
woensdag 28 april 2021

PCR-teststaafje deeltjes kunnen als asbest in het lichaam werken

PCR-teststaafje deeltjes kunnen als asbest in het lichaam werken

Experimenteel fysicus en biomaterialen-onderzoeker Prof. Antonietta Gatti heeft verschillende PCR-teststaafje onder de microscoop onderzocht en de bestanddelen ervan geanalyseerd. Het irriterende resultaat: ze zijn gemaakt van harde materialen en bevatten een groot aantal (nano-)deeltjes van zilver, aluminium, titanium, glasvezels enz. – waarvan sommige niet in de bijsluiter worden vermeld. Als deze in het slijmvlies terechtkomen, kunnen zij wonden en ontstekingen veroorzaken, aldus de wetenschapper.

2020News heeft van KNO-artsen vernomen dat zij een verhoogde verharding van de slijmvliezen opmerken bij mensen die vaak worden getest op SARS-CoV-2. Slijmvliezen die niet langer intact zijn, kunnen niet langer virussen, bacteriën en schimmels bestrijden voordat ze de luchtwegen bereiken, zoals kinderarts Eugen Janzen ook meldt. De ziektekiemen dringen zo de luchtwegen binnen zonder immuunfilter. Bijzonder problematisch in deze context: het warme ademvocht onder de maskers is de ideale broedplaats voor ziektekiemen van allerlei aard.

In het laboratorium heeft Prof. Gatti met behulp van elektronenmicroscopie (ESEM en EDS) verschillende soorten uitstrijkjes geanalyseerd die worden gebruikt voor het verzamelen van menselijk organisch materiaal voor PCR-diagnostiek om de morfologie en de chemische samenstelling te controleren.


Prof. Gatti kon niet vaststellen of een “katoenen” teststaafje van het bedrijf Biocomma in Shenzhen, China, gemaakt was van koolstof of katoen. De onzuiverheden in het product bestonden uit calciumcarbonaat, roestvrij staal of silicaten.


Een borstelachtig teststaafje van de firma Manta uit China vertoonde een groot aantal gebroken vezels. Koolstof, zuurstof, silicium, zirkonium, zwavel, aluminium, titaan en natrium bleken in het monster aanwezig te zijn.


Een ander wattenstaafje van Biocomma bleek te zijn gemaakt van glasvezels of ten minste een coating van glasvezels te hebben. De componenten waren koolstof, zuurstof, aluminium, silicium en titanium. Het kon niet worden uitgesloten dat er ook nog een laag organisch materiaal aanwezig was.

FLOQSwab® van Nylon®
Beeld van de hals van het teststaafje

De punt van de applicator van een andere teststaaf – FLOQSwabs® – was bekleed met korte Nylon® vezels die verticaal waren gerangschikt. FLOQSwabs® hebben geen binnenkern die het monster omsluit.

Volgens de analyse van Prof. Gatti zijn de kleine witte puntjes op de foto van de hals van het wattenstaafje nanodeeltjes van zilver: “Zilver is een materiaal dat niet wordt vermeld in het gegevensblad van de fabrikant”.

Prof. Gatti schrijft:

“Het bedrijf legt uit dat de vezelkern is gemaakt van nylon met een coating van een gepatenteerd materiaal dat in de analyse silicaat-zirkonium-titanium blijkt te zijn. Deze coating maakt de vezel harder, zodat deze het slijmvlies kan scheuren. De kans bestaat dat de druk die wordt uitgeoefend tijdens de uitstrijkmanoeuvres, sommige vezels kan breken die in het uitstrijkje verblijven. Wanneer dit gebeurt, kunnen ze een reactie op een vreemd lichaam veroorzaken die het slijmvlies zodanig kan beschadigen dat ademhaling en spraak worden belemmerd”.

Prof. Gatti concludeert het volgende:

“De “stekelvarken”-wattenstaafjes zijn gemaakt van harde vezels. Wanneer zij over het neusslijmvlies schrapen, kunnen zij het beschadigen en een bloedende laesie of in elk geval een trauma aan het weefsel veroorzaken.

Tijdens het genezingsproces van het slijmvlies kunnen de gebroken vezels het weefsel binnendringen zonder dat het mogelijk is ze te verwijderen, waardoor een granuloom of fibrotisch weefsel wordt gevormd, zoals met elk vreemd voorwerp gebeurt.

De onderzochte medische hulpmiddelen zijn niet volledig biocompatibel en voldoen derhalve niet aan de eisen van ISO-norm 10993 en de tests die vereist zijn om het CE-merkteken te verkrijgen”.


  • Sommige uitstrijkjes blijken gevaarlijk te zijn voor het nasofaryngeale slijmvlies. De glasachtige vezels, hard en bros, kunnen het slijmvlies beschadigen en letsels veroorzaken. Bloeden is een weerspiegeling van de invasiviteit van de test.
  • Herhaalde tests met uitstrijkjes kunnen chronische laesies opleveren. Het vrijkomen van fragmenten van de broze glasvezels kan biologische reacties veroorzaken, zoals granulomen en/of fibrose van het weefsel.
  • Deze uitstrijkjes vormen een risico voor de gezondheid van zuigelingen en kinderen. Als de tests nodig zijn, aldus Prof. Gatti, moeten bij kinderen kleine en milde uitstrijkjes worden gemaakt.

Bewering: PCR teststaafjes kunnen “stervormige microdevices” bevatten die stiekem de “vaccin weifelaars” vaccineren

vrijdag 23 april 2021

De magnetische Noordpool is op drift: hoe de wereld er bij zou liggen na een ompoling

De magnetische Noordpool is op drift: hoe de wereld er bij zou liggen na een ompoling
null Beeld Getty - bewerking studio V

De magnetische noordpool trekt steeds sneller weg van de geografische en intussen wordt het aardmagneetveld zwakker. Stel nu eens dat dit leidt tot een ompoling, wat zou er dan gebeuren?

Is het baken van bergwandelaars, zeevaarders en piloten zelf aan een wereldreis begonnen? Die vraag dringt zich op, nu de magnetische noordpool met oplopende snelheid richting Siberië beweegt. Dat de noordpool zich verplaatst is weliswaar bekend, maar de afgelopen decennia ging dat wel erg rap: sinds 2000 nam de snelheid toe van 15 tot 55 kilometer per jaar. In 2019 moest de vijfjaarlijkse update van de magneetveldkaart zelfs met een jaar worden vervroegd om problemen voor de scheepvaart en het vliegverkeer te voorkomen.

Intussen neemt de sterkte van het aardmagneetveld af – de afgelopen vijfhonderd jaar gemiddeld met zo’n 25 procent. Eind vorig jaar nog stelden wetenschappers van de Nasa vast dat een grote zwakke plek in ons magneetveld – de Zuid-Atlantische Anomalie, die zich uitstrekt over Zuid-Amerika en de Zuid-Atlantische Oceaan – steeds zwakker en groter wordt.

Hoe gaat dit verder? Staan we aan de vooravond van een magnetische ompoling, waarbij het magneetveld eerst verzwakt en daarna de noord- en zuidpool van plek wisselen? Dergelijke ompolingen komen eens in de 200- tot 300 duizend jaar voor, weten aardwetenschappers, en de laatste keer is al 780 duizend jaar geleden.

Reden genoeg om eens te inventariseren wat er zou gebeuren als we zo’n ompoling voor onze kiezen krijgen en het magneetveld tijdelijk tot een minimum wordt gereduceerd.

Het aardmagneetveld

Ongeveer 2900 kilometer onder onze voeten, in de kern van de aarde, kolkt een enorme massa van gesmolten ijzer en nikkel rond een vaste ijzeren bol. Hier wordt het aardmagneetveld opgewekt, dat zich uitstrekt tot op tienduizenden kilometers van het aardoppervlak. Wervelingen in de gesmolten ijzermassa leiden tot langzame veranderingen in het magneetveld. Hoe een ompoling exact in zijn werk gaat is niet bekend.

Iedereen gaat verdwalen

Vogels, gevechtsvliegtuigen, padvinders, zeeschildpadden… iedereen die gebruikmaakt van een (al dan niet inwendig) kompas gaat zwalken over de aarde. Het kompas elke dag een beetje bijstellen is geen oplossing. Het aardmagneetveld wordt een complete chaos, voorspelt aardwetenschapper Liz van Grinsven van de Universiteit Utrecht: ‘Tijdens een omkering verandert het veld in een verzameling lukraak over de aarde verspreide noord- en zuidpooltjes, die het kompas elke keer een andere kant op laten wijzen.’

De aarde gedraagt zich op het eerste gezicht weliswaar alsof de aardas een gigantische staafmagneet is, maar daarachter schuilt een complex systeem vol kleinschalige variaties, zegt Van Grinsven. Zodra het hoofdsignaal verzwakt, worden de plaatselijke signalen zichtbaarder – net zoals een voortkruipende stoet bij de avondvierdaagse, zodra deze stilvalt, uit een verzameling alle kanten op stuivende kinderen blijkt te bestaan.

Gelukkig gebruikt veel van onze navigatieapparatuur niet het magneetveld maar de positie van satellieten als referentiekader. Hoewel, gelukkig…

In 2016 lanceerden Japanse wetenschappers een gloednieuwe en met peperdure apparatuur volgeladen satelliet, om zwarte gaten en andere galactische verschijnselen te observeren. Vijf weken hield de satelliet het vol, om op het moment dat hij de Zuid-Atlantische Anomalie passeerde als een dolle rond te gaan tollen en in stukken te breken. De reden: een storing in de navigatie, die werd versterkt door een fout in de software aan boord. De storing was een gevolg van het verzwakte magneetveld ter plekke, dat niet genoeg bescherming bood tegen elektromagnetische straling uit de ruimte. ‘Normaliter houdt men hier rekening mee bij het ontwerp’, vertelt aardwetenschapper Lennart de Groot van de Universiteit Utrecht, ‘en worden satellieten die de anomalie passeren daarna standaard gereset’. Als het aardmagneetveld verzwakt vanwege een ompoling is het effect veel groter, en zullen satellieten beschadigd raken of zelfs uitvallen.

null Beeld Volkskrant Infographics
Beeld Volkskrant Infographics

We worden allemaal ziek (of niet)

De aarde wordt vanuit de ruimte gebombardeerd door elektromagnetisch geladen deeltjes. Het magneetveld is het schild dat deze deeltjes voor ons tegenhoudt. En als dat verzwakt? Krijgen we dan allemaal stralingsziekte, of moeten we ruimtepakken aan? ‘Nee hoor’, zegt De Groot. ‘Wie daar bang voor is, moet meteen ophouden zijn mobieltje te gebruiken. Daarmee stel je jezelf bloot aan een vergelijkbare dosis.’

Wel is er een ander probleem: de deeltjes vreten – via een kettingreactie van chemische omzettingen – de ozonlaag aan. Als die dunner wordt, kan ook de uv-straling van de zon ons makkelijker bereiken. Die is wel schadelijk en vergroot de kans op kanker. Dat zien we in Australië, waar de ozonlaag dunner is dan elders.

In 2010 opperden twee Franse onderzoekers in het vakblad Quaternary Science Reviews dit zelfs als mogelijke oorzaak van het uitsterven van de neanderthalers. Die verdwenen zo’n 42 duizend jaar geleden – precies in de periode dat de magnetische noordpool kortstondig op vakantie ging naar de zuidkant van de aardbol. Tijdens deze gebeurtenis (bekend als de Laschamps-excursie) verzwakte het magneetveld tijdelijk tot er hooguit 6 procent over was.

Het klimaat gaat veranderen (maar niemand weet nog hoe)

Een eenduidig kledingadvies voor de ompolingsperiode is niet te geven. ‘Op sommige plekken wordt het warmer, op andere kouder’, zegt Ingrid Cnossen, aardwetenschapper en ruimteweerdeskundige van het Space Weather and Atmosphere team van de British Antarctic Survey.

Veranderingen in het aardmagneetveld veroorzaken elektrische stromen in de bovenste regionen van de ionosfeer, een atmosfeerlaag met een hoge concentratie geladen deeltjes, honderden kilometers boven het aardoppervlak. ‘Dat geeft temperatuurschommelingen, die leiden tot veranderende windpatronen, en dat beïnvloedt weer hoe de warmte hier beneden zich over de verschillende gebieden verdeelt’, vertelt Cnossen. Ze modelleerde het effect, maar de onzekerheden zijn groot, zegt ze. ‘Dus hoe warm of koud het precies wordt en waar op aarde de effecten het grootst zijn, valt eigenlijk nog niet te zeggen.’

Daar had een internationaal team wetenschappers in het wetenschappelijke tijdschrift Science onlangs minder moeite mee. Zij modelleerden het effect van de Laschamps-excursie op het klimaat van destijds, concludeerden dat de temperatuur in Noord-Amerika omlaag ging en in Europa en Australië juist omhoog, en koppelden dit in één moeite door aan het uitsterven van de reuzendieren op Australië (zoals de buidelleeuw en de twee meter hoge reuzenkangoeroe) en de neanderthalers in Europa.

‘Veel te kort door de bocht, en met onrealistische modelaannames’, reageerden experts in koor op de modellering – maar de redenering erachter klopt wel degelijk, zegt Cnossen. De Science-auteurs gingen ervan uit dat de ozonlaag dunner werd en dus minder warmte vasthield. Dat beïnvloedde de luchtstromingen op aarde. ‘Ook andere studies laten zien dat veranderingen in de ozonlaag tot veranderingen in circulatie leiden’, zegt Cnossen, ‘met plaatselijke temperatuurschommelingen van 1 of 2 graden als gevolg.’

En de uitstervingen zelf? Is het niet te opmerkelijk om toeval te zijn, dat het uitsterven van de Australische giganten, het verdwijnen van de neanderthalers en de excursie van de Noordpool gelijktijdig plaatsvonden? De Groot vindt van niet. ‘Als je het verband tussen de bekende uitstervingsgolven en magnetische ompolingen bekijkt, zie je dat deze maar een heel enkele keer samenvallen. Het zou pas echt opmerkelijk zijn als dat nooit het geval was.’

De energievoorziening komt in gevaar

In 1859 viel de telegraafverbinding tussen Europa en Amerika uit door kortsluiting. In 1989 zaten zes miljoen mensen in Canada negen uur zonder stroom omdat het elektriciteitsnetwerk door kortsluiting was uitgevallen. De reden was in beide gevallen een zonnestorm – een aanstormende bubbel zonneplasma die zowel een hoge concentratie geladen deeltjes als een magneetveld met zich meevoerde. Dit tast het aardmagneetveld aan en kan zo inductiestromen veroorzaken.

Het geeft een inkijkje in wat er kan gebeuren als het aardmagneetveld tijdens een ompoling verzwakt, zegt Van Grinsven. ‘Dan zullen ook de zwakkere zonnewinden dit soort problemen veroorzaken – en berg je maar als er dan een keer zo’n zware storm langskomt.’

De Groot: ‘Alles op aarde dat stroom kan geleiden, zal dat dan inderdaad gaan doen – of het nou elektriciteitsdraden, spoorwegrails of gasleidingen zijn.’ Oppassen dus: ontploffingsgevaar!

... Of kunt u toch rustig slapen?

Al in paniek geraakt? Niet nodig, zegt De Groot: ’De beweging van de Noordpool kan net zo goed het begin van een nieuwe ompoling zijn als een ommetje dat morgen weer is afgelopen.’ Dat laatste acht hij een stuk waarschijnlijker. ‘Want de absolute sterkte van het magneetveld zit nog altijd ruim boven het gemiddelde van de afgelopen miljoenen jaren en benadert de waarde voor een omkering niet eens.’

Ook een mailtje naar geofysicus Brian Meyer van de National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), waar ze de magnetische polen nauwlettend in de gaten houden, stelt gerust. ‘Afgelopen jaar is de snelheid van de Noordpool weer iets gedaald’, mailt hij terug, ‘namelijk tot 41 kilometer per jaar.’

Met die snelheid bereikt hij weliswaar al over een kleine vijfhonderd jaar de overkant – maar voor hetzelfde geld begint hij al over een aantal maanden aan de terugtocht.

woensdag 21 april 2021

LAATSTE NIEUWS 17/04 Insidersclub WWG1WGA

LAATSTE NIEUWS 17/04 Insidersclub WWG1WGA❤️🧡💛💚💙💜🖤🙏😇😍

Deze keer was Danielle Stotijn aanwezig bij de Insidersclub. Zij kon op heel wat punten een mooie aanvulling geven en wat meer diepgang over wat er de afgelopen dagen zoal gebeurd is. Gemiddeld zijn er ongeveer 2.000 volgers bij deze webinars en het is de bedoeling dat de boodschap zo breed mogelijk gedeeld wordt. Het meest besproken nieuws was dat Ivanka Trump haar "shot" kreeg. Veel ah's en oh's en het was niet meteen duidelijk wat we nu precies gezien hebben. Als je wat verder kijkt, dan kon je de QR code in de foto scannen en dan kwam je op een Q platform terecht. En dan kon je de boodschap lezen, dat ze tegen de vaccinaties zijn. Maar daar moet je wel echte decoder voor zijn om daar achter te komen. Makkelijker zou zijn, dat ze rechtuit zeggen, dat ze tegen de vaccinaties zijn, zodat het meteen duidelijk is. Maar... we zitten in een oorlog en dan geef je jezelf niet meteen bloot aan de tegenstander. Dan geef je ze de illusie, dat je aan hun kant staat. Natuurlijk zullen er dan ook eigen mensen zijn, die denken, dat de vaccinaties goed zijn, maar zo is het nu eenmaal in een oorlog. Er vallen helaas ook slachtoffers. Daar ontkom je niet aan. Wat wel opvallend is, is dat de piek in het aantal doden momenteel veroorzaakt wordt door de vaccinaties en dat zoals in Nederland door Mark R. ook in het openbaar gebracht wordt, dat de vaccins meer doden veroorzaken, dan de ziekte zelf. Dat is een kleine aanwijzing(een klein stukje in de puzzel) dat aangeeft, dat we naar het kantelpunt gaan. 
Hoe sneller je deze boodschappen op waarde kunt schatten en ziet dat er beweging is, hoe beter je intuïtie werkt. Of hoe meer je bij 5D bent. Het geeft niet dat dit nu nog niet lukt. Oefening baart kunst. Het is zeker op dit moment zaak om niet zo maar alles te geloven en goed zelf onderzoek te blijven doen, want er wordt veel met desinformatie gestrooid door beide partijen. En het is niet handig om niet te luisteren als een ander een iets andere mening heeft. Dan kan het zijn, dat je jezelf nog een iets te "linkse" mentaliteit aangenomen hebt. Het ligt dan bij jezelf om je "Moral Compass" goed in balans te houden. Het is goed om af en toe even een stapje terug te doen om te kijken of en hoe de boodschap in het geheel past. Een helicopter view, zeg maar. Dan kun je er snel weer achter moment of je op de juiste tijdlijn zit. Die van de Great Awakening en niet die van Klaus S. 
Wat je momenteel ook ziet, is dat er al opener gecommuniceerd wordt in de MSM. Meer boodschappen worden van het donker in het Licht getrokken. Zoals de boodschap in een Spaanse krant, dat mondkapjes al binnen een uur schade berokkenen.  
Verder zagen we de afgelopen dagen een heel krachtige toespraak van Lin Wood in Tulsa, Amerika(zelf wil ik die van General Flynn en Mike Lindell er graag aan toevoegen en de toelichting van Jim Caviezel op de film "Sound of Freedom").  Afgelopen donderdag kwam het bericht, dat HRC veroordeeld was door een militair tribunaal op meerdere gronden. Ook werd op die dag de Commander in Chief, President Trump, uitgenodigd door het Pentagon(Department of Defence). Dat zal niet zonder reden zijn. Twitter ging voor 17 seconden uit de lucht. En er gebeurde nog het nodige op de 17e april. Dat waren ten eerste de net genoemde toespraken, maar ook was de begrafenis van Prins Philip. Er wordt veel gewerkt met numerologie door zowel White Hats als Black Hats. Zo is de 17e april ook de 99e dag van het jaar voor de 99 jarige Prins Philip, die zogenaamd op de 9e april overleed. 
Er werd deze week ook nog een filmpje gedeeld, dat een Japanse minister met een zak in de hand liep met daarop "Trump 2024".  Hij was op visite bij Kamela H. (Dit is overigens een gefaked filmpje.) Wel is dit weer een goed voorbeeld, dat aangeeft dat Joe B. en Kamela H. niet de leiding hebben, want deze Japanse minister is niet volgens protocol ontvangen. Heel asociaal zelfs.  
Ook wordt de illusie gewekt dat een WW III aanstaande is, terwijl de media daar opmerkelijk genoeg niets over vertelt. Dit hoort volgens Charlie overigens bij de "show", wat niet wil zeggen dat er niets zal gebeuren. Er zal toch nog iets gaan gebeuren als een "scare event". Daar kunnen we nu nog niet een echt voorbeeld van geven.
Het lijkt er overigens wel op of de tijlijnen van "wakkeren"  en "slapenden" steeds dichter bij elkaar komen.
Zoals jullie wellicht nog weten volgt Charlie graag vliegtuig-bewegingen, als hij 's morgens vroeg opstaat. Heel opvallend was een vliegtuig dat uit Balharbor(BHB), Amerika kwam en op 2 adressen in Spanje landde. Dit is een heel groot militair vliegtuig, dat in de lucht begeleid werd door nog een groot militair vliegtuig. Er gebeurt nog steeds voldoende achter de schermen.
Ten aanzien van de RV en het QFS kan gezegd worden, dat er 27 tests uitgevoerd zijn en dat er aan het licht kwam, dat inbreuk gemaakt was in het systeem. Oftewel nog niet waterdicht. Gelukkig is dit ondervangen en is niet meteen alles wereldwijd opengesteld. Want dan zouden de rapen gaar zijn. Dit soort zaken worden er nog steeds uitgefilterd. Dat er ook op dit gebied het nodige gebeurt, mag blijken uit het feit dat de SEC de zaak tegen XRP heeft laten vallen en dat XRP een heel grote stijging in waarde heeft gehad de afgelopen week. De Ripple techniek is in feite de nieuwe standaard en "lichtjaren" de tijd vooruit. Ook het feit dat Raul Castro, broer van Fidel, terug getreden is, geeft aan dat er weer een stap de goed kant op gezet is.
De RV en QFS zijn steeds beter onder controle. Charlie klapte uit de school door een geheimpje met ons te delen en iets preciezer te zijn hoe we er voorstaan. Als in het totale proces, en dan praten we niet alleen over de RV en QFS, alle punten voor 60% afgevinkt zijn, dan is het "gaan met die banaan". En momenteel zitten we op zo'n 56%. 
De timing zal perfect zijn, daar mogen we met z'n allen vanuit gaan. Het is God's timing.
Er zijn ook nog een aantal vragen gesteld door deelnemers van de webinar, die verder niet zoveel toevoegen bij wat wij allemaal al weten. Twee puntjes. De militairen zijn een "goedje" aan het ontwikkelen waarmee de effecten van de vaccinaties terug gedraaid kunnen worden. Het bloed wordt daarmee gereinigd. Dit zal gaan werken i.c.m. de med beds. En zeker voor hen die gedwongen werden de vaccinaties te nemen, kan dit een heel mooi middel zijn. Een andere vraag had ook betrekking op de med beds. Of er nog levens- en ziektekostenverzekeringen nodig waren? In feite niet, zo is gezegd. 
Charlie mag helaas niet teveel informatie naar buiten brengen, omdat hij anders zelf geen informatie meer krijgt. En dan hebben we allemaal niets. Hij heeft zelf momenteel 2 focuspunten waar hij zich helemaal op concentreert. En dat zijn het QFS en de "military". 
Wat wij zelf kunnen doen, is kijken wat er NU al kan gebeuren en niet wachten tot de boodschap "GO" komt. Als je afwacht, dan geef je al een stuk autoriteit uit handen en dan kun je jezelf tekort doen. Het zijn soms kleine dingen die je zelf al kunt doen om meer bewustzijn bij anderen te creëren, zoals bijvoorbeeld het niet dragen van een mondmasker. (Alhoewel ik denk, dat de meesten, die dit lezen al geen mondmasker dragen.) Wat belangrijk is om te weten, is dat we samen sterker zijn en daar hebben we geen 1,5 meter afstand voor nodig. Om die laatste 4% sneller voor elkaar te krijgen, is het nodig dat we alle betrokken partijen meenemen in onze gedachten, in ons gebed, in onze meditatie. Hiermee brengen wij het collectieve bewustzijn op een hoger plan. En vragen om hulp voor hen en een goede afloop van het plan.( De werking hiervan is wetenschappelijk bewezen).🙏😇😍

dinsdag 20 april 2021

The Freeman Bloodline

An Illuminati News Sponsor

The Freeman Bloodline


The amazing thing about this family is that it is not a family that people would have thought of as being one of the top thirteen; however, for me as a researcher of the elite and the Satanic hierarchy, the name pops up with surprising frequency. For instance, Stephen M. Freeman runs the Legal Affairs Dept. of the Civil Rights Division of the Anti-Defamation League (which is a daughter of the B’nai B’rith). The ADL is a dangerous organization controlled by the hierarchy. The illuminati drug money to fund this organization. Another Freeman is Walter Freeman who introduced the lobotomy into the U.S. with James W. Watts in 1936. The frontal lobotomy was a brutal method of mind control, that has been permitted to be done to us, under the disguise that it is of benefit to humanity. Then there was Simon Freeman an important intelligence officer. And the list goes on of people that are in key places with the Freeman name. But the most important position of all which removes all doubt that the family is at the top is that the late Grand Master of the Prieure de Sion was Gaylord Freeman.

Independent discoverers of The PRIEURE DE SION

What is the Prieure de Sion? Are we sure it exists? How does this relate to the hierarchy? The Prieure de Sion (Priory of Zion) was unknown to the general public until 1982 when a book co-authored by Michael Baigent, Richard Leigh, and Henry Lincoln came out. The book was entitled Holy Blood, Holy Grail and it offered historical proof that an organization called the Prieure de Sion was powerful and had existed since the time of the early crusades (1099 A.D.). In 1991, I came out a little more information on the Prieure de Sion. The organization is so little known to even my readership, that we need to stop and really examine the Prieure de Slon.

In trying to figure out the mysteries surrounding this organization, Lincoln, Leigh and Baigent’s research led them to conclude that the holy bloodline that the Prieure de Sion guarded was the bloodline of Jesus. This immediately made all their research anathema (condemned and disliked) by the most of Christendom. I watched to see if Christians would refute the unbiblical parts of their research, but besides a couple of short articles (Christian Century, 9/1-8/82, - "Raiders of the Lost Grail" and Christianity Today, 9/3/82 - "Holy Blood, Holy Grail - holy mackerel") in Christian periodicals (in addition to this was a small book in England- The Holy Grail Revealed) which simplistically claimed that the book was of no value because obviously it was erroneous, no one even pretended to try to refute the book (as far as I know except for that English book which did pretend but didn’t refute anything.)

The authors went on to write two more popular historical exposes concerning the Prieure de Sion and Freemasonry (The Messianic Legacy and The Temple and The Lodge). Actually to be fair to the Christians, if I hadn’t already known from my research that much of the European information in Holy Blood. Holy Grail was correct, the wild religious speculation about Jesus in Part 3 may have caused me to doubt the book too. The first Christian author to pick up on the Prieure de Sion was J.R. Church who wrote Guardians of the Grail which built on Holy Blood. Holy Grail’s research in a constructive way and put more pieces of the puzzle together. At last a book was out that challenged some of the false ideas of Holy Blood, Holy Grail without blindly throwing their excellent research. While the public at large had never heard of the Prieure de Sion until Holy Blood. Holy Grail came out, the organization was written about in high level military intelligence briefings years before the book. Some of the men in high level intelligence have become concerned with the direction this nation is going. It is through such men that independent confirmation had leaked out even before the book. The information did get to some researchers. I came out with my Be Wise As Serpents book in 1991, which among other things covered the Prieure de Sion, after I had concluded that the evidence verified its existence.

I approached the issue from my own angle of research. In researching the Illuminati it became clear 1. that bloodlines were very important, 2. that the people in high level Satanism believe they are descendents of the House of David, 3. the Illuminati’s activities tied in in many ways to the Prieure de Sion. One startling tie in was that the Freeman family was, according to an informant, one of the top 13 Illuminati families. The ex-Illuminati people I received information from were not familiar with Holy Blood, Holy Grail nor Guardians of the Grail. Even if they had, which they definitely hadn’t, neither book mentions the Freeman family. It wasn’t until the researchers of Holy Blood, Holy Grail wrote their sequel The Messianic Legacy that was published in 1987 that the name Freeman came out as the leader of the Prieure de Sion.

In short the way the research of mine and others simultaneously from different angles came up independently with similar conclusions using totally different sources confirms beyond a doubt that the Prieure de Sion exists, and that the Freeman family is indeed a very powerful family. I have never spelled out in detail nil the proofs about the Prieure de Sion and the Freeman family, and even now I am not going to. To me the basics are facts, and I don’t want to get bogged down trying to prove the obvious, when there is so much more to learn. There are stubborn people whose minds will not come along no matter how much proof and encouragement. They will just have to stay where they are.


The original start of the Prieure de Sion appears to have been the idea of a number of powerful bloodlines, and included various descendents of the Merovingians, including the House of Lorraine, the House of Guise, the Medicis, Sforzas, the Estes, the Gonzagas, and the St. Clairs (Sinclairs). The Medicis are tied to the Black Nobility also. From the beginning the Prieure de Sion has been committed to Hermetic Magic (a type of black magic that originated with the ancient Egyptians and portrayed in the Egyptian Book of the Dead.) René d’ Anjou, a descendent of the Merovingians persuaded Cosimo de Medici to establish in c. 1444 a non-church library at San Marco where Plato, Pythagorean works, and books on Hermetic Magic were translated. Up until this time, the Catholic church had control of all the libraries.

It was from Cosimo dé Medici’s library that the spark of Greek and Egyptian teachings set off what developed into the Renaisannce, which was revival of humanism and the occult. It appears that during the Middle Ages, witchcraft and the mystery religions had seriously dissolved to the point that these modes of thought had to be relearned from the ancient writings. Interestingly, the Middle Ages when witchcraft and paganism were dissolving have been branded the ,,Dark Ages,, by the establishment, and inaccurately painted as a time when learning went out.. A magazine put out during W.W. II by Prieure de Sion members was Vaincre. The organization that took credit for the magazine was Alpha Galates. It carried articles on Atlantis, theosophy, Celtic wisdom, and other esoteric things.

The magazine also declared itself in favor of a United Europe. Robert Schuman who was associated with the magazine Vaincre, later become a leading architect of the EEC. An internal magazine for Prieure de Sion members is CIRCUIT (the acronym for Chivalry of Catholic Rules and Institutions of the Independent and Traditionalist Union. A 1956 issue of CIRCUIT promotes the use of a 13-sign zodiac rather than the traditional 12. The 1959 series of CIRCUIT refer the reader toVaincre. The CIRCUIT magazine which claims to write its articles with ‘hidden meaning,, says this cryptically about the Prieure de Sion, "We are not strategists and we stand above all religious denominations, political perspectives and financial matters. We give to those who come to us moral aid and the indispensable manna of the spirit." Another article says, "...except through new methods and new men, for politics are dead. The curious fact remains that men do not wish to recognize this.

There exists only one question: economic organization." Dr. Otto von Hapsburg, a descendent of the Merovingians, and a Knights of Malta, headed Pan-Europa, an organization that has been working toward a U.S. of Europe. Their logo was a Celtic cross in a circle. The first point in time that the Prieure de Sion can be pinpointed is when Jerusalem was captured by the Crusaders and an abbey of monks that Peter the Hermit had belonged to was established in a building called the Abbey of Notre Dame de Mont de Sion just outside of Jerusalem. This abbey had an order that was called the Ordre de Sion. Over the centuries the Ordre de Sion has developed into what we have today as the Prieure de Sion (Priory of Zion in English). Bear in mind that the Ordre of Sion was visible for several centuries but has been totally secret after the 13th century.

It became semi-visible during the 1960s and 70s and became secret again in 1984. The group of monks that made up the original order were led by Ursus of the Merovingians. They were given a place at Orval in France until they apparently decided to move to the Holy Land. This order appears to have had the power behind the scenes to have been in the position to select who would sit on the throne at Jerusalem, and the initially selected their man Godofrey de Bouillon. The Ordre de Sion (Prieure de Sion) set up a military order called the Knights Templar. Louis VII of France became indebted to the Knights Templar, and in repayment of the help he had received he established some of the Ordre de Sion at the priory of St. Samson, along with establishing 26 men (2 groups of 13) at a small priory at the Mount of Sion, Orleans, France. In 1188, the Ordre de Sion let the Knights Templars apparently go their own way, which eventually was to trouble. The story of the Knights Templars is exceedingly interesting because it relates to the Satanic International Bankers of today. The Knights Templars became the first European wide International Bankers.

How their story fits into everything would take to long to tell at this point. At that time period when the Knights Templars took off on their own, the Ordre de Sion became the Prieure de Sion, and also used the names Ormus and Rose-Croix, The Prieure de Sion is intimately connected to the creation and guidance of the Rosicrucians and Freemasons. In the Be Wise As Serpents book, chapter 12 it talks about how the Prieure de Sion set up the Scottish Rite of Freemasonry.

In 1613, the House of Lorraine (part of the Prieure de Sion) joined with the House of Stuart. After that the Prieure de Sion began to display more interest in Scotland. Scotland was one of the few countries where the Knights Templars had thrived when the order was suppressed by the order of the Pope. Scotland also had several occult traditions operating. It was a hotbed of occult activity. Scotland and the Scottish people have played a very big role in the New World Order conspiracy for centuries. Meanwhile, when the Prieure de Sion went underground they established their archives in some secret rooms beneath the chapel of St. Catherine, at the castle at Gisors, northern France in the rue de Vienne. The archives were, according to reports, contained in 30 coffers. Secret tunnels connect the chapel with the local cemetery.

The Merovingian descendents and the Prieure de Sion have guarded the sacred blood line that Satan has built up. Their members are secretly scattered in key positions throughout society. Many of the descendents are unaware of their heritage. For instance, within the Sinclair family only certain branches have kept up their generational occult heritage, and are aware of what is going on. Family trees subdivide over the centuries until the Merovingian family tree has become a forest. The Houses of Hapsburg-Lorraine (whose titles are dukes of Lorraine and Kings of Jerusalem), Plantard, Luxembourg, Montpezat, Montesquiou, among many others including the Freeman family, and hundreds of others. Be Wise As Serpents revealed for the first time (as far as I know) how all the heads (presidents) of the LDS and RLDS have been descendents of the Merovingian dynasty, and they and the Masons have both used the Merovingian symbol, the bee.


In my research of high level Satanists, it became clear the the bloodline that was key in their minds was the House of David--not Jesus Christ’s lineage. I discovered that the House of David had set up a Kingdom in southern France. I discovered this while rummaging through history books on the Middle Ages. I came upon a book A Jewish Princedom in Feudal France 768-900. This book was the key for me to realize that the Merovingian dynasty which wove its bloodline into the royal bloods of Europe was Jewish in origin. When I read Holy Blood Holy Grail, it became apparent that the authors theory of Jesus’ bloodline had clouded their realization that the key was that the Prieure de Sion was of the House of David and was in this sense Jewish (although most of the Prieure de Sion are most likely not attending synagogues). Indeed the Grand Master of the Prieure de Sion Pierre Plantard de Saint-Clair told them so much. To quote the pertinent paragraph from The Messianic Legacy, p. 296, "At our meeting in April, 1982, M. Plantard adopted an ambivalent attitude towards our book [Holy Blood, Holy Grail].

On the whole, be endorsed it and offered to correct, for the French edition, certain vague or unclear references. At the same time, he would neither confirm nor deny our thesis that the Merovingian bloodline was descended from Jesus. There was no evidence either way, he said non-committally. It was ‘all too far in the past’, all ‘too long ago’. There were no reliable genealogies. Besides, Jesus had brothers. Nevertheless, he acknowledged the Merovingians to have been of Judaic descent, deriving from the royal line of David." The significance of this tremendous. It means that those people who have been saying that it is a Jewish conspiracy have been correct--even if some of these people saying these things may not be greatest characters.

This also opens the door as to why the top leaders of the Illuminati have been willing to work with the Askenazi Jews. In Be Wise As Serpents, I show from Masonic sources that there is indeed a big connection at the top with the Jewish leadership and the House of David and Freemasonry. The goals of Freemasonry are intertwined with the goals of the Prieure de Sion. There is a big danger in labeling the conspiracy "Jewish". When people label "Jewish" as "bad" it confuses more than clarifies. The Jewish people are not the enemy. Next, although many of the Satanic hierarchy claim to be from the House of David, they do not publicly proclaim themselves as Jews, in fact they may publicly take a negative posture toward the Jews, such as Lady Astor and some of the duPonts have been.

It is perhaps fine that Zionism be labelled evil. Zionism includes both Christians and Jews. To be a zionist is to identify oneself with a movement that the elite has set up and controlled for their purposes. Many in the Zionist movement are like common people everywhere, they want do to what is right, they have simply not gotten the bigger picture, and are being used. When two groups have some similarities but each want to keep their own identity they can be mortal rivals. One group that has been very easy for Satan to provoke against Christians is the Jews. Perhaps no group of people has hated Christians with more intensity. One of the first groups that Satan worked at controlling were the Jews. But to call the conspiracy Jewish is misleading.

The father of it all is Satan. It is Satanic, and it will use anyone it can. And God will use anyone too. How many of us have escaped helping one cause or another of the establishment or in being in some organization that the establishment was using? Let each of us examine ourselves and get our own lives in order. There is a song about violin that was going to auctioned off cheap until a master violinist picked it up and played a good tune on it. Don’t auction people off cheaply, the touch of the Master’s hand can turn anyone into a beautiful thing. Don’t reject anyone who will let the Master’s hand tune his life. This is a war against evil, not race. Not everyone of the most evil bloodlines is on the enemies’ side. Many are trying to serve the Lord. Likewise, just because the Freeman family is one of the top 13 Satanic families doesn’t mean that all or even most Freemans are part of the hierarchy.


From 1918 to 1963, Jean Cocteau was Grand Master of the Prieure de Sion. Following the unification of the various powers into a secret NWO government in 1954, the Prieure de Sion had a major policy dispute. in 1963 with Cocteau’s death, Gaylord Freeman, helped by Antonio Merzagora and Pierre Plantard de Saint-Clair, governed the Prieure de Sion. In 1981, Pierre Plantard took over as Grand Master. In 1952, long before becoming Grand Master, Plantard de Saint-Clair transferred 100 million francs worth of gold ingots to Switzerland to the Union des Banques Suisses. When this was publicly revealed, he said that it was a legitimate move made for the French government. In 1955, several men associated with the Prieure de Sion obtained some old parchments two of which gave the Merovingian genealogies, and they used the british Notary of Royal Appointment Patrick Francis Jourdan Freeman (that’s one name) in relation to a request to the French government to take the old documents to London, England where they were kept at 39 Great Russell St. Later P.F.J. Freeman was used again the next year to request that the documents be allowed to stay in Engiand to be held in a safe deposit box at Lloyd’s Bank of Europe in London.

One of the men involved went by the name Captain Ronald Stansmore Nutting of London (born in Dublin, IR) who is reported by reliable sources to have been in British Intelligence MI5, and had sat on the board of directors of at least 14 companies, including Arthur Guinness and Guardian Assurance. He was chairman of the board of the British and Irish Steam Packet Company. He was also governor of the Bank of Ireland. One of Guardian Assurance’s departmental chairmen was also an MIS operative besides Capt. Nutting. Another P.d.S. member who was with Nutting was Viscount Frederick Leathers, who was British Minister of War Transport during W.W. II. Viscount Leathers had a business associate and longtime friend Sir William

Stephenson, who was the wartime chief for MI6’s American branch office called BSC (British Security Coordination) in New York. Another friend of Leathers was Connop Guthrie also headed BSC for MI-6 in New York. Guthrie was a shipping executive. Due to internal trouble in the Prieure de SIon that resulted from a rule that members had to place a birth certificate and signature with the Priory, an Engiish faction created forgeries of birth certificates and signatures and in secret protest sent these as originals to France. PJ. Freeman then got involved in this act of defiance. Another division occurred between the French members and the Brit.-American members. The French wanted more of a role and some type of restoration of the monarchy in a United Europe. The Amer.-British members who far outnumbered the few french wanted to skip the monarchy idea. The Vatican and the Prieure de Sion (P.d.S. - my personal abbreviation) work together.

Apparently, the Vatican is given some type of minor kickback for their cooperation. John Drick, A. Robert Abboud, and Gaylord Freeman were three members of the Prieure de Sion that were associated with the First National Bank of Chicago. John Drick had started as an assistant cashier in 1944 and became a vice-president three years later. In 1969 Drick became both the president and one of the directors of the bank. He also was on the board of a number of other companies including, Stephan Chemical, MCA incorporated, Oak Industries, and Central Illinois Public Service. The Guardian Royal Exchange Assurance (the Guardian Assurance) in London where P.J. Freeman worked had shared a building with the First National Bank of Chicago which had Gaylord Freeman as chairman of the board of directors. In other words, the two businesses and the two Freemans all connected its seems to the Prieure de Sion, and then by other inferences all connected back to the hierarchy. Gaylord Freeman’s signature appeared on a Prieure de Sion document of Dec. 16, 1983. Gaylord Freeman never publicly admitted that he even knew anything about the P.d.S.


On the next page is a photocopy of the article that the New York Times ran when Gaylord (Gale) Freeman died. It has often been said if you want to know who really runs things, look at a man’s advisors. Now check this out, Gaylord Freeman never ran for any major political office--and the voting process is supposedly to get men who know what they are doing into once, and yet if you read the N.Y. Times biography you will read "Mr. Freeman...was frequently called on by Washington for advice and assistance.’ Yes, Presidents and Congressman called Gaylord Freeman for advice (instructions might be a better term), and yet most of us haven’t even heard of the man! Again for those who think that only the Rockefellers and Rothschilds are powerful families, let me ask, why weren’t they calling Rockefeller? Not only did the Presidents turn to Gaylord Freeman for advice (orders), they also turned to another member of the family, Roger A. Freeman.

Roger A. Freeman was a senior fellow at the Hoover Institute. (I suspect Roger was Jewish but the newspaper doesn’t say any religion.) The New York Times biographical news article that came out when Roger died is also put on the next page. Note that in the headline they emphasize that Roger Freeman played the role as advisor to 2 presidents. And yet I doubt that hardly any American has heard of him. One prominent Freeman, James D. Freeman has played a leadership role in Unity School. James Freeman has written at least six important books for Unity which they have published. Two of his works are Unity School and The Story of Unity. Had the article on spiritual warfare covered ritual sites in Kansas-Missouri I would have mentioned about the Unity School. Near (adjoining) the Unity School, in between Kansas City, Ks. and Kansas City, Mo. is a strip of wooded land. Little Ricky Rd. goes through this area, and the forest along Little Ricky Rd. has been used for Satanic rituals by a coven that was made up of adults not teenagers-Interestingly, a man who was part of the Unity School hierarchy, and came to Christ told me that the school secretly conducted Luciferian initiations and that Robert Schuler, 33° Mason, and leading Protestant clergyman knew all about Luciferian initiations being conducted there, yet Schuler went ahead and taught his principles of church growth to Unity School.

They call the school Unity School of Christianity but a more accurate name would be Unity School of Witchcraft. Many witches have in fact been associated with the Unity Church and are closely working with it to secretly destroy Christianity. I know from inside information that the hierarchy is sending orders to the school, so it would not surprise me if James D. Freeman was actually part of the Freeman family that is one of the top 13 Illuminati families. Some of the family are clearly Jewish, such as Ernest Robert Freeman, who lives in Maryland and is an important Jewish leader. He has been the dlr. of the Jewish Community Council in his area, and President of the Sachs/Freeman Assoc. The Sachs family also ties into the conspiracy so that is interesting. And Grace Freeman, who is Jewish, wrote Inside the Synagogue. Some of the Freemans are leaders in Christendom too. Lee Jackson Freeman is an American Baptist minister. He went to Union Theological Seminary, which is a totally ungodly place--they turn out socialists for graduates, etc. Lee Jackson Freeman was a member of the executive board of the national ministries of the American Baptist Church. He also served in the Ecumenical Ministries in his Scranton, PA area. R. Lexie Freeman is a Nashville, Tenn. Methodist pastor (Waverly Place) who is a Freemason.


There are obviously different unrelated family lines that have the last name Freeman. In the preliminary genealogical work that I have done I have found Freemans coming from England, France, Germany and Austria. Howard L. Freeman is a Christian author, who has written about how the economic system of our nation is ungodly. I wrote him a letter of inquiry about the Freeman family. He wrote me and told me that his family came from the English town of Barnstaple. And that the Freemans in that area treated him as a royal guest when he visited the area. He was shown around England over a 50 mile radius by the Freemans in England. His opinion was that his last name did not originate in Barnstaple, England. The history books record an M.P. (Member of Parliament) back in the times when our revolution was being plotted who was named Sambrooke Freeman (c. 1721-82). He was from Fawley Court, near Henley, in Berkshire. He went to Oxford. I do not know if the Freemans in Moriah (the Illuminati) are from England originally, but from the little clues I have that would be my first guess. If not England, then likely France. Mary Freeman of Marlborough, Wiltshire, England claimed back in 1988 that on 7/13/88, almost at midnight, that she, Mary Freeman, was leaving the ancient Druid stone circle at Avebury when she saw a UFO over Silbury Hill. Most people are interested In her UFO report--I'm curious why this Freeman lady was out late at night at some ancient Druid site.


Due to time restraints, I haven’t progressed as far in my research as I would like. However, I have been able to identify one Freeman in the Illuminati. He was Minnesota’s Gov. Orville Freeman who appointed Walter Mondale to the position of Attorney General when Walter was just 32 years old. Walter Mondale later enjoyed the status of being the only U.S. Senator on the Trilateral Commission. Walter Mondale went on to serve the Illuminati as U.S. Vice-president and Orville Freeman was appointed as a cabinet member for Kennedy’s and then Johnson’s administration. Another Freeman is listed on secret membership lists as joining the Order of Skull & Bones in 1869. See his picture which is reproduced. Don Freeman wrote books on witches, including Space Witch, and Tilly Witch. Another Freeman was instrumental in the O.T.O. being set up. For those who know about the O.T.O. (I’ve mentioned it in the past) it is hermetic magic and Satanism. Right here in Oregon, we have been watching some Freemans, because it appears that there are some Satanic coven members here in Oregon who are Freemans.


It is interesting to look at some of the titles that various Freemans have authored. Here is a sampling--see if some of these don’t sound like the authors could be potential candidates for being in a coven.

  • Martin Freeman--Forecasting Astrology (plus several other astrology books)
  • Richard B. Freeman--The Overeducated American
  • Michael Freeman--Cohabitation Without Marriage
  • Lucy Freeman--Listening to the Inner Self
  • Kathleen Freeman--books on the Greeks’ philosophy
  • A.V. Freeman--International Responsibility of States for Denial of Justice
  • Harold Freeman--Toward Socialism In America
  • Jo Freeman- books promoting ,,Women’s Liberation" such as Politics of Women’s Liberation and Women a Feminist Perspective

David F. Freeman wrote a Handbook on Private Foundations. That’s interesting because if anyone is skilled in creating foundations, especially private ones Its the Illuminati.

The Freeman family includes many lawyers, doctors, and psychiatrists. Some of the Freeman scientists are studying areas that are interesting. A.J. Freeman wrote on his area of expertise Magnetoelectric Interaction Phenomena in Crystals. Sounds like a subject people interacting with the UFOs might study.


Part of what I can do for the reader is to begin to give him or her a feel for how the Freeman family connects into the rest of things. This next section’s information will include information that only tangently relates to the Freemans, but is important to place them in the context of what is happening back stage out of the sight of the world’s eyes. The Freemans in the Satanic hierarchy in the U.S. work with the Illuminati families of the Collins and Wheeler families. Readers are already familiar with the Collins family, but not the Wheelers. Now let me explain who the Wheelers are, because I am trying to put some pieces of the puzzle in place for you. Gen. Earl Wheeler and his brother Leo Wheeler, a Grande Master of the Illuminati (see the top diagram pg. 14 1/1/93 newsletter), are secret Satanists and also 33° Freemasons. Leo Wheeler, by virtue of his Grande Master status in the satanic hierarchy has been able to visit the Dulce, N.M. underground facility. The route he used was to fly in, and then the last stretch is done in a black limousine. Various people in the Dulce area have occasionally spotted these VIP black limousines.

The Wheeler family has a long history of involvement with Satanism, and its genealogical history goes back to the House of David. An amazing clue (or an amazing coincidence) appears when we look at the genealogy of the Mormon leaders. (The Be Wise As Serpents book makes the connections of the Mormon leadership but it doesn’t appear that many have read or understood the significance. Maybe this here will help.) The top Mormon leadership (LDS & RLDS) all are related and descendants of the Merovingians, but for sake of discussion let us take Brigham Young. Brigham Young’s first name was Brigham. It was given to him because of the importance of the Brigham family. His grandmother was Sibil Brigham. Sibyls were prophetesses of the ancient world, and the name is a semi-common occult name. Brigham Young and his family practiced magic.

They were also intimately aware of their genealogy, which goes back to the Merovingian Dynasty! One wonders if it is coincidence that the Merovingians’ primary symbol--the bee is also the symbol for the Mormon church and Utah. Look at a Deseret Industries (Mormon thrift stores) building in your area and you will see the bee on their side. But not only does Brigham Young have Merovingian blood from at least two lines of blood (and possibly as many as 6 lines of blood back), but he also is related to the Collins family of Massachusetts that we wrote about in the 2/1/93 newsletter. Further, Brigham Young is also a blood relative of the Wheelers. This is the clue which is amazing. A. chart of all this is given on the next page. If Young’s Wheeler relatives are related to the Satanic Illuminati Wheelers, then we have an example of how 3 strains of top Satanic blood have interwoven and resulted in the birth of the Freemason, Witch, and President of the LDS Brigham Young. Perhaps the tie-in doesn’t exist, but it certainly is worthy of our examination.


There may be some disinformation put out on this by the other side after this comes out--so don’t be taken in by their establishment. As I have mentioned before, a descendent of Joseph Smith, Jr. who was Satanic Ritually Abuse victim, has quietly told certain people that her family is indeed a Satanic bloodline. Further, I have mentioned other confidential pieces of information about how the leaders of the Salt Lake City Mormon church (LDS) are working with the various parts of the Illuminati’s empire, incl. the Jehovah’s Witnesses. Although the public split occurred between Mormonism and Masonry before the Mormons went to Utah, that was only for public consumption. The leadership have coordinated activities. The Mormon religion is really a high rite of Freemasonry, and this explains why when the Mormons went to Utah, the Mormons held Masonic schools. (Hosea Stout mentions these Mormon Masonic schools in On The Mormon Frontier; The Diary of Hosea Stout, ed. by Juanita Brooks, 2 vols., Salt Lake City: Univ. of Utah Press, 1964, 2: 415, 423.) After going to Utah, Brigham Young contacted the chiefs of Freemasonry in England and proposed that Mormonism be granted a public charter to become its own Masonic Rite. The hierarchy told him no. After that Brigham Young began to publicly distance Mormonism from Masonry, and the Masons strangely broke many of their own rules to distance themselves publicly from Mormonism.

LDS apostle Reed Smoot was given permission to run for office by the LDS church. Pres. Harding appointed him to the World War Foreign Debt Commission, and he also seryed the elite as the chairman of the Senate Finance Committee. The War Finance Corp. just happened due to Smoots arranging it to gave the LDS church a $10 million loan. Marriner S. Eccles, of an old elite family, and a Mormon (and an Illuminatus) became Sec. of the Treasury in 1934, and was chairman of the Federal Reserve Board from ‘34-51. Ezra Taft Bensen, later the LDS President, was appointed Sec. of Agriculture. David B. Haight, a prominent Mormon was made the head of all the Mayors in the San Francisco area--the full title is "governor of the San Francisco Bay Area Council of Mayors." Mormon Charles C. Cox was put in charge of the Securities and Exchange as commissioner, I could go on listing some other Mormons who have been placed in key establishment positions. Why? Why are the Illuminati and their establishment not afraid of these Mormons who have leadership positions in the LDS church? This is a whole area I would love to explain but as this article is digressing from the Freemans, I need to return to subject being considered. The Lords of Anjou (part of the P.d.S.) were Plantagents and so was one of Brigham Young’s ancestors. if we go back through the Goddard and Gifford family ancestors. I am trying to get my readers to look behind the curtain of organizations that we publicly, and to see what is going on back stage. And then I am trying to show how the people back stage are related and know it.


We find the Freeman family popping up as t be Grand Master of the Prieure de Sion, as a co-rounder of the O.T.O., as a member of the Skull and Bones, as a powerful ADL member, as members of Satanic covens, and as authors. of occult books, as well as other suspicious things. It also should be mentioned that two of the Freemans have been very important advisors to the U.S. Presidents and many other high political leaders. The Freeman family has all the earmarks of being one of the top 13 Illuminati families as my confidential sources reveal.


In 1991. Pulitzer prize winner James B. Stewart, the front page editor of the Wall Street Journal, came out with his book Den of Thieves. The book is the detailed story of how major insiders on Wall Street were systematic crooks. The four biggest names of the insider-trading ring were Michael Milken, Ivan Boesky, Martin Siegel, and Dennis Levine. Robert Freeman worked with the ring, and ended up pleading guilty after the evidence cornered him. I am always suspicious of exposes of the establishment done by the establishment’s system. Often, the big crooks get away and the middie management take the blame. Take for instance, Iran-Contra. But Stewart’s book Den of Thieves may be helpful in our understanding the Freeman family better. The Freeman family is one of the top 13 Illuminati families.

At this time, there is nothing to tie Robert Freeman to Satanism, and that is not the purpose here. In an investigation, all the possible clues are collected. I am bringing my readership into this investigation of the top 13 families, and here is a possible suspect to make note of. Robert Freeman worked for the Jewish investment firm of Goldman, Sachs. Goldman, Sach’s headquarters. in on Broad St. In NY, NY. Just a short distance from Goldman, Sach’s trading floor in their headquarters building on the glass-enclosed 29th floor was Robert Freeman’s office. Robert Freeman was a graduate of Dartmouth. He liked to vacation in Colorado skiing with his family. He worked with Siegel and Boesky especially in his illegal insider deals. These insiders made millions off investors and would have made billions if they hadn’t been arrested. Freeman and Siegel made some complicated deals such as the Unocal and the Storer affairs. Boesky went to Russia after prison and offered his financial talents but was politely rebuffed. One of the men involved with the ring was Milken.

Milken’s influence had been a major factor behind the stock market recovery after Black Monday, 1987. That was Monday, Oct. 19, and the stock market plunged over 500 pts. that day. Milken convinced investors to invest in the stock market, and the Federal Reserve flooded the market with cash too to prevent a disaster. MIlken was (& maybe still is) a close friend of Mason Jessie Jackson. Milken is heralded by many prominent Jews even after his arrest as a great Jew. That’s not my opinion, a newspaper article will back that up. The Drexel firm associated with Milken was advised by the Federal Reserve, the SEC, the Treasury, and the Stock Exchange to declare bankruptcy with Chapter 11, which they did. Goldman and Sachs, both Jews, went to bat for Freeman, and hired private detectives to help his case. Kaye, Scholar in NY represented Freeman legally. Eventually Robert Freeman pleaded guilty and was given a four-month sentence which he served and was released on Aug. 30, 1990. The significant part is that Robert Freeman was someone who was one of the major players in the New York Stock Exchange. Robert Freeman is not to be confused with Ernest Robert Freeman who also is connected to the Sachs family, and was mentioned In the original article on the Freeman family (Mar. 15, 1993).

maandag 19 april 2021

How to Remove Chemtrail Toxicity/Nanotechnology from your body:

How to Remove Chemtrail Toxicity/Nanotechnology from your body:

1. Put a pinch of high vibe, nutritional sea salt, Redmond's real salt, bamboo salt, programmed with love, holding the intention of blocking nano proliferation, commanding the unbinding and the purging through feces and urine all nano particulates safely, without harm to your physiology, on your food and in your drinking water daily, each meal, each glass of water. Most important thing you can do!

2. Drink 1 ounce of apple cider vinegar in 1 cup of water, 3 times a day. If that's too strong, make two cups of water. 

3. Take 1/4 tsp of food grade aluminum free baking soda three times a day in freshly squeezed lemon water.

4. Take boron supplements as directed. 

5. Take Activated Charcoal two to three times daily with plenty of water. It's a binder and it constipates.

6. Liquid Zeolite to pull heavy metals. 

7. Take L Glutathione. Be gentle starting this for immune compromised folks. If you cant tolerate orally, take a capsule and insert vaginally or anally to let the amino acid get into your system and liver gently.

8. Foods high in natural L Glutathione is asparagus and globe artichokes. Bon appetite!

9. Golden Paste: Make and take golden paste three times a day. Google recipe. Make up. You can freeze extra. Great for inflammation, pain and so much more. 

10. Golden Milk: Add golden paste to coconut milk, goat milk, raw cow milk, almond milk made at home. Add cinnamon, clove, cardamom, cayenne, whatever else you desire. Drink before bed. Inflammation buster. Mucous buster. 

11. D3 with K2 daily.

12. Bentonite clay, take orally to extract toxins from bowels. 

13. Take chlorophyll. Chlorella is now very contaminated as is spirulina. Chlorophyll is cleaner.

14. Take diatomaceous earth but start slow for weakened bodies especially people riddled with candida. A dusting on the pinky to make sure you can tolerate it. 

15. Take oregano oil daily. 

16. Take oil of cilantro.

17. Use Manuka honey daily.

18. Put 2-4 drops of 35% food grade hydrogen peroxide in 1 liter of water and drink. This oxygenates the blood killing pathogens.

19. Take a high grade magnesium or use magnesium oil transdermally. 

20. Take a high grade trace mineral daily. 

21. Use Illumodine Iodine and Nascent Iodine. Suggested dose is 3-5 drops in 16oz of water, after 7 days this dosage can be safely doubled to 6-10 drops per 16oz of water.

22. Essiac Tea treats cancer, fungi, heavy metals, toxicity

23. Liquid Silica removes all sorts of pathogens from the body

24. Tea tree oil, 1 drop in manuka honey

25. Structured Silver in Suspension. Suggested dose is 2-3 drops per 1 liter of water, 2 times per day.

26. Take MMS

27. Take Fulvic Acids

28. Use colloidal silver especially nasal spray. 

29. CBD oil, high organic grade

30. Take food grade vitamin C daily. Tapioca is a great one from Pure Formulas.

31. Eat plenty of oranges, grapefruits, lemons and limes. Take the peels of any and all of the above. Dry. Grind in a coffee grinder with no coffee residue in it until powder. Put in a jar. Theres your perfect Vitamin C.

32. Water cleanse for 3 days. Just lemon in water or apple cider vinegar in water only for three days with trace minerals. 

33. Eat tons of sunchoke artichokes, organic. Wash. Grate. Add in freshly squeezed lemon juice and put in fridge, raw. Balances blood sugar levels and pulls radiation especially in this raw, predigested way. Eat at least 1 TBS before your meal or a small bowl between meals. 

34. Eat beets. Wash. Grate. Add lemon freshly squeezed. Refrigerate. Put on salads. On the side of food. In between meals. This heals everything especially the blood, liver, gallbladder so you can detox.

35. Eat one to two raw clove of garlic daily. Eat whole. Do NOT chew. Let it dissolve in your stomach slowly. If you must cut to swallow, cut, let it rest 1 minute. Drink down.

36. Use cayenne on everything. I put on most foods. It cleans liver and bowels. Habenara too. Blood cleanser.

37. In the morning, before you do anything else, make lemon tea. Bring water with 1/4 to 1/2 lemon with skin on, washed, in water to boil. Steep 20 minutes. Add 1 tsp of maple syrup. A pinch of cayenne pepper. Drink. Then, 

38. Oil Swish using coconut oil, sesame oil or cumin seed oil. Swish in your mouth for 20 minutes pulling over your tongue and up in your gums. Spit into toilet or outside. Daily. 

39. Juice daily. Citrus, apple, fruits, celery, carrots, beets, zucchini, cilantro, parsley, veges... and drink within 20 minutes completely. Eat the pulp, too. Put in soup, stew, on salads. 

40. Use cumin seed oil on salads, take separately, but take daily at least 1 TBS daily. Heals liver. Gallbladder. Colon. Body. 

41. Eat raw onions and garlic on salads and veges. If you cook garlic, wait until end. Turn off food from cooking. Put fresh garlic in. Plate. That's enough cooking garlic ever needs.

42. Boil fresh parsley in pot of water. Bring to rolling boil, simmer for 1 hour. Add extra water. When done, add lemon, maple syrup. Cool. Refrigerate. Drink. Great for kidney detox. 

43. Eat loads of raw cilantro or cilantro tea. Same as above. Just leave out lemon. Detoxes heavy metals. Make sofrito and use raw.

44. Put sliced onion on the soles of your feet for an hour up to overnight. This is a powerful detoxifier. Do not underestimate this. For children and autoimmune harmed, start with 30 minutes to an hour. Avoid exposures when doing this. 

45. Buy powdered clay. Add 1/4 to half cup to hot foot bath. Soak your feet in clay water for 30 minutes.

46. Powdered clay again. Mix a couple of TBS in warm water. Rub clay paste on neck, under arms, around breasts, around groin, bottom of feet - lymph nodes. Let dry. Shower off. Then dry brush.

47. Do a non fragranced Epsom salt foot bath. Add very hot water in a flat tub. Add 1/2 to 1 cup Epsom salts. Soak for 30 minutes to an hour adding hot water if water cools. 

48. Soak in a hot tub of epsom salts with body fully immersed. Soak 30 minutes to an hour. 

49. After toweling off from bath or shower, have in a spray bottle filled with reduced to 3% from food grade hydrogen peroxide. Spray on body lightly and rub in or if weakened, spray in air in front of you and walk through mist, naked. Dont dry off. Oxygenates blood killing parasites, fungus and more.

50. Dry brush lymphatic system gently, daily or three times a week, naked. Use shower brush and following YouTube tutorial, move those lymphs properly. 

51. Bounce on a rebounder daily for 20 minutes. 

52. Do castor packs over your liver three days in a row. On the third evening, take an ounce of pure olive oil and an ounce of squeezed lemon. Rest on right side. It'll purge your liver. 

53. Use castor oil over sore lymphs especially breasts ladies. Take hot shower. Mist with hydro peroxide. Rub castor oil over liver, or over breasts where lymphs are, or over colon. Dress in warm flannel or soft cotton. 

54. Do a master cleanse eating just fruits and vegetables for four days while doing castor packs over liver. Flush on the fourth or fifth day using pure olive oil and freshly squeezed lemon. NEVER take epsom salts as recommended. It's very dangerous. (See my master cleanse.) Do this once a month if strong enough. 

55. Get an ion foot bath (Ebay, amazon) and use it properly twice a week. I got up to doing it daily. It pulls toxins out through the pores of your feet. It's worth it. 

56. Do organic coffee enema. This cleanses the liver beautifully. (Find kits with coffee on amazon.)

57. Do colonics at home or by a 5 star colon hydrotherapist. 

58. Take Selenium. Phenom antioxidant. 

59. Milk thistle is a powerful plant that contains the compound silybin which supports the functioning of the liver, the organ responsible for detoxification.

60. For very weak kidneys: "home dialysis" For TWO WEEKS, TWICE a DAY: 

Take a 5 gallon clean bucket and fill with hot water. As hot as you can stand it. Add 1 cup fragrance free epsom salt. Put your legs in bucket with hot water as high as it can go. 

Wrap yourself in a warm blanket. Put on a hat. Soak in this hot water to knees until sweat breaks out on forehead. Remove feet. Twice a day is almost a good as dialysis. 

61. Put in a humidifier by your bed or desk, etcetera these ingredients for Lung Chemtrail Detox

•1 drop of 35% Hydrogen Peroxide
•4 drops of Zeolite (please see my review on Zeotrex)
•2 drops of MMS (Miracle Mineral Solution)
•Pinch of Sodium Borate (place in water container and shake until dissolved)
•4 drops of TriGuard Colloidal Silver
•1 drop of Oil of Oregano
•2 drops of Oil of Cilantro

62. Make sure everything you ingest, inhale and put on your skin is 100% organic, chemical free, metal free. Discontinue all fluoride items. Do not use ANY chemical cleaners, fragrances, soaps, make up, etc. 

If you dont want the skies poisoning you then stop poisoning yourself with toxic foods and products!

Do not do all at once. This is a comprehensive list of what to do to cleanse your body to purge chemtrail pollution and all pollution but you MUST discontinue poisoning yourself.

Sending Love in to this world

vrijdag 16 april 2021

Patriots and Frog Family

Patriots and Frog Family

Wow Patriotic frogs are you watching what is happening right now?   Juan O Savin told us in one of his videos that Washington DC would end up being  flooded.   Well yesterday the water started its trickle.  Today the water is seeping in faster.  Its been reported that the 3G dam has major cracks and starting to overflow.   China threatened United States yesterday.  Russia is building up their military on the Ukraine border.  Israel is tired of Iran’s threats.  Do you get it yet?   We have now set up for a WW3 nuclear scare event.   That is on our final checklist, remember???   The 3G dam is on the checklist too!  Hmmm stockmarket will tumble with it all.  So what are we waiting for?  Well I will give you a hint.  Pay attention to Joe Biden’s April 16th speech.  
Watch for this incredibly brilliant actor playing Biden pull off his most important acting role of his lifetime.   I was not told what but was told I am not to miss it!!!  I was told it will trigger lots of things.   So everyone make sure you have eyes on that!!

I do understand many are having a hard time waiting for all this to finally happen. All I can say is the storm IS here.  Whiplash347 on telegram set up some past historical happenings on specific April dates.   Scroll back to that post and read them. In doing the research for that post for him, April 16th was a very very wild day.   I came up with soooooo many pages of catastrophes for April 16th.  I didn’t even forward all those pages to DD.  So what I am trying to point out here is historically bad things always happened on April 16th compared to other dates (at least in April).  We also know that Q, Trump and John reminded us a few times that the ending is not for everyone.  Take that how you must.  Whiplash347 (Aka DD and Daniel Dowell) has told us that we should expect the Rod of God to be used on 34 locations throughout the planet.  They will be eliminating (blowing up) what is evil so we can reset the world.  I do know a few of the locations but havent figured out all of them yet.   Why the sites?  To rid the planet of all the tunnels and dumbs so they can never be used again.  To scorch the evil so we remember why.  

So hang on there a wee bit longer.  Yes, I dare to say this:Trust the plan!!! Trust Trump and the White Hats!!!  Trust in your fellow Patriots and Frog Family!!! But mostly trust in God because we now do know this was His plan!!!  God chose us to stand up and fight to save humanity.  We picked up the gantlet and did just that.  We know we win because God wins!  We do know since this is a war, a very atypical war but a war nonetheless, that many won’t survive.  Please be prepared for that.  This war has all been drawn out this long to awaken as many as possible and the last couple weeks scores of folks have been awakened but now the time has come for the grand finale.  So from what i have been told (remember i am only a messenger) please be ready because as Whiplash347 has played out on his post april 16-20th are huge dates.   Stay prepared!  Stay alert!  

I am currently experiencing trouble with my satellite internet so its difficult to post because everything times out.  If you frogs see anything that you feel the frog family should see please tag me so we keep up to date on the happenings.  Apparently the wind event we had skewed my dish so tomorrow i should be back to normal after the tech realigns it.  Thank you for your patience! 

Wwg1wga.  God bless you all.  Love you all.  Mar ❤️❤️❤️

Who is Deep State - Cabal - Illuminati - Elite?


Who is Deep State - Cabal - Illuminati - Elite?

How can this have happend?
Why didn,t we see this before?

Historical context
It is beyond the scope of this article to summarize Mediterranean area and the Near East up to the fall of the Western Roman Empire in AD 476. 
But this is how far back this all goes......

The Assyrian Empire, Phoenician Empire and Babylonian Empire are famed examples of the numerous ancient polities recorded by historians.

The Roman Empire display aspects of sovereign power structures that are broadly common to ancient and contemporary global power hierarchies. 
The Emperor was the ruler of the Roman Empire. Late period Roman Emperors held other titles such as Caesar and Pontifex Maximus. 

These titles share similarities with the Pope and British Sovereign. Queen Elizabeth 11 was the head of the modern Commonwealth Empire. 
Her office was the authority that approves the Head of the Church of England, also known as the Archbishop of Canterbury.

By constitutional authority, this office dismiss elected British Governments. Its overseas representatives, Governor Generals, dismiss the elected governments in sovereign modern-day nation-states such as Australia and Canada.

Modern context
With rare exception, sitting Heads of State of influential modern-day nations do not publicly admit that a Deep State apparatus rules over their sovereign land. 

No credible global power structure has publicly claimed to be the Deep State or a component of such an apparatus.
It was difficult to prove with adequate evidence that a contemporary Deep State ultimate power reins. If any such body exists, it would not want its structure to be public knowledge.....

Such admission would be confirming that the congress or parliament of multiple nation-states is a rubber stamp façade that has no true power as it answers to a higher authority.

This situation contradicts the Doctrine of Parliamentary Sovereignty that exists in most Western countries. 
According to this Doctrine, the elected congress is the highest authority in the land. 
It was all false evil illusion.

We the Critical-thinking researchers have used information to conduct our own research to further share knowledge to reveal the Deep State and the structures that this entity exhibits within all of our own nations, global regions and world order.

The Deep State has aggressively concealed the masterplan of its heinous agenda. 
The ratio of ‘We the People’ is around 100,000:1 (0.001%) in Western nations. 
Few people supported to have any role in crimes against humanity if they understood the masterplan.

The major way that the Deep State executes its sadistic agenda is by hiding the true roles that lower ranking public and private sector employees, i.e. pawns, contribute to their overall schemes. This grand agenda is shared only with those who need to know. Others are told the bare amount of information required to contribute to the masterplan. 
Sharing minimal details with pawns is known as ‘compartmentalization’. 

Figures attached are generic illustrations of this principle.

Lower rankings did not know that some sealed coffins flown home on military aircraft are loaded with Afghan opium for Deep Statists. 

Missionary nurses did not know that ‘life-saving’ vaccines they compassionately inject into Africans are deliberately loaded with HIV. 

Deep State criminals aimed to depopulate and financially rape resource rich Africa.

Deep State criminals aimed to depopulate and financially rape rich America.

Deep State criminals aimed to depopulate and financially rape rich Australia.

Deep State criminals aimed to depopulate and financially rape rich Asia.

Deep State criminals aimed to depopulate and control the whole world.

A repeat theme in Deep State diagrams shows citizens at the bottom of the hierarchy, based on socio-economic status. 
It was the aim to keep this bottom hierarchy; we the people, a sleep. 
They considred humanity as sheep slaves.

Attached you find an overleaf lists of the 15 institutions that were dominant in all underlying global power structures.

But to all this is now coming an end.

All institutions have been infiltrated by ‘white hat’ factions now. 

Humanity is liberated but most are still a sleep.

The silent war behind COVID to conquere the darkness has taken out the black hats.

Humanity will soon wake up to the huge changes that will reveal all of the evil darkness to realise all of the Light and heaven we are entering.

Deep State - Cabal - Illuminati - Elite are all gone.

Game over

Heaven on earth will be our reality

Pfizer-vaccin besmet met DNA dat in menselijk DNA kan worden geïntegreerd, zo blijkt uit onderzoek

Pfizer-vaccin besmet met DNA dat in menselijk DNA kan worden geïntegreerd, zo blijkt uit onderzoek Nadat ze je hadden verteld ...