URGENT! MILITARY INTEL: White Hats are Planning a Massive Move that Will Red-Pill the World on a Fast Grand Scale Operation. . . Trust The Plan!

Medeea Greere, an independent publisher, is now on Telegram at https://t.me/AMGNEWS2022 and exists only on reader support as we publish Truth, Freedom and Love for public awareness. Thank You for your support!

In an unprecedented turn of events, military intelligence sources have just revealed a game-changing operation orchestrated by the enigmatic “White Hats.” Buckle up, folks, because what you’re about to read is nothing short of explosive. Get ready to delve into a world where secrets are unveiled, power is challenged, and the truth is set to redefine our reality.

The world has never seen anything like this before. The stage is set, the players are in position, and the White Hats, a group shrouded in mystery and operating from the shadows, are gearing up for an audacious move that will leave no one untouched.

In an era where information is power, the White Hats have emerged as the unsung heroes of our time. Their mission? To expose corruption, dismantle deep-seated conspiracies, and awaken the masses to a harsh truth that has been carefully concealed for far too long.

In the darkest corners of society, the White Hats have meticulously gathered evidence, unraveled webs of deceit, and now stand poised to reveal the shocking extent of the global manipulation that has held us captive. This is not just another conspiracy theory; this is a grand-scale operation that will red-pill the world at an unprecedented speed.

Their audacious plan has been meticulously designed to bring down the corrupt power structures that have enslaved humanity for too long. The time has come for us to trust the plan, to put our faith in those who have dedicated their lives to uncovering the grim reality that has eluded us.

EXPOSURE of UKRAINE. BIDEN. HUNTERS LAPTOP, EPSTEIN, GHISLAINE MAXWELL, MI6, CIA, Mossad UN EXPOSURE. Why do you think they kept Ghislaine Maxwell alive and the CIA. Clintons. ROCKEFELLERS can’t retrieve her, get her set free or kill her? Who has the Epstein computers, servers data and FULL info?

Most don’t know but the U.S. military special forces breached Epstein Island weeks before the FBI raided the island.

If you are watching closely, you are seeing True EXPOSURE of OBAMA exposed by his own Biographer who said Obama talked of making love to men. Even Whistle blowers came forward of his gay activities dating back before he was president.

These non-coincidental events are leading up to full exposure of Obamas secret life, his marriage. Everything will connect to how the democratic leaders and party and CIA Programmed the world into a gay agenda that was planned back in the 1960s and even connects to public water (what’s in the water?)

The exposure of Justin Trudeau and his family heritage and linings are connected to CIA operations and honey traps .. His own mother was CIA created prostitute at the young age of 15 and had sex with Rolling Stones and famous people and politicians, by the age of 18 she married Justin Trudeau father’s Pierre Trudeau who was in his 50s (Who was a pedophile himself ) and both had Swingers parties and orgies through the world with politicians and Elites….

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The month that Justin Trudeau was born his family was just a hundred miles from Fidel Castro’ and the Trudeau(s) blocked all media on a secret weekend they went to Cuba (this is fact and has been reported)

In this very moment JUSTIN TRUDEAU was conceived and it was well-known that Pierre Trudeau was infertile and never had children even into his 50s … Months later after Justin Trudeau was born he was introduced to his real father Fidel Castro and photos were taken.

It is well known in the CIA. and top level Intel agencies that Arnold Schwarzenegger was CIA handled and was used also as an elite male prostitute as Was Justin Trudeau who was a male prostitute for the elites and was used in sex honeypot DS OPERATIONS and BLACKMAILED his way to the top through CIA/MI6 control ops to become prime minister.

It’s also well known the CIA/ George H.W. BUSH also used Obama as a prostitute and Obama was created long ago to become president, and use black communities as voters to sustain power for CIA As Trudeau now separates from his wife and the Canadian government actually once put out a public report insisting that Trudeau is not Castro’s son , .. The military ALLIANCE doors are closing in.

WARNING: The Vatican Demanded this Be Kept Under Lock and Key: “The Divine Prayer – One Minute Prayer From Biblical Times” – VIDEO BELOW:

The Law of War Unmasked: The Dark Secrets Behind DoD’s Updated Manual

In a world where the tides of warfare are ever-shifting, and transparency seems like a luxury, the DoD has dramatically updated its Law of War Manual as of July 31, 2023. But, what are they not telling us? Dive deep as we unravel the truth behind the revamped text, drawing the lines between law, conspiracy, and truth.

Section 1: Unmasking the Updated Law of War Manual

It’s been unveiled. In the shadows of the Department of Defense, a new chapter has been written. But what drives this sudden change? Why now? The updated Law of War Manual, as of July 31, 2023, may appear on the surface as a beacon of morality and ethics in the chaos of warfare, but the undercurrents suggest a deeper, more concerning narrative.

The DoD, in its endless maze of decisions and strategizing, decided that the current state of warfare necessitates a “substantial enhancement” of its discussions regarding targeting. The manual now says there’s a “legal duty” to presume all persons or objects are protected. But what’s the subtext? In an age where warfare has morphed from trench fights to cyber attacks, this new assertion can be seen as a protective cloak, shielding actions under the guise of legal jargon.

Section 2: The Law and the Loopholes

Consider this: the manual now emphasizes that personnel should “presume” that persons or objects are not valid targets unless indicated otherwise. But who decides these indications? How vague or specific is the criterion? The ambiguity is a playground for interpretation, an arena where truths can be bent and actions justified.

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Furthermore, while the Manual advocates for the “obligation to take feasible precautions” when verifying targets, it conveniently provides examples of “common precautionary measures.” This leads one to question, are these mere suggestions or a covert checklist of actions to undertake or avoid?

Section 3: Speed of Relevance – The Double-Edged Sword

The DoD is adamant in its stance. They want their commanders to make decisions “at the speed of relevance.” It’s a catchy phrase, isn’t it? But what does it truly mean? In the labyrinth of high-intensity conflicts, where a fraction of a second can mean life or death, what are the safeguards ensuring that this speed does not trample upon the sanctity of human rights?

Sure, they insist that commanders can act based on their “good-faith assessments” of the available information. But remember, history is written by the victors. When the smoke clears, how many of these good-faith decisions will be painted in the glorified colors of necessary wartime actions?

Section 4: Escaping the AI Overlords

We’re in an age where artificial intelligence, with its unblinking eye, lurks in every corner. The updates to the Manual might be a crafty move to avoid these AI detection tools, giving commanders the leeway to make calls without the interference or prying eyes of AI watchdogs. The freedom from AI might seem liberating, but it can equally be a freedom from accountability.

Section 5: The Dramatic Undertones – Personality or Propaganda?

There’s a certain charm, a personality even, in the way the DoD has presented this Manual. It seems compassionate, almost human in its approach. But behind the charismatic language lies a web of carefully spun narratives. Is it a genuine attempt at infusing human touch, or is it a calculated move to relate, resonate, and thus manipulate?

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 Between the Lines of War and Words

The updated Law of War Manual is more than just a document. It’s a statement, a proclamation, and possibly, a warning. While it promises transparency and ethics, the dramatic undertones, and aggressive stances suggest there’s more beneath the surface.

In the age of digital warfare, cyber espionage, and AI domination, the lines between right and wrong, ethical and unethical, transparent and opaque, are not just blurred – they’re constantly shifting. It’s up to us, the vigilant sentinels of truth, to keep questioning, probing, and unmasking the secrets that lie hidden in the gray.

Operation NCSWIC, Trump and Military Alliance, White Hats Grand Scale Operation

From the shimmering corridors of power in Washington to the secretive chambers of EU mandarins, and the quiet powerhouses in Ottawa, a seismic tremor is felt.

Operation NCSWIC: This isn’t just another classified operation. It’s heralded as ‘The Plan to Save the World – The Final War to End All Wars.’ On the surface, such a title might seem inflated or sensationalist. But the stakes? They’re real. The lives of tens of thousands, trapped in the clutches of a vast and intricate network of human and child traffickers, hang in the balance.

And it’s not just any network. It’s a nexus that entwines the loftiest peaks of world affairs, entertainment, social media, and most alarmingly, the very foundations of our governance. One can’t help but wonder: how deep does the rabbit hole go?

MILITARY GUIDED OPS: Directed primarily to police and investigation units spread across the U.S, Canada, and the EU, these operations are more than just rescue missions. They’re a quest to uncover the truth, expose the concealed, and shine a light on the most potent and malevolent forces that seek to play puppeteer with humanity’s destiny.

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There’s talk, whispers really, about seven cartel families nestled deep in Middle and South America. Their legacy, marked with violence and shadows, is about to be pivoted. Sources suggest a connection, a quid pro quo if you will, with none other than the former U.S. President, Donald Trump. The goal? Unmask the vast human trafficking regimens connected not just to rogue organizations, but ominously to global military and even the CIA.

The World Bank’s Disguised Hand: Money is the grease that turns the wheels of this nefarious enterprise. And where does this money trail lead? To the hallowed halls of global financial giants. Names are being whispered in hushed tones – with JP Morgan taking the lead. The same institution, it is alleged, that financed the notorious Jeffrey Epstein. Coincidence? One might argue so. But the sheer alignment of interests, the converging of paths, all seem to point to a larger, more intricate tapestry of deceit and control.

Behind The Scenes: While the world sleeps, wrapped in its cocoon of ignorance and daily mundanity, the backstage is a hive of activity. Operations are afoot, strategies being devised, and key players are making their moves on this global chessboard. The world is about to awaken to a reality that’s been carefully kept out of its sight. The realization that the very platforms and personalities they revered might be part of this dark nexus is a pill that’s going to be hard to swallow.

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The human trade epidemic is no longer a conspiracy restricted to the corners of dark web chat rooms. It’s out in the open, threatening to expose ties to the highest levels of government, world affairs, and even our beloved entertainment industry. Those who’ve remained dormant, choosing to turn a blind eye, might soon find themselves being forced to pick a side.

Because this isn’t just a story. It’s a battle cry. A call to arms. A final push against the powers that have for so long manipulated the narrative. As the world braces itself for this storm, one can’t help but think: Is this the final chapter, or just the beginning of an even darker saga?

Global Intrigue: When Theories Turn Truth

Secretive channels, undercover military cables, and a web of international deceit. Today, we dive deep into an unfolding saga that reveals what might be one of the most monumental political upheavals of our era.

1. The Enigmatic Web of Military Cables

When you hear about military cables, images of covert operations, encrypted messages, and clandestine meetings often come to mind. Yet, there’s a new narrative unfurling from these cables. Whisperings suggest that deep within these channels, a massive revelation is resonating – “U.S. CORPORATION IS DONE. AND HAS FALLEN.” Could this be the tip of an iceberg?

2. The Fall of a Colossus?

It’s startling to even fathom the notion that the United States corporation, a bastion of global power, might be bankrupt. If this is accurate, it could mean that most major countries now recognize the Biden administration as potentially inauthentic. What’s even more astonishing is the suggestion that CIA operations, the very backbone of the U.S.’ intelligence community, might be on the brink of collapse.

3. The World Takes Notice

Rumblings of these revelations aren’t confined to whispers in dimly-lit corners. World leaders are allegedly coming to terms with the possibility that the U.S. may be under “White Hats” military control. This term, “White Hats,” usually reserved for the digital realm of ethical hackers, paints an image of a ‘righteous’ military force working against internal corruption. If the U.S. military is actively seeking to expose a worldwide system of corruption that binds banks, governments, and influential elites, then global politics as we know it is undergoing a seismic shift.

4. The Once Conspiracy

For the initiated, this isn’t news. Followers of the controversial Q movement, self-titled ANONS and PATRIOTS, had long murmured of such plots. The shadows of what was once dismissed as conspiratorial banter now loom large in political corridors. If Trump’s arrest and subsequent indictments are genuinely part of military operations to expose a deep state military coup, then the rabbit hole runs deeper than most had ever imagined.

5. The Ripple Effects

The undercurrents of this grand narrative aren’t just limited to the United States. The tremors of such revelations are feared to reach as far as Europe. The European Union, already under its bouts of political and financial unrest, might soon have to contend with accusations of the CIA interfering with their electoral processes. If corroborated, this could mean that numerous elections over the past twelve years were manipulated, casting a shadow over the democratic ethos of the region.

6. The Age of Exposure

In the age of information, it’s getting increasingly challenging to hide. If there’s any weight to these allegations, then the world stands at the cusp of a colossal unmasking. The ties between WHO, CIA, NIH, and figures like Fauci might be laid bare for public scrutiny. Reports surrounding a potential pandemic, vaccine concerns, and media falsehoods will be seen under an entirely new light.

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7. The Global Meltdown

What ensues from such a revelation? Panic. Pure, unadulterated panic. And not just in the United States. If these covert operations and deep-rooted systems of global corruption come to light, then the trust in institutional pillars – from the media to health organizations, from governments to global coalitions – will shatter.

8. The Moment of Truth

While this account reads like a dramatic thriller, it’s essential to understand that its full veracity remains unconfirmed. Yet, the sheer magnitude of the implications warrants attention. For if even a fraction of this is accurate, then the world stands on the precipice of change, monumental and inevitable.

The threads of global intrigue are often intricate and elusive. It takes bravery, tenacity, and a discerning mind to pull on these strings and unravel the tapestry. As the world watches with bated breath, one can only hope that truth, no matter how unsettling, finds its way to the light.

Behind the Scenes: The Billionaires’ Alliance’s Dramatic Struggle Against the Deep State

The darkened corridors of power, the shadowy underbellies of trillion-dollar losses, whispered family threats, and the clashing ideologies of powerful factions – the world may seem chaotic, but there are forces at play, meticulously orchestrating a grand narrative. Discover the explosive alliance of billionaires, their ongoing battle against a deep-seated cabal, and the upcoming storm that promises to upend the world order.

For years, the whispers have been circulating in clandestine circles. Words like ‘Plandemic’, ‘CIA Colour Revolutions’, and ‘Deep State’ were thrown around. But today, we pull back the curtain, revealing a saga of power, ambition, betrayal, and hope – the tale of a Billionaires’ Alliance fighting against the forces that wish to dominate the world.

The Silent Catastrophe

In recent years, the global economic landscape has been rocked by losses in the trillions. The common denominator? Democratic movements worldwide, a pandemic, and the dark accusations surrounding a man-made virus. Yet, even amidst this financial hemorrhage, certain figures remained unyielding. Why? Because they remembered.

Rigged financial reports in the EU, surreptitious maneuvers, and even threats and assassinations within their own families – these memories burned vividly in the minds of a growing alliance of billionaires. They are the power players who refuse to play the game set by the EU’s Deep State cabal.

A Gathering Storm

Three years ago, whispers began to circulate about an alliance of powerful Italian families. Their mission? A collective aim to work with the Trump Alliance and a shadowy military faction. Their goal was clear: the full exposure of the ‘Plandemic’ – from the controversial vaccines, the gain-of-function research, to the shady ties between governments, human trafficking rings, drug trades, money laundering, and the war profiteering by certain EU elites.

This Billionaires’ Alliance stands firmly against influential figures like Bill Gates and his alleged solar dimming agenda. They challenge the climate narrative and every Deep State maneuver. Their battlefront is vast, opposing everything from the WHO to sinister globalist gatherings like the World Economic Forum, Bilderberg Group, and the EU CIA regiments in Switzerland.

The Great Awakening Movement

Yet, it’s not just about countering. This Alliance, sources say, is paving the way for the ‘Great Awakening Movement’. This movement ranges from military operations, police investigations, lawsuits, and a formidable offensive on social media. Their aim is to thwart the deep state A.I. agenda and target projects that shield these dark machinations.

They are the ones who will question and challenge the A.I. sectors, ensuring the world doesn’t bow down to a singular, controlled narrative. They’re the resistance to the digital onslaught led by entities who wish to maintain the status quo.

The Countdown to a Global Storm

With tensions reaching a boiling point, we’re on the cusp of a massive global upheaval. Every EU country, including nations like Australia and Canada, is in a volatile state. There are whispers of military sets gearing up, a precursor to something much more significant. The word on the streets? “Treason.” Allegiances are fraying, factions are splintering, and every side is bracing for a world of coups and ‘Arrest Wars’.

But the real key to this global shake-up? The Trump and Military Alliance. Rumor has it that they’re the gatekeepers, holding explosive data, like the CIA’s involvement in the 2020 military coup and the untangling web around the origins of the virus.

There’s also mention of a certain individual – McAfee. A name that sends shivers down the spines of many. His alleged hacking endeavors into global networks, and deep-state government and military intelligence systems, are lauded as masterpieces. Whispers even equate his genius to the brilliance emanating from the strategic depths of the USSF Cheyenne Mountains.

WWGIWGA – Where We Go One, We Go All. It’s not just an acronym; it’s a rallying cry. As the storm brews and dark clouds gather, one thing is clear: a new dawn is on the horizon, and this Billionaires’ Alliance may well be leading the charge.

In conclusion, the White Hats’ grand-scale operation is a testament to the indomitable spirit of those who refuse to accept a world built on lies and deceit. It’s a call to action, a plea to trust the plan, and a promise that the truth will prevail.

Trust the plan, for the White Hats are leading the way to a brighter, more transparent future. The world will never be the same again.

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