
zaterdag 6 februari 2021

Operation Disclosure: Restored Republic via a GCR as of Feb. 4, 2021

Operation Disclosure: Restored Republic via a GCR as of Feb. 4, 2021

Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of Thurs. 4 Feb. 2021

Compiled Thurs. 4 Feb. 2021 12:01 am EST by Judy Byington, MSW, LCSW, Therapist ret, Journalist, Author, “Twenty Two Faces: inside the extraordinary life of Jenny Hill and her twenty two multiple personalities.”

Source: Dinar Chronicles

Divide They Try, Fail They Will, for Where We Go One, We Go All to Support POTUS, Follow Q and Trust Plan

“Our journey is just beginning, the best is yet to come.”…Donald Trump 20 Jan. 2021

“Trust The Plan” Charlie Freak: Donald Trump has taken deepstate down . see this - YouTube

Mongoose: Unverified Very Possibly True We Pray This Be So, 5 UPDATES – Public Intelligence Blog (

Judy Note: On Tues. 2 Feb. a top banker in Switzerland announced release of GESARA funds to SKR contracts. Paymasters notified Bond holder/sellers that they would have liquidity and access to funds sometime on Wed. 3 Feb. and Redemption Center personnel were on 35 min. standby to be at their desks. On that same Wed. 3 Feb. Charlie Ward, who had a very personal relationship with Donald Trump, said, “Lots of arrests happening and as I’ve said from Day One, this is all a smokescreen to bring in the Global Currency Reset. From what I understand from the Financial boys— IT'S IMMINENT.”

NESARA/GESARA and the Restored US Republic:

Over twenty years ago a group of Patriots calling themselves the Alliance was mandated to take down the Sat*an worshipping, child sacrificing, pedophile D*eep State, or US Shadow Government and restore the US Republic under concepts of the original Constitution.

Since the 1800s the D*eep State had been in control of the US and global financial systems by collecting US Taxpayer dollars, printing fiat US dollars and funneling monies through their privately owned US Incorporated’s IRS and Federal Reserve to the City States of London and the Vatican, which pushed it on to their Central Banks across the globe. The process made trillions for the D*eep State while keeping the peoples of the world in debt to them.

At present this Alliance was composed of President Trump, Russian President Vladimir Putin, Chinese President Xi Jinping, Iraqi Prime Minister Mustafa Al-Kadhimi, India Prime Minister Narendra Modi, White Hats in the Department of Defense headed by Secty of Defense Chris Miller, Undersecty of Defense Intel Ezra Cohen Watnick and Gen. Michael T Flynn, Q (composed of around 800 special ops who advise President Trump including Pentagon Generals Chairman Joint Chief Mark Milley, Vice Chief John Hyten, Gen. James McConville, Adm. Michael Gilday, Gen. C.Q. Brown, Gen. Paul Nakasone and Gen. Jay Raymond), [Q]Anons (volunteer Patriots headed by JF Kennedy Jr.), the National Security Agency and various militaries across the globe, including the international force authorized to make arrests in any country, Interpol.

The Alliance had installed Donald Trump as US President and were presently involved in a global military action to install NESARA / GESARA in 209 nations after ridding the population of D*eep State Satanists. By the end of Trump’s first term in office there were more than 222,000 indictments filed against political and global elites in US federal courts, plus more than 3,000,000 arrests of global elites were taking place around the world.

By Wed. 20 Jan. 12:00am EST after the fake made-in-Hollywood’s-Castle Rock Entertainment Studios inauguration of Joe B*iden as president of a defunct and bankrupt US. Inc, an Interim US Military Government was enforcing Martial Law in Washington DC and throughout the US.

There were over 30,000 National Guard troops surrounding and guarding Washington DC, along with eight feet high fences topped with barbed wire. Congress was not functioning and the White House was empty.

In reality the B*iden Inauguration was an Alliance Sting Operation to catch B*iden, Congress, US Courts, the Mainstream Media and other bad guys in acts of treason – for they had coordinated with foreign powers to flip votes from Trump to B*iden and thus install Communism in the US and around the world.

With B*iden’s Inauguration the Alliance had just called Checkmate. On Sat. 23 Jan. Military Tribunals began on Capitol Hill, trying Congress people and other D*eep State traitors who were under arrest.

By Sun. night 24 Jan. – Mon. morning 25 Jan. 3-6am Joe B*iden, 355 Congressmen and 109 Senators (in office or retired) had been arrested.

On that Sun. night 24 Jan. – Mon. morning 25 Jan. 3-6am lawyers attending tribunals of their clients were caught on video going into the military secured Capitol Hill grounds. 'Mass arrest at the capitol' (

An unverified rumor: On Mon. 25 Jan. morning the Interim US military government cleaned out an underground tunnel that ran between the US Capitol and a pizza place. They rescued a number of children.

On Fri. 29 Jan. 6 p.m. EST the official announcement of Martial Law was sent to the Mainstream Media, which refused to air the announcement – an act of High Treason for censoring official communication regarding measures of national security from a legitimate US government source, the action of which caused an immediate danger to the nation.

On Tues. 19 Jan. the Department of Defense and Congress received the DNI Ratcliffe Report on foreign interference in the 3 Nov 2020 Election showing that there WAS foreign interference in the election by China, Venezuela, Germany, Spain, Iran, Italy and the Vatican City State. The DoD was conducting it's own internal investigation based on evidence in DNI Ratcliffe's report and evidence seized by the Marine raid on CIA headquarters on Sat 9 Jan 2021.

That Sat. 9 Jan. raid on the CIA yielded unequivocal evidence of the stolen election as well as a Chinese Communist Party (CCP) "ki*ll-list" of US military Generals who would be ki*lled by Chinese & American D*eep State communist leaders.

D*eep State Communist leaders in China and the US wanted to purge the US Military of patriot military leaders who would stand in the way of the D*eep State CCP plan to take over and control the US.

On Sun. 31 Jan. 4:35 pm EST the official announcement of the arrest of Joe B*iden, 355 Congressmen and 109 Senators was sent to the Mainstream Media, which refused to air the announcement – another act of High Treason for censoring official communication regarding measures of national security from a legitimate US government source, the action of which caused an immediate danger to the nation.

On Mon.1 Feb. the Global Currency Reset was completed and the old Cabal fiat US Dollar Central Banking System was no more. The Quantum Financial System Computer was now in full control of the US and global financial system.

On that same Mon. 1 Feb. as per Executive Order #13848, assets were frozen of those under indictment for treason and/or found to have conspired in and/or covered up 2020 Presidential Election Voter Fraud.

On Tues. 2 Feb. arrests and tribunals were still going on at the US Capitol according to this video:

As of Wed. 3 Feb. these arrests of political elites continued as they had been since Sun. 24 Jan.

Overseas Alliance SOF units were arresting up to 100,000+ D*eep State Central Bankers. Russian forces had arrested a top D*eep State bankster in Moscow Mon night 1 Feb. There were around 100,000 such agents from Germany, France and the USA.

On Fri. 5 Feb. 6.30 p.m. EST the Interim US military government would take control (by force) of all official media outlets (radio, television, newspapers) in the US. This included taking control of all American channels on direct broadcast satellites broadcasting in France and Europe. This also meant that all French and Europeans with a satellite reception antenna receiving American channels with uncensored news.

The Interim US military government would broadcast on American Mass Media the revelations of B*iden’s coup d’état, his arrest along with elected officials on Sunday January 24 and Monday January 25.

On 12 Feb. the US Interim Military Government would officially publish (evidence submitted to all world governments and the international press) all evidence of the plot perpetrated by the French government and China to create a false global epidemic to overthrow the American government – this by destroying the entire world economy. It is an act of war which gives among other things the legitimate right to the American government to overthrow the Macron government.

NESARA would begin to be revealed this February while GESARA would begin to be revealed as early as March 2021.

A. Wed. 3 Feb. Charlie Ward Update, Kat: 15:07 Charlie Ward: “Lots of arrests happening and as I’ve said from Day One, this is all a smokescreen to bring in the Global Currency Reset and from what I understand from the Financial boys— IT'S IMMINENT.”

B. Wed. 3 Taking Down the D*eep State Feb. Forecast Update, Ward, Steele, Parkes, Stone: New Charlie Ward, Robert David Steele, Simon Parkes, Sacha Stone! Four Amigos Interview Forecast for February | Prophecy | Before It's News Charlie Ward, Robert David Steele, Simon Parkes, Sacha Stone! Four Amigos Interview Forecast for February. On Wed. 3 Feb. Juan O. Savin (P) via text: from my friend on the DC police force: “Something out of the ordinary is taking place today. Black suburbans and armored vehicles running all around the city in tandem with emergency equipment blaring. There aren’t any scheduled presidential movements so it’s not POTUS. Looks to be fed swat type personnel in the motorcades. They’re rolling in pairs and fours”

C. Robert David Steele, Phi Beta Iota: I personally believe that this unfolds after the Superbowl on Sun. 7 Feb. The Q drops make references about certain events making “the Superbowl look like a puppy show.”

There were a couple of other spots that the remaining CCP was being dismantled. The US and China would step-in, occupy, and help to establish a transitional government of the Republic of China. This seems to be an extension of Fulford’s update.

D. Wed. 3 Feb. List of 2020 Election Fraud Cases: In ZERO of the 72 cases where illegal voting is alleged has evidence been allowed to be presented. 30 cases remain active. link to the list of cases.

E. Wed. 3 Feb. Fleming’s Military Intel Contact:

The Shotgun Start and Tier 4B start were at any moment going forward this week.

Paymasters have notified Bond Sellers that they would have access to funds within 24 hours of Tues. 2 Feb.

Wed 3 Feb looked like a good possibility for the Shotgun Start including our Tier 4B email notifications.

For the first time in a long while everyone who needed to be in place for the Shotgun Start was in place at their bank centers, including Paymasters, attorneys, group leaders, Bankers and Redemption Center personnel waiting for the start to be triggered at any moment.

Claims by some Military sources that the RV release would not happen until mid-March was dis-information and was put out to throw off the bad guys.

The Military Intel Contact said to put a cap on the disinfo and stop relying on it to protect White Hat operations because the bad guys were already largely subdued/arrested.

The Interim Military Government knew that the RV / GCR release was needed RIGHT NOW NOT IN 5 WEEKS (!!) in order to bring down the D*eep State fully around the globe.

NESARA would begin to be revealed this February while GESARA would begin to be revealed as early as March 2021.

Mon. 1 Feb. Fulford: A general’s report said, "The U.S. military knows the election was stolen; all hell is about to break loose."

On Tues. 19 Jan. the Department of Defense and Congress received the DNI Ratcliffe Report on foreign interference in the 3 Nov 2020 Election showing that there WAS foreign interference in the election by China, Venezuela, Germany, Spain, Iran, Italy [Vatican].

The DoD was conducting it's own investigation internally from the evidence in DNI Ratcliffe's report and from the evidence seized by the Marine raid on CIA headquarters on Sat 9 Jan 2021.

That Sat. 9 Jan. raid on the CIA yielded unequivocal evidence of the stolen election as well as a Chinese Communist Party (CCP) "kill-list" of US military Generals who would be killed by Chinese & American [Deep State] communist leaders.

D*eep State Communist leaders in China and the US wanted to purge the US Military of patriot military leaders who would stand in the way of the D*eep State CCP plan to take over and control the US.

As Matt Getz (R-Florida) said they wanted to make America Chimerica, or the United States of China through the fraudulous Biden Administration and CCP-paid and controlled Congress and Judiciary.

Trump was still being treated by the military as their Commander-in-Chief rather than the fraud president B*iden.

Military commanders were flying from Norfolk to Trump's Mar-a-Lago residence:

There were many air refueling tankers in the air over the country showing that there were fighter aircraft in the air related to a DEFCON 2 high alert level.

B*iden is not the legitimate president of anything but the Deep State bankrupt corporation of Washington DC.

The White House has remained unlit for the past 10 days and "looks like a ghost-town"

B*iden was not flying on Air Force One, but on a private jet.

Mon. 1 Feb. Juan O Savin: The Oval Office B*iden has been videoed in, as most know, was fake with the car parked out the window behind him because it was the Castle Rock Entertainment set in CA and appeared to be the set for "West Wing."

VP Harris has NOT moved into the Vice Presidential residence, all this showing that B*iden and Harris were under house-arrest and being tightly controlled by the Interim Military Govt.

D*eep State elite arrests continued domestically and globally.

Military tribunals were going on in the Russell Senate Building across Constitution Ave from the SCOTUS building. That was the reason that National Guard troops and police have surrounded, stood outside and along the fence with razor wire on top.

These Military Tribunals were trying many of those who were included in the arrests of Congress and other D*eep State traitors on Sat. 23 Jan.

Part of those arrests on Sun night 24 Jan – early Mon. morning between 3 to 6 am were caught on video.

These arrests have continued during the last 10+ days.

Overseas Alliance SOF units were arresting up to 100,000+ D*eep State Central Bankers.

Russian forces arrested a D*eep State bankster in Moscow Mon night 1 Feb.

There were around 100,000 such agents coming from Germany, France and the USA.

Funny how truth gets your account disabled (@aintgets2):

Congress does not appear to be in session now: Thu 21 Jan–House cancels business during first full B*iden week —Washington Times

More National Guard troops have been called by the DoD into DC to stay through March / April for the transition to the restored Republic / NESARA, Trump revealed as Commander-in-Chief and a new election via the Quantum Voting System (QVS).

Be ready for an any moment start of Tier 4B notification.

Be ready to present your project proposals for the higher contract rates.

Our Military Intel Contact confirmed most points in the post below, except that this would occur behind the scenes and dates may slightly shift depending on ongoing ground-level "battle" conditions and chess moves:

F. Wed. 3 Feb. Is This a Drill? Mongoose, Rinus Verhagen: Alert Reader: A friend forwarded this info to me. It comes from a blogger in Belgium named Mike Doms. The text was originally in French, so I used for English: Mongoose: Unverified Very Possibly True We Pray This Be So, 5 UPDATES – Public Intelligence Blog (

Martial Law and a legitimate US Military government has been in place since 12 a.m. on January 20, 2021. The official announcement of such was made on Friday January 29 at 6 p.m. EST (11 p.m. GMT). The official announcement of the arrest of B*iden as well as 355 Congressmen and 109 Senators (or 464 elected) on January 24 and 25 was made on Sunday, January 31 at 4:35 p.m. EST (10:35 p.m. GMT).

These announcements were communicated on the above dates and times to all American media (television, radio and national newspapers) as well as to all world press agencies. As expected by the legitimate military government governing America as well as Trump and Q Force, this official news has been 100% censored by all of the world’s official media.

The US military government knew it and wanted it. As with [B]iden’s and his party’s coup, the legitimate US government allows the US media to commit the act of high treason of censoring official communications from the legitimate government regarding measures of national security and immediate danger to the nation. The Illuminati media of the 4th Reich all fell into the trap.

NESARA / GESARA was a global military action to rid the population of D*eep State Sat*anists. There were more than 222,000 indictments against political and global elites in the US, and more like 3,000,000 arrests taking place around the world.

German Police and the US Army seemed to be working together. In one operation if you check the tracks of their flight path it seems to be a large search operation, or support of search operation taking place on the ground. Is this a coordinated action led by General Flynn, who is directing multiple troops from different countries in a cleanup operation against the D*eep State?

This could be the moment we have been waiting for so long, securing the RV, GCR according to NESARA / GESARA.

The Timing fit into the timeline to stop the mass Geno*cide of the Globalists, everyone who participated in the mass mur*der of the population is now unsure of their own future. If Germany falls, the EU falls too, and all the countries in Europe become sovereign again, because the fact is that there is a lot of turmoil in the EC / EU administration in Brussels.

Internally it is already heard that Ursula von der leyen must resign for incompetence, just as she performed her previous functions in the Government of Angela Hitler. Commission President Ursula von der Leyen is under fire after blunders in corona strategy:

Ca 1 year ago, the German Army (Europe Defender 2020) was already stripped of its heavy weapons by the US, and forced under SHAEF to follow US Army orders. The US equipment from this exercise never went back to the US, but is on standby for action, even more army equipment has arrived in Antwerp, which will possibly be used to lay siege to the EU offices in Brussels during an arrest.

The announcement of the TOP banker from Switzerland about the release of the GESARA funds that would come on stream after February 2, seems to deal first with the already submitted SKR contracts, in the order of date they were submitted.

Apart from the Redeem of Dong, IQD, ZIM bonds, there are also Zimbabwe Agro Checks that are not necessarily that can be exchanged for a new RV value at the buyout dealers of these currencies.

It is not possible to be able to determine or announce the exact times of all these different actions, those who have already offered their currencies are now ahead of the 4A and 4B Zim holders as far as I am informed.

Everything is ready to go, Elon Musk's Starlink certainly seems to me to play a role in making the entire AIIB infrastructure operational for the world, and replacing the IMF with World Bank system, in order to eliminate the Central Banks 100%.

Disbursements will begin cautiously with smaller amounts, to ensure that the D*eep State cannot commit theft of the funds that are released.

Therefore, it seems that the mass arrests are now well underway, and D*eep State, Bilderberg governments around the world are going to arrest to free the population and stop Genocide on the population, see also a statement by Vladimir Putin.

The alliance is winning thickly over the Cabal, but at the last minute the Cabal will continue to the end to ki*ll as many people as possible.

All corrupt governments have held the world's population hostage for almost a year now and with their fear po*rn, imprisoned people to be submissive and wear masks to make them psychologically willing for the Lethal Vaccine.

In Occupied Netherlands a hospital is used as a concentration camp for people who oppose the government and their gen*ocide program, people are then forced to be vaccinated as suspected C19 infectees, executed by order of Donkey Hugo de Jonge.

NWO Bought WHO Dutch Na*zi Camp executioners & OMT Sat*anists:

Jaap van Dissel: Ped*o Sat*anist and child murderer of the RIVM OMT member

Marion Koopmans: professor of animal virology OMT member

Ann Vossen: Associate Professor, PI Congenital cytomegalovirus infection OMT member

Sjaak De Gouw. CEO at GGD Hollands Midden OMT member

Diederik Gommers, Professor of Intensive Care Medicine at Erasmus MC OMT member

Alex Friedrich UMCG-virologist OMT member

So beyond the Fake Virus, these Sat*anists have been directed to execute the Fear Po*rn for a Geno*cide plan against the population.

A clearer declaration of war against the population could not have been given, they are waking up a giant, because 17.4 million people will never be contained by these Sat*anists.

Do not forget that all former politicians have worked together to be able to carry out this genocide including the Fake Royal House, Bernhard von Lippe, Beatrix von Amsberg, Willem Alexander von Amsberg the false Fake King, and the entire Hitler Cabinet.

In the military operation that is going on all over the world, all these people are going to be arrested, to guarantee the safety of people in the world and in Europe, in which Putin has been very clear.

Let's be patient, everything is moving in the background, we will see and experience when everything is safe for the population.

The joint action of Taiwan and US, already on mainland China, will surely free former British colony Hong Kong, to start RV and GCR.

G. Wed. 3 Feb. It’s Going to be Biblical, Charlie Ward: Charlie Ward: It's Going To Be Biblical! With Ken & Candi! - Must Video | Opinion - Conservative | Before It's News

H. Mon. 1 Feb. Lin Wood Whistleblower: Roberts & Epstein, K1ds 4 Sale & [C]linton's Supreme Court Justice [187] Plans, James Red Pills America A compiled full version of leaked videos found online. Anti-Constitutional actions of Justice Roberts; VP Pence’s confirmation of illegal electors; crooked Hillary’s Teflon status, plus a lengthy list of criminal actions from Washington’s top tier, inside and outside the Beltway by a whistle blower courtesy of Attorney Lin Wood.

I. Oct. 2020 Ashton Kutcher’s Human Traffic*king Organization (Thorn) Connection To Jeff Bezos And The Clowns In Action, Whitney Webb research in human traffic*king problem and their connections.

J. Wed. 3 Feb. Antifa True Goals/Tactics Exposed, Epoch Times:

K. Mel K. Updates with Nicholas Veniamin:

L. C19 Hoax:

No C19 Virus, Docs Paid to Misdiagnose:

CDC Announces All Travelers Must Wear Two Masks, Threatens Arrest:

M. International Chi*ld Se*x Traffic*king Ring:

64 Arrested, 2 Rescued in Se*x Traffic*king Operation:

Oct. 2020 Ashton Kutcher’s Human Traffic*king Organization (Thorn) Connection To Jeff Bezos And The Clowns In Action, Whitney Webb research in human traffic*king problem and their connections.

PedoEmpire 5 Books, 42 chapters Free Online:

About Sat*anic ped*ophilia:

N. Occult Calendar of Dem*onic Holidays:

Feb. 25 was the next Sat*anic Holiday of Walpurgis Day according to an Occult Calendar of Dem*onic Holidays put together by professional therapists from chi*ldhood accounts of their S*atanic R*itually A*bused (SRA) clients.

Walpurgis Day was celebrated with a blo*od sac*rifice and communion of blo*od and dismem*berment of an animal. The human sac*rifice of a chi*ld, drinking their blo*od and eating their fle*sh always followed se*xual org*ies using chi*ld and te*en victims – some kid*napped, while commonly they impregnated chi*ldren and te*ens to produce their own.

Be aware of Sat*anic activities in your neighborhood and help save mind controlled chi*ldren and teens being forced to participate in the ra*pe, tor*ture and mur*der of themselves and other chi*ldren. Months in advance Sat*an worshippers planned for their holidays by kid*napping chi*ldren and te*ens. The victims were star*ved, tor*tured and used in se*x org*ies in preparation for human sac*rifice rites.

Please report suspected Sat*anic activities to your local law enforcement. Since Sat*anists were known to infiltrate police departments, cover your tracks by also contacting U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE):, call the National Human Traffic*king Hotline at 1-888-373-7888 and contact the Federal Human Traffic*king Website:

If you wished to join the effort in saving children from international se*x traffic*king, contact Tim Ballard at Operation Underground Railroad and the non-profit organization, Saving Innocence.

O. “Twenty Two Faces: inside the extraordinary life of Jenny Hill and her twenty two multiple personalities,” Judy Byington

WARNING: Jenny gave a graphic description about how she at the tender age of five, was ra*ped, tor*tured, forced to view a Chi*ld Sac*rifice and save for Divine intervention, was almost ki*lled herself – not unlike the sordid experiences of thousands of other chi*ld victims of Sat*anic Worshippers. Sat*an-follower perpetrators appeared to be organized from the US Inc’s CIA, Queen Elizabeth’s, Illuminati Banking families’ and Vatican’s Ninth Circle Chi*ld Sac*rifice Cult on down to the C*lintons, Hollywood, Pizza*gate and local teenage covens. They were funded by this same Cabal that ran our global monetary system – the very organization that was in the process of being brought down by activation of the Global Currency Reset. It’s no wonder that President Trump has stated, “These people are sick.”

P. The Global Currency Reset and NESARA/GESARA Was All About the Children

It’s not about the money. It’s about the children – the thousands of malnourished and traumatized chi*ldren who in honor of Sat*an, were being ra*ped and mur*dered so their Elite Perpetrators could supposedly gain power and rule the world. The first official act President Trump made the morning before he was sworn into office, was to pay a visit to CIA Headquarters and declare a war on an international Chi*ld Se*x Traffic*king Ring run by these global elites. Let us fast and pray for these little ones who were now being rescued from Cabal underground tunnels across the globe, and tor*tured and ki*lled by Sat*anic Covens right next door. Let us also pray for those Military Troops worldwide who were risking their own lives to save them. The ancient doctrine of Fasting and Prayer was explained here at the 10:30:32 mark:

Judy Note: I do not now, nor have I ever, received monies for writing my Updates and articles. The compensation has been in having outlets to help Save the Children by exposing truths about the very secretive S*atanic R*itual A*buse, Ped*ophilia and Chi*ld Sac*rifice that was rampant in our international society.

The above was a summary of information from the Internet. It would be up to the reader to do their own research and decide whether or not it was valid.

I will send the Safe Link Website out when I find out what it is, plus it will be posted on several Dinar Websites. It is my understanding that by linking into the Safe Link Website it will generate a Non Disclosure Agreement to sign in order to obtain redemption/ exchange appointments.

After signing that Non Disclosure I will be unable to email, post or talk to anyone about the exchange process for 90 days, so I will be going silent and taking those 90 days to get my humanitarian project organized and going.

This is not a goodbye. I expect to be working with many of you in the near future. I can't tell you how much I have enjoyed getting to know you. You will remain in my heart forever.

A huge Thank You to those dedicated and brave Intel providers who wished to remain unknown; to humble Wildfire Lady who is adept at exposing the truth; to Martha who has unceasingly worked around the clock to discern what is real in the fake news; to Brad who does great research; to Bonni B who exposes the underlying causes of what is really happening and to Ken who uncovers almost unlimited Intel on ped*ophilia to help us Save the Children.

Let us Thank Q that the reset has finally come to be. I wish you well in your humanitarian efforts and look forward to seeing you on the other side where together, we will make life better for all.

Patience is a Virtue. Having Virtue is a sign of a good moral being. Good moral beings have the power to overcome evil and change the world. And, we will!!! . . . Judy

Updates for the Week Prior:

Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of Feb. 3, 2021

Special Restored Republic via a GCR Report as of Feb. 2, 2021

Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of Feb. 2, 2021

Special Restored Republic via a GCR Report as of Feb. 1, 2021

Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of Feb. 1, 2021

Restored Republic via a GCR as of Jan. 31, 2021

Special Restored Republic via a GCR Report as of Jan. 30, 2021

Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of Jan. 30, 2021

Special Restored Republic via a GCR Report as of Jan. 29, 2021

Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of Jan. 29, 2021

Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of Jan. 28, 2021

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