer devices cause radiation sickness it only makes sense to ask the next question –  What’s really going on with the BIRDS DROPPING DEAD AND PEOPLE WITH ACUTE RESPERATORY FAILURE?

radiation Birds-Falling-From-Sky-Bleeding-Australia
Birds drop from the sky bleeding internally from 5-G tests. What is it doing to us?

So now they have found the virus (that won’t be named) attacks the blood and robs it of oxygen. That is what they are saying. Let’s take a look at it from a biological standpoint and a healthy dose of critical thinking and a dash of common sense.

Warning: This is for those that need to know the science, you have the option to scroll past this.

Rheological analysis (rheology) is the study of the flow of any material under the influence of a supplied flow of force or stress.

In the case of rheology and the flow of blood, biologists look at the bulk of blood cells called erythrocytes which play the leading part in changes in the flow properties of blood. This includes using parameters (a set of facts that establishes or limits how something can or must happen ) for rheology the most important parameters are:

Viscosity – the property of resistance to flow in a fluid or semifluid. i.e. the quality or state of being viscous (= thick and sticky and not flowing easily).

Aggregation – the process of combining things or amounts into a single group. How these aggregations affect things, such as a dose of aspirin inhibits the normal aggregation of platelets.

Erythrocytes – a red blood cell that (in humans) is typically a biconcave disc without a nucleus. Erythrocytes contain the pigment hemoglobin, which imparts the red color to blood, and transport oxygen and carbon dioxide to and from the tissues.

The bulk of blood cells are erythrocytes, therefore they play the leading part in changes in the properties of blood. Rheology parameters used to analyze the most important properties of blood are viscosity, aggregation and erythrocytes deformability (ED).

One of a cell’s vital parameters is its reconfiguration in response to outside impact on the cell membrane caused by both external and internal environment. ED can be said to reflect, to a degree, viability of erythrocytes circulating in blood flow.

Which lead us to Electromagnetic frequencies which are outside forces that absorb oxygen from its surroundings and this action affects humans by taking oxygen from the lungs, and the blood that transports oxygen throughout the entire body. Thereby it can affect the blood viscosity , aggregation, and erythrocytes thereby impacting the physical health of humans, animals, birds, plants, and all living cellular organisms that need oxygen to thrive.

radiation 01

Hundreds and even thousands of birds falling from the sky all at once is not normal, and their tiny bodies bleeding from the inside from busted blood vessels and lack of oxygen is not a paranormal event. It is directly related to electromagnetic frequency surges. Their little bodies cannot survive under EMF pulses. Neither can humans, sea life, bees, bugs and plants. As we have seen from other man made disasters involving atomic and nuclear forces that emit radiation. The fall out just doesn’t go away after the fallout cloud disappears. It remains. For the same reason it remains in your bodies unless you mitigate with alternative therapies such as those used in Chernobyl with algae, brown seaweeds, spirulina and miso soup, learned therapies from Japan. Read about how they did that here: Nuclear Meltdown and Radiation Exposure in Japan

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“Ionizing radiation happens when the atomic nucleus of an unstable atom decays and starts releasing ionizing particles. When these particles come into contact with organic material, such as human tissue, they will damage them if levels are high enough, in a short period of time. This can lead to burns, problems with the blood, gastrointestinal system, cardiovascular and central nervous system, cancer, and sometimes death.”                         Full story here: Medical News Today

Radiation has been said to be accumulative in the body as its’ nano particle size that the body cannot eliminate through the pathways of elimination for the body reabsorbs it via these processes. But, there are ways to rid the body of radiation via putting a food source into the body that will engulf these nano particles in the intestinal tract thereby the body can eliminate them via the food source which has engulfed them inside themselves. Substances like brown algae, blue/green algae (spirulina), and ground flax seed just to name a few.  These are foods and having them as well as many others in your diet daily may be a proactive step of ongoing protection and overall good health.

radiation SulfurRichFoods

It would do us well to look at radiation sickness studies and note the comparisons to radiation sickness and electromagnetic frequencies. Especially long term affects over time with low EMF’s and short and long term affects with high doses of EMF’s such as 4G and 5G. We now live in an electromagnetic field bubble and no one is free from the damage this causes human and all life forms.

Excerpts from Medical News Today, on Radiation Sickness, written by Yvette Brazier:

Symptoms: Radiation sickness can be acute, happening soon after exposure, or chronic, where symptoms appear over time or after some time, possibly years later.

The signs and symptoms of acute radiation poisoning are:
• vomiting, diarrhea, and nausea
• loss of appetite
• malaise, or feeling unwell
• headache
• rapid heartbeat

Symptoms depend on the dose, and whether it is a single dose or repeated.
A dose of as low as 30 rads can lead to:
 loss of white blood cells
• nausea and vomiting
• headaches

A dose of 300 rads dose may result in:
• temporary hair loss
• damage to nerve cells
• damage to the cells that line the digestive tract

Symptoms of severe radiation poisoning will normally go through four stages.
Prodomal stage: Nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea, lasting from a few minutes to several days
Latent stage: Symptoms seem to disappear, and the person appears to recover
Overt stage: Depending on the type of exposure, this can involve problems with the cardiovascular, gastrointestinal, hematopoietic, and central nervous system (CNS)
Recovery or death: There may be a slow recovery, or the poisoning will be fatal.

Different doses, different effects
The risk of illness depends on the dose. Very low doses of radiation are all around us all the time, and they do not have any effect. It also depends on the area of the body that is exposed.

If the whole body is exposed to, say, 1,000 rads within a short time, this could be fatal. However, far higher doses can be applied to a small area of the body with less risk.

After a mild dose, the person may experience symptoms for just a few hours or days. However, a repeated or even a single, relatively low dose that produces few or no visible symptoms around the time of exposure may cause problems later on.

A person who is exposed to 3,000 rads will experience nausea and vomiting, and they may experience confusion and a loss of consciousness within a few hours. Tremors and convulsions will occur 5 to 6 hours after exposure. Within 3 days, there will be coma and death.


People who experience repeated doses, or who appear to recover, may have long-term effects.
These include:
*a loss of white blood cells, making it harder for the body to fight infection              *reduction in platelets, increasing the risk of internal or external bleeding
*fertility problems, including loss of menstruation and reduced libido
*changes in kidney function, which can lead to anemia, high blood pressure, and other    problems within a few months
*There may also be skin redness, cataracts, and heart problems.
*Localized exposure may lead to changes in the skin, loss of hair, and possibly skin cancer.

Most people are exposed to an average of around 0.62 rads, or 620 Gray each year. Half of this comes from radon in the air, from the Earth, and from cosmic rays. The other half comes from medical, commercial, and industrial sources. Spread over a year, this is not significant in terms of health.

Some activities that can expose people to sources of radiation include:
* watching television
* flying in an airplane
* passing through a security scanner
* using a microwave, computer, or cell phone
* Wi-fi

Read full article here

radiation t8awet
These towers emit electromagnetic frequencies that harm living cells and surge during peak hours. Invisible enemy.

The hard truth is, even if you don’t watch TV, fly on a plane, go through a security scanner, use a microwave, computer or cell phone, you cannot get away from the electromagnetic frequencies in the air waves being emitted by Gwen towers, cell towers, smart meters, and the surges these power lines throw out. We are all walking around in electromagnetic fields.

And so, what do we do? We certainly don’t add Huawei 5G from Wuhan like Italy, Spain, Great Britain, and the Princess Cruise Ships did with Wuhan and their 5-G roll out last fall that seemed to have triggered a pandemic that experts are calling COVID-19 .


The real fact no one can deny is the COVID-19 symptoms sure match radiation sickness. We were last to get it perhaps because President Trump did not allow China to bring their Huawei , alleged stolen technology from US Military, into the USA. Yet, there are many using 5-G technology here. Thankfully, the President is working on 5-G protection before it is rolled out bigly in the US. In the meantime, there are companies selling radiation protective devices called micro-processors to PROTECT BIOLOGICAL OBJECTS FROM THE NEGATIVE INFLUENCE OF TECHNOGENIC ELECTROMAGNETIC RADIATION! Here are a few, CLICK TO VIEW THEIR WEBSITES: 


Blushield Cube Active EMF Protection


Then there are also alternative methods….such as  ORGONITE

I strongly suggest if we are going to be proactive during flu season, that is now a year long pandemic, that we best get some type of bio micro-defense to protect ourselves and our family.   Electromagnetic fields only complicate the health issues and many believe are the real culprit behind many of them. Meanwhile, wash your hands and see if the C.D.C. science experts has performed any testing on 5-G electromagnetic frequencies and how it affects the human body. If they say it doesn’t…that will be a huge red flag.  But WHO knows, they just may know a bio-processor technology company that offers social distancing protective measures to follow against these power towers. Maybe they have a mask? Body suits? Home coverings? Who knows?

Instead of researching vaccines, I believe it’s time to fund research on How to verify the effect on a person’s physiological condition after interacting with electromagnetic radiation of one type or another. But I’m sure President Trump is already doing that.

Dianne Marshall


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