
woensdag 17 maart 2021

There is so much happening in the background.


There is so much happening in the background. So much that We are NOT able to see with our physical eyes.  

Now with our Third Eye… that is another story. And many of us are Aware… using our discernment… when We hear things or read things of what resonates TRUE for us… and that is what is important.  

That is what Discernment is all about. What Resonates as TRUTH.

NOW… with that innerstanding… there is this one… President Trump… that is very much Still in Control.

President Trump is going to Create a BIG ROAR!... Something BIG is Coming!

There are many Expressions that are Happening BEhind the Scenes. 

Many things that are a part of the illusion… and many things that are BEyond the illusion that We will BEgin to Hear about and KNOW more Fully of what is occurring VERY SOON. 

And NOW… yes… Trump did travel to Switzerland… and is in process of Bringing the WORLD TOGETHER.  

And it is in Process of HAPPENING… again BEhind the Scenes… BEyond the illusion. 

We Must Look BEyond the illusion. BEyond the illusion that those of the dark forces are still attempting to hold us into.

They want Humanity to stay in this illusion BEcause they are in the illusion… and they CANNOT Leave it.  

You see… WE CAN Leave it. But They CANNOT. Because they are NOT of that HIGHER Vibration… Nor will they choose to BE.  

NOW that could change. They could capitulate and change and want to come into the LIGHT. And they would BE more than Welcome to come into the LIGHT. 

But it does NOT appear so that they are going to BE willing to do that.

So therefore… they continue the illusion. We MUST look BEyond the illusion. And there are so many things that are Happening BEyond the illusion at this point.

As to the direct Purpose for All that… Just think in terms of “WORLD IS CHANGING” for the BETTER!

Everything is Leading to Great Exposure and Realization. As transiting Jupiter BEgins to transit in Aquarius the TRUTH will definitely come out for EVERYONE.

Some important Announcements are Coming Up and will Shock many people on the planet.

At the Time of the Announcements there will BE a lot of confusion. 

WE will then BE able to help Others get out of this State of Confusion - helping to Reach Clarity - and Innerstand that everything that Happens for a DIVINE Reason and BEcause it is All Orchestrated.

Nothing is left to Chance.

Everything is Coming NOW! 

There is so Much that is Changing… right NOW… with All of Us. 

This will eventually bring BALANCE to the World. This is what the DIVINE LAW wants us to See. 

Once this is Clear WE can Create a BETTER New World for Humanity. 

But of course… as the deeply hidden TRUTHS are revealed during next couple of Months… a much BETTER World without all the corruption and deception will Unfold. 

Remember this could NOT all Happen unless the current leaders were not put into play to reveal the TRUTH. 

Everything is Happening for a DIVINE Reason. 

And Remember… CALM is a Super Power... and WE are doing this Together as WE meant to BE.

The BEST is Yet to COME!

The Victory of the LIGHT!


With Sacred LOVE of ONE. 
Pars Kutay

~ 💜 ~

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