
vrijdag 31 juli 2020

We worden belazerd waar we bij staan met als excuus de Covid griep

We worden belazerd waar we bij staan met als excuus de Covid griep : Urubin Social

Ja dat leest u goed COVID GRIEP want alle cijfers sinds de uitbraak wereldwijd tot nu laten zien dat er nog steeds meer mensen dood gaan dan de ordinaire griep en dat maakt dar de Bierbug niet erger is dan een stevige griep. 


Nu we weer een echte Urubin community aan het opbouwen zijn gaan we die andere Urubin traditie genaamd de Urubin opiniestukken ook weer in ere herstellen, en de eerste zal ik "heel verrassend" wijden aan de corona nepperij, want dat is broodnodig omdat er nog veel te veel schaapjes slapen die gedwee de onzin van het WHO en wat dichter bij huis de RIVM volgen. Hoog tijd voor wat waarheid, want wie logisch nadenkt(Ik weet het ik vraag veel van bepaalde mensen) kan op zijn of haar klompen aanvoelen dat het verhaal zoals we het voorgeschoteld krijgen niet klopt. Mensen als Willem Engel voelen dat ook feilloos aan, wat me hoopvol stemt omdat ik zie dat er nu toch echt versneld meer mensen wakker worden. Toch kan er wat mij betreft nog wel een tandje bij en dus draag ik middels dit artikel mijn steentje bij aan het bewust wakker maken van de slapende meute.

Omdat het een blog artikel is wat gedeeld kan worden sociale media waar er censuur wordt toegepast wil ik dergelijke platformen wat wind uit de zeilen nemen en daarom voordat we verder gaan benadrukken dat het hier gaat om een opinie stuk, MIJN opinie om precies te zijn waardoor de eeuwige dooddoener van fake news niet op gaat. Dit gezegd hebbende gaan we verder met het onderwerp van vandaag en dat is de hoax die pandemie wordt genoemd, de mogelijke redenen voor het bedrog en de bijbehorende onderbouwing.


Wat ons wordt verteld is niet wat er gaande is


Al sinds het begin van de uitbraak in Wuhan China worden zaken ons anders voorgespiegeld dan wat er werkelijk gaande was en is. Dat is ook duidelijk te zien aan hoe het verhaal gaandeweg veranderd en altijd op een wijze waarbij de zogenaamde wereldleiders hun aanpak omtrent Covid-19 niet hoeven aan te passen. Eerst was het een levensgevaarlijk virus met een een overlijdenspercentage van 3,4% aldus de WHO, iets wat al heel snel werd ontkracht en bijgesteld maar niet voordat lockdowns en andere vergaande maatregelen werden afgekondigd vrijwel wereldwijd en economieen naar de rand van de afgrond werden gevoerd(De reden zal u verder op in het artikel duidelijk worden). Toen kwamen de "wetenschappelijke modellen" waar vrijwel wereldwijd beleid op werd afgestemd. Uiteraard werd er wederom hel en verdoemenis voorspeld en uiteraard miljoenen doden. De lockdowns zouden niet eerder eindigen dan wanneer er een Vaccin zou zijn om de "plandemie" te bestrijden. Ook dat verhaal moest worden bijgesteld bij gebrek aan miljoenen corona patiënten die de pijp aan Maarten gaven en dus kregen we het verhaaltje waar we nu mee zitten de tweede en zelfs derde golf van corona gevallen. Waar we nu mee worden "bang gemaakt"


Denkt u even met me mee: Met bovenstaande in gedachten kunnen we dus stellen dat organisaties als de WHO, RIVM en alle andere soortgelijke organisaties zowel nationaal als wereldwijd niet in staat waren en zijn om ook maar 1 onderdeel juist te voorspellen of af te handelen. De plekken waar de experts worden geacht te zitten de "best of the best" en ze zijn geen van allen in staat ook maar 1 aspect van deze hele klucht juist te voorspellen? En om het nog even wat erger te maken, denkt u even terug naar de Mexicaanse griep, Sars en Mers waar genoemde organisaties een vrijwel identiek track record laten zien(Herinnert u zich de massaal ingeslagem Tamiflu medicatie nog die vervolgens nooit is gebruikt en inmiddels over de datum kan worden vernietigd?) Kortom, de "experts"leren blijkbaar niet van gemaate fouten in het verleden en overheden laten zich blind leiden door deze experts en dat is heel bewust, zoals ik u hieronder zal laten zien.


Het buitenkansje dat Corona heet


Zover ik kan beoordelen zijn er meerdere partijen die proberen hun voordeel te halen uit de corona pandemie. Ik zal ze stuk voor stuk met u nalopen, te beginnen met de ergste; de overheden die hun kans schoon zien om een aantal vliegen in 1 klap te slaan.Hier is wat er volgens mij gaande is op dat gebied. Reeds voor het uitbreken van de "pandemie" waren er al duideiijke tekenen aan de wand dat de econimie wereldwijd richting een crisis ging van jaren 30 proporties. De wereldleiders waren dan ook dringend op zoek naar een oorlog om de schuld aan te kunnen geven van de crash wanneer deze gebeurt.Zonder oorlog zouden onze zogenaamde wereldleiders namelijk elf verantwoordelijkheid moeten nemen voor deze onvermijdelijke crash en het risico lopen dat het volk zich tegen hen keert met alle gevolgen van dien. Dus was er een externe vijand nodig om te verslaan om het volk op te laten focussen. Rusland was de beste kandidaat samen met de aan Rusland gelieerde landen als China en Iran, maar die waren voor later zorg. De beer moest gepord worden voor wanneer een (wereld)oorlog oportuun zou zijn. Toen kwam Corona voorbij en roken diezelfde overheden een buitenkansje want met een pandemie heb je een onzichtbare vijand met dezelfde kenmerken en waar je zeker ook de schuld aan kan geven als je economie instort. Dus alle voordelen van een oorlog maar dan zonder een schot te lossen. Bijkomend voordeel is dat in combinatie met 5G technologie de optuiging van een vergaande controlestaat binnen handbereik is en wanneer goed uitgevoerd zullen de schaapjes die braaf geloven wat de overheid zegt en doodsbenauwd zijn voor een virus met een overlevingskans van 98,2 % er zelfs zelf om vragen net als met de eerste lockdowns.


De Elite ziet haar kans schoon


Terwijl overheden druk bezig zijn met zich indekken voor de economische crash en hun ding doen om hun greep op de bevolking te vergroten middels draconische maatregelen grijpt de Elite en daarmee bedoel ik de corporaties hun kans schoon om een laastste slag te staan voor de crash en daarvoor maken ze handig gebruik van de overheid om subsidies en andere Covid gerelateerde voordeeltjes op te strijken terwijl de middenstand word vernietigt zodat we na de "pandemie", wanneer de rook is opgetrokken we ons bevinden in een wereld waar we 100% worden gecontroleerd door de overheid middels vaccinpaspoorten, het afschaffen van contant geld en apps die elke beweging van ons registreren en we voor onze aankopen aangewezen zijn op de corporaties omdat er geen middenstand meer is. Missie succesvol, de mensen met macht hebben deze weten te behouden en zefs vergroot en het geld word nog steeds uit het volk geknepen en vloeit naar de Elite. Een echt paradijsje zoals u kunt lezen...


Big Pharma slaat haar slag  


Als laatste is er nog de meest duidelijke partij die op het punt staat munt te maken van de "pandemie" en dat is uiteraard de farmaceutische industrie beter bekend als "Big Pharma". Met miljarden vaccins die aan de man/vrouw gebracht moeten worden in combinatie met de "Orwelliaanse" controle door de overheden op de wereld die een vrijwel 100% afname garanderen is dit de meest duidelijke winnaar van de "pandemie" saga. Daarom moeten relatief goedkope medicatie zoals HCQ, Remdisvir en vooral de natuurlijke alternatieven als Vitamine C, Zink en Zeewier extract waarvan is bewezen dat ze helpen bij het herstellen van Covid-19 met een 100% succesratio in discrediet worden gebracht en daarbij schuwen deze schurken niet om te liegen, te frauderen en te verhullen. Alles zodat het "vaccin" het enige alternatief is en blijft zodat het geld kan worden binnengeharkt. En omdat ze dat doen op een manier zodat de uitkomst in de pas loopt met wat de overheden willen bereiken, en het de plannen van de elite niet in de weg staat, komen ze ermee weg en worden ze er zelfs in gesteund.


De media is zoals gewoonlijk medeplichting

Zowel overheden, als elite als ook Big Pharma maken dankbaar gebruik van de reguliere mediakanalen die kritiekloos de verhaallijnen nablaten en enthousiast meedoen met het besmeuren en in discrediet brengen van tegengeluid. Ze worden bijgestaan door Big Tech die haar vingers heeft in zowel de corporaties als Big Pharma en dienst doet om het gepeupel de mond te snoeren middels snoeiharde censuur waarbij iedereen die het lef heeft zich uit te spreken tegen de leugens van overheden, Pharma en corporaties te blokkeren, verbannen, of een schaduwban te geven. De content wordt verwijderd(zal me benieuwen hoe lang dit artikel er te lezen zal zijn) en exploitanten van websites die het tegengeluid durven te publiceren wordt de mogelijkheid advertenties te voeren op hun websites ontnomen. Op deze manier hopen ze eventueel tegengeluid dermate binne de perken te houden zodat de schaapjes die nog slapen ook vooral blijven slapen: Mondkapje op en snaveltje toe!


Bovenstaande is er in mijn beleving gaande, maar er is nog hoop, want ondanks alles dat uit de kast wordt gehaald om het fabeltje van een levensgevaarlijke pandemie in stand te houden worden er steeds meer mensen wakker en ik ben trots daar 1 van te zijn. Sterker nog; op heb ik een Facebook alternatief opgezet juist voor die wakkere mensen waar ze wel hun stem kunnen laten horen zonder censuur. Bent u ook al wakker? Of wellicht wakker geworden nar het lezen van bovenstaande? U bent van harte welkom op Urubin!


woensdag 29 juli 2020

De reproductiefactor is een ratjetoefactor geworden

De reproductiefactor is een ratjetoefactor geworden

In het kort

  • De reproductiefactor, die nu bepaalt wordt, is gebaseerd op het aantal besmettingen. Maar houdt geen rekening met het grotere aantal uitgevoerde tests.
  • Ook worden er foute correctiefactoren toegepast, die golden voor ziekenhuisopnames, maar niet zouden moeten gelden voor besmettingen.
  • Gezien de ontwikkelingen van de laatste dagen ligt de reproductiefactor eerder onder de 1, dan de 1,4 die nu gemeld wordt.
  • Op deze manier is het R cijfer dat de RIVM meldt geen reproductefactor, maar eerder een ratjefactor



Alvorens op de reproductiefactor van 1,4 wordt ingegaan, zoals die gisteren is gemeld even een ander interessant punt uit het wekelijkse overzicht van het RIVM van gisteren.

Bij het Bron- en Contactonderzoek van de GGD (BCO) werden per besmet persoon 3,5 nauwe contacten gedefinieerd. 1,3 in het eigen huishouden en 2,2 overige personen.  Van degenen die de afgelopen weken getest zijn (na een oproep) bleken in totaal 9% besmet te zijn. Onder de huisgenoten was dat 13% en onder de overige nauwe kontakten 5%.

Als deze cijfers worden gecombineerd, besmetten dus ieder van de onderzochte personen uit het Bron- en Contactonderzoek slechts 0,31 anderen in de eigen kring met nauwe kontakten.  Dat is in lijn met bevindingen uit andere landen bij onderzoek naar de zogenaamde secondary infection rate.

Als het echt is dat er een grote risico is dat je binnen 1,5 meter van een besmet iemand zelf besmet kan worden of dat je via overdracht van het virus via oppervlakten besmet raakt, dan is het onbegrijpelijk dat mensen, die zo dicht verkeren bij een besmet persoon (zoals thuis het geval is) toch maar in zo beperkte mate worden besmet! Dat zou zeer te denken moeten geven over de stelling dat het besmetten van mensen vrijwel alleen geschiedt als je binnen de range van 1,5 meter komt van een besmet iemand en niet vaak genoeg je handen wast.


De reproductiefactor

Met regelmaat horen we via de media het R0 getal langskomen. Dat is de reproductiefactor van Covid-19. Vorige week zou de waarde 1,29 geweest zijn en in het rapport van het RIVM stond gisteren dat het getal nu 1,4 is.

In de media wordt dan letterlijk gezegd “1 besmettelijk persoon infecteert op zijn beurt 1,4 anderen”.

Het grote probleem bij dit getal is, dat je nooit het complete aantal besmettelijke personen op een bepaald moment in een land weet. Bij een groot deel is het namelijk niet bekend (men heeft geen symptomen en/of men is niet getest/heeft zich niet laten testen). Zo bleek een paar maanden geleden al it onderzoeken in diverse gebieden in de wereld,  dat er toen tussen de 20 en 85 keer zoveel mensen besmet waren dan er via testen werden vastgesteld.

Men gebruikt een indirecte wijze om dat R0 cijfer vast te stellen. In Nederland heeft het RIVM gekozen om dat te doen op basis van de ziekenhuisopnames. Het R0 cijfer in Nederland werd berekend door het aantal ziekenhuisopnames van vandaag te delen door die van 4 dagen geleden. Dus als er vandaag 90 ziekenhuisopnames zijn en 4 dagen geleden 100, dan is de reproductiefactor 90/100 = 0,9.

Omdat die ziekenhuiscijfers in Nederland niet actueel zijn (en die van voorgaande dagen/weken/maanden vaak nog worden bijgesteld) is dat een tricky business. RIVM heeft daarvoor een soort formule ontwikkeld, waarmee ze schatten hoeveel ziekenhuisopnames er nog bijgeteld zouden moeten worden. Daarnaast geven ze bij het weergeven van de reproductiefactor ook de marges..

Zo zag dat overzicht begin juni eruit. Bovenin de basisinformatie (ziekenhuisopnames per dag) en onderin de op basis daarvan berekende Reproductiefactor.


Overstappen naar besmettingen

Toen de ziekenhuisopnames begin juni in de richting van nul naderde besloot het RIVM de Reproductiefactor te gaan berekenen op basis van het aantal vastgestelde besmettingen in plaats van ziekenhuisopnames.

Maar dat cijfer heeft weer een ander fors probleem. We kennen niet het echte aantal besmettingen in Nederland. Dat zal een bepaalde factor hoger zijn dan het aantal besmettingen dat feitelijk wordt vastgesteld. Ik schat die factor op dit moment ergens tussen 5 en 10, maar we weten het niet.

Maar het echte aantal vastgestelde besmettingen door de GGD’s, hangt sterk samen met het aantal tests dat er uitgevoerd worden. Begin juni werden er minder dan 50.000 tests per week uitgevoerd. De afgelopen week waren dat al 110.000. 

Stel dat het percentage besmette personen steeds 1% van alle onderzochte mensen was, dan zouden we begin juni 500 besmette personen hebben gevonden en nu 1.100. Maar in werkelijkheid is er dan geen reden om dan aan te nemen dat het echte aantal besmette personen onder de bevolking gestegen is.  Als in die periode van 60 dagen elke dag 1.000 meer mensen getest zijn (en dus steeds 10 mensen meer gevonden worden die besmet waren), dan zou de berekende reproductiefactor onterecht voortdurend in die periode boven de 1 hebben gelegen, terwijl die dan in werkelijkheid op exact 1 had moeten blijven liggen.

Er zit nog een complicerende factor bij het aantal gevonden besmettingen. En dat was de afgelopen week goed te zien. Via het bron- en contactonderzoek van de GGD (BCO) worden personen, die contact hadden met besmette personen, opgeroepen zich te laten testen. Die personen leveren gemiddeld 15% besmettingen op.  Hoeveel van die personen deel uitmaken van de geteste personen in een week beïnvloedt ook weer het totaal aantal gevonden besmette personen.

De vorige weken was ruim 10% van de gevonden besmette personen het gevolg van de oproepen van de BCO. De afgelopen week was dat bijna 20%.  Van de meer dan 1.300 opgeroepenen uit die groep was bijna 15% besmet. Van de personen, die zelf hadden besloten om zich te laten testen, was 0,9% besmet.

De uitslag per dag van het aantal besmettingen hangt dus enerzijds af van het aantal testen dat per dag wordt uitgevoerd en anderzijds van hoeveel personen zijn getest ten gevolge van een oproep van de GGD. Het totale aantal besmettingen dat per dag wordt vastgesteld zegt eigenlijk niets als je die informatie niet hebt. Stel (even theoretisch) dat morgen 2 keer zoveel mensen worden getest dan verdubbelt het aantal besmette personen. Stel dat de komende week er twee keer zoveel mensen zich laten testen ten gevolge van het BCO onderzoek dan neemt het aantal besmette personen ook met 200 toe.

Dus een reproductiefactor gebaseerd op het aantal geconstateerde besmettingen zegt op deze manier niets. En als er dan wordt gezegd de reproductiefactor is nu 1,29 of 1,40 dan is dat net zo een onzinnig cijfer dan als ze 1,8 of 0,7 gezegd hadden.

Onterechte kunstmatige verhoging van het aantal besmettingen

Maar er is nog meer aan de hand als u dat cijfer hoort. Dat blijkt goed als u naar het rapport van gisteren kijkt:


Rechtsboven ziet u vanaf 11 juni in blauwe staafjes het aantal besmettingen per dag. Sinds 6 juli lopen die geleidelijk op. De groene lijn erboven is de omrekening van de blauwe staafjes naar de eerste ziektedag.

Nu was het zo, en dat is aan de linkerkant te zien van de bovenste grafiek, dat men daar via de ziekenhuisopnames de eerste ziektedag inschatte (dat was de rode lijn).  Die ligt bij ziekenhuisopnames gemiddeld 10 dagen voordat men opgenomen wordt.

De groene lijn (op basis van geconstateerde besmettingen) zou minder dan 10 dagen eerder moeten worden geplaatst. (Want besmettingen stelt men gemiddeld na 5 à 6 dagen vast). Hoe men dan bij die grafiek op 15 juli boven de 200 uit is gekomen is vreemd. Want de eerste dag dat in Nederland meer dan 200 mensen positief werden getest was 25 juli en een dag later waren het er 144. (Daarbij worden de mensen die in het buitenland zijn besmet er weer van afgetrokken, dat zijn de kleine gele staafjes, gemiddeld circa 20 per dag). Dus hooguit zou men voor het eerst rond 20 juli op 200 moeten staan.

Maar het absolute aantal van de groene lijn is ook hoger dan wat de blauwe staafjes in de dagen erna laten zien (minus de gele die er nog afgetrokken zouden moeten worden).

De enige verklaring die ik hiervoor kan vinden is de volgende:

  • Voor 11 juni werd in het model met ziekenhuisopnames gewerkt. En daar zat een belangrijk probleem bij. Want die ziekenhuisopnames waren vaak niet actueel. Regelmatig kwamen er nog meldingen binnen van oudere dagen. In het model voor de berekening van R0 werd dus een schattingscijfer opgenomen voor het aantal nakomende ziekenhuisopnames.

Zo staat het ook letterlijk in het weekrapport vermeld.

Klaarblijkelijk heeft men, toen men is overgegaan naar besmettingen als input voor de Reproductiefactor, gewoon net gedaan alsof het ziekenhuisopnames waren. Dus de datum van besmetting nog steeds 10 dagen terug geplaatst, plus nogal wat extra besmettingen bijgeschat. Daarom zien we op 15 juli al het cijfer dat boven de 200 ligt. Kortom: het aantal besmettingen, waar de reproductiefactor mee rekening houdt, is een overschatting van het echte aantal besmettingen. Bij een stijging van de geconstateerde besmettingen (die ook nog -ten dele- toegeschreven kunnen worden aan het groter aantal testen en het groter aandeel van de opgeroepenen voor het BCO-onderzoek) wordt dus de reproductiefactor kunstmatig en compleet onterecht verhoogd!


En ook nog gedateerd

Nog een gevolg van deze benadering is, dat de reproductiefactor van 1,4 die nu bekend is geworden, de situatie is die volgens dit model voor 9 juli is bepaald. Dat is dus 3 weken geleden. Kijk nog maar eens op de grafiek.

Dat cijfers kent dus meerdere problemen:

  • Het is dus gebaseerd op het aantal besmettingen, niet gecorrigeerd op het aantal uitgevoerde testen of het aandeel mensen die zich liet testen na een oproep van t.g.v. van het bronnen en contactonderzoek.
  • Het aantal besmettingen is duidelijk verhoogd op basis van de correctiefactoren die men heeft gebruikt bij de ziekenhuisopnames wegens vertraging van de registraties. Die vertraging zit niet in de cijfers van de besmettingen, zeker niet omdat die per week worden gerapporteerd.
  • Qua datum wordt nog steeds het moment van besmetting gebaseerd op het ziekenhuisopnamemodel. Dat plaatst die besmetting 10 dagen terug en bij geconstateerde besmettingen zouden dat minder dagen moeten zijn.


Een ratjetoe

Terwijl we inmiddels weten dat het aantal besmettingen per dag vrij stabiel blijft (terwijl het aantal testen vrijwel zeker nog verder toeneemt) en dat een indicatie zou horen te zijn dat de reproductiefactor (voor wat die berekening nu ook waard is) eerder onder de 1 dan erboven zou moeten liggen, komt nu in het nieuws dat die reproductiefactor nu 1,4 is.

Gelukkig heeft het RIVM gisteren de absolute toename gerelativeerd, maar de meeste mensen horen toch “verdere toename van het aantal besmette personen” en “de reproductiefactor is inmiddels 1,4”.

Want dat is ook wat er in het nieuws wordt gezegd, waarbij -als er al een relativering wordt gebracht- die pas na een tijdje komt.


Misschien ook wel goed om te weten dat op dit moment het aantal ziekenhuisopnames en overlijdensgevallen circa 1% is van het de cijfers die we hadden rond 1 april. Dat zou ook een relativering mogen zijn, die we met regelmaat zouden moeten horen.

Maar men presenteert liever deze nietszeggende reproductiefactor die ik, gezien het bovenstaande, liever de Ratjetoe-factor noem.


Hieronder trouwens nog de 9 grafieken van het RIVM rapport die een beeld geven van de ontwikkeling van het aantal testen en gevonden besmettingen per categorie in de afgelopen weken. Dat geeft mij in ieder geval een wat evenwichtiger beeld van de ontwikkelingen rondom de besmettingen in Nederland.

dinsdag 28 juli 2020

Autopsies bewijzen dat COVID-19 een gedissemineerde intravasculaire coagulatie is (pulmonale trombose)

In mei gekregen,

We moeten aan de micro van cardio-aspirine.  Preventief slikken: ga naar uw huisarts en laat dit lezen.
 Jacob Nathan de Leeuwe, kunst in roest 9, 2020

 Autopsies bewijzen dat COVID-19 een gedissemineerde intravasculaire coagulatie is (pulmonale trombose)
 Het is nu duidelijk dat de hele wereld de zogenaamde coronavirus-pandemie ten onrechte heeft aangevallen vanwege een ernstige pathofysiologische diagnosefout.
 Volgens waardevolle informatie van Italiaanse pathologen waren ventilatoren en intensive care-afdelingen nooit nodig.
 Autopsies uitgevoerd door de Italiaanse pathologen hebben aangetoond dat het geen longontsteking is, maar dat het de gedissemineerde intravasculaire coagulatie (trombose) is die bestreden moet worden met antibiotica, antivirale middelen, ontstekingsremmers en anticoagulantia.
 Als dit voor alle gevallen geldt, betekent dat dat de hele wereld op het punt staat deze nieuwe pandemie eerder dan verwacht op te lossen.
 De protocollen worden momenteel echter gewijzigd in Italië, die nadelig zijn getroffen door deze pandemie.
 Het indrukwekkende geval van een Mexicaanse familie in de Verenigde Staten die beweerde dat ze genezen waren met een huismiddeltje, werd gedocumenteerd: drie aspirines van 500 mg opgelost in citroensap gekookt met honing, warm genomen.  De volgende dag werden ze wakker alsof er niets met hen was gebeurd!  Welnu, de wetenschappelijke informatie die volgt, bewijst dat ze gelijk hebben!
 Deze informatie is vrijgegeven door een medisch onderzoeker uit Italië:
 “Dankzij 50 autopsies uitgevoerd op patiënten die stierven aan COVID-19, hebben Italiaanse pathologen ontdekt dat HET NIET PNEUMONIA IS, strikt genomen omdat het virus niet alleen pneumocyten van dit type doodt, maar een ontstekingsstorm gebruikt om een ​​endotheliale vasculaire trombose te creëren.  "
 Bij verspreide intravasculaire coagulatie wordt de long het meest aangetast omdat deze het meest ontstoken is, maar er is ook een hartaanval, beroerte en vele andere trombo-embolische aandoeningen.
 In feite lieten de protocollen antivirale therapieën onbruikbaar en waren ze gericht op ontstekingsremmende en antistollingstherapieën.  Deze therapieën moeten onmiddellijk worden uitgevoerd, zelfs thuis, waarbij de behandeling van patiënten heel goed reageert.
 Als de Chinezen het hadden afgekeurd, hadden ze geïnvesteerd in thuistherapie, niet in intensive care!  Dus de manier om het te bestrijden is met antibiotica, ontstekingsremmers en anticoagulantia.
 Een Italiaanse patholoog meldt dat het ziekenhuis in Bergamo in totaal 50 autopsies heeft uitgevoerd en één in Milaan, 20, dat wil zeggen de Italiaanse serie is de hoogste ter wereld, de Chinezen deden er slechts 3, wat de informatie volledig lijkt te bevestigen.
 In een notendop wordt de ziekte bepaald door verspreide intravasculaire coagulatie veroorzaakt door het virus;  daarom is het geen longontsteking maar longtrombose, een grote diagnostische fout.
 Sommige wereldleiders verdubbelden het aantal reanimatieplaatsen op de ICU, met onnodige exorbitante kosten.
 Volgens de Italiaanse patholoog is behandeling op ICU's nutteloos als trombo-embolie niet eerst wordt opgelost.  "Als we een long ventileren waar het bloed niet circuleert, is het nutteloos, in feite zullen negen (9) van de tien (10) patiënten sterven omdat het probleem cardiovasculair is en niet de luchtwegen."
 'Het is veneuze microtrombose, niet longontsteking, die de mortaliteit bepaalt.'
 Volgens de literatuur veroorzaakt ontsteking trombose door een complex maar bekend pathofysiologisch mechanisme.
 Helaas, wat de wetenschappelijke literatuur zei, vooral Chinees tot half maart, was dat ontstekingsremmende medicijnen niet mogen worden gebruikt.
 Nu wordt in Italië de therapie gebruikt met ontstekingsremmers en antibiotica, zoals bij influenza, en is het aantal gehospitaliseerde patiënten verminderd.
 Hij ontdekte ook dat veel sterfgevallen, zelfs in de veertig, gedurende 10 tot 15 dagen koorts hadden, die niet goed werden behandeld.
 De ontsteking veroorzaakt veel weefselschade en creëert grond voor de vorming van trombus.  Het grootste probleem is echter niet het virus, maar de immuun hyperreactie die de cel vernietigt waar het virus is geïnstalleerd.
 In feite hebben patiënten met reumatoïde artritis nooit op de IC hoeven te worden opgenomen omdat ze corticosteroïdtherapie krijgen, wat een geweldige ontstekingsremmer is.
 Met deze belangrijke ontdekking is het mogelijk om terug te keren naar het normale leven en gesloten deals te sluiten vanwege de quarantaine, maar niet onmiddellijk, maar met de tijd.
 Vriendelijk delen zodat de gezondheidsautoriteiten van elk land hun respectieve analyse van deze informatie kunnen maken, verdere sterfgevallen kunnen voorkomen en investeringen op passende wijze kunnen omleiden;  het vaccin kan later komen.

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zaterdag 25 juli 2020

Netherlands – The Pedophile Kingdom and Sodom and Gomorrah of the Modern World – Pedophilia & Empire

Chapter 36: Netherlands – The Pedophile Kingdom and Sodom and Gomorrah of the Modern World – Pedophilia & Empire
Amazon Page

Chapter 36 Netherlands: The Pedophile Kingdom and Sodom and Gomorrah of the Modern World

Joachim Hagopian

Cover Credit: Nora Maccoby with permission

DOC (38 Pages): Chapter 36 Holland – The Sodom and Gomorrah of the Modern World Chapter 36 Netherlands – The Sodom and Gomorrah of the Modern World

Full Text Free Online Below the Fold

The lineage of former Holy Roman and French nobility comprises today’s House of Orange- ruling over the constitutional monarchy of the Netherlands. The Dutch royalty owns major multinational corporations such as Royal Dutch Shell,  Royal Dutch Airlines, Philips Electronics and Holland-America Line.[1] The royal family has evolved its interests as a high-level authority currently operating as a branch of the Vatican’s Roman empire, wielding considerable influence over such powerful entities as the Rand Corporation, Koch Industries, Princeton University (founded in honor of the House of Orange), some of the world’s largest banks including AMRO and investment firms like BlackRock,[2] the largest financial asset management institution on the planet, worth an estimated $7.4 trillion in client assets.[3]

Coincided by design with the planned Corona scamdemic, this year BlackRock’s been busily bailing out the US Federal Reserve, buying billions worth of bonds to keep the house of cards economy from imploding, in one fell swoop in April seizing control over the US Treasury and Federal Reserve.[4] This private, unelected monolith has monopoly control now over the entire US economy as the centralized economic chokehold over the global masses prepares to tighten its death grip noose over humanity.[5] As the long planned implosion of the world economy goes up in smoke, by engineered design, this latest power grab amidst the so called pandemic crisis is all about consolidation of power and control into fewer and fewer hands, lending new meaning to the thoroughly bankrupted USA Corporation owned and operated by the financial juggernaut of “the Crown.”[6] The stakes have never been higher in 2020.

With the worldwide mafia pedo-crime cabal no longer an illusory paranoid aberration, the planetary controllers realize enough of the global masses are finally onto them, and as a result, are rushing to make their dystopic vision of one world governance a reality sooner than later. When it comes to sexual perversion, the House of Orange-Nassau of the Netherlands is every bit, if not more, perverse and decadent as the Saxe-Coburg-Gothe clans masquerading on both sides of the English Channel as the British royal imposters (See Chapter 33) as well as the Belgian royalty (See Chapter 35).

According to an April 2013 Financial Times article:

[Queen] Beatrix’s late 19th-century ancestor [maternal great-grandfather] Willem III (‘greatest debauchee of the age,’ wrote The New York Timesliked to stand on the balcony of his Swiss villa on Lake Geneva and open his bathrobe when a tour boat steamed past. In Dutch slang, he was ‘a pencil salesman.’[7]

In American vernacular, he was a first-class pervert. But Dutch scandals grew far darker and more disturbing as time went on. Queen Beatrix’s own mother Queen Juliana was allegedly raped and impregnated by her own father – consort Prince Hendrik (1876-1934), who also impregnated countless mistresses.[8] One of Prince Henrik’s illegitimate sons, after growing up a bastard in anonymity, at age 60 was suddenly discovered by a historian in 1979.[9] The newfound recognition was short lived though, as the official royal Orange coldly snubbed him. Seven years later he made the news again after shooting and killing his wife, reneging on his end of a homicide-suicide pact with his terminally ill spouse, and wound up spending a four-and-a-half-year stint behind bars in Holland’s pre-euthanasia era. With his life a sheer embarrassment to the royal family, he lived quietly in the shadows till his death in 2015 at 96-years old.

Though his German crown daddy Prince Hendrik lived a much shorter life reaching only 58 before croaking from a heart attack, leaving only one official offspring – his daughter Juliana the future Dutch Queen by his only spouse , the military officer, avid hunter and farmer sprinkled his Johnnie Appleseed like there was no tomorrow, siring up to ten illegit kids in all.[10] That’s some royal family-making… infidelity, incest and illegitimacy galore, all the classic trademarks of degenerate European royalty, oh and lest we forget the other royal tradition – pedophilia.

At best, the consort of Dutch Queen Beatrix, German born onetime Hitler Youth, Prince Claus von Amsberg (1926-2002) of minor German nobility, also shared a checkered past, allegedly caught cheating on the queen during their royal family visit to New York City in September 1982.[11] Reportedly Claus was influenced by his and his wife’s longtime friend, confidant and Queen’s legal counsel for 20 years Frits Salomonson. The alleged homosexual pedophile took his pal Claus for a walk he’d never forget on Big Apple’s wild side – the always lively orgiastic gay coke and poppers snorting scene of the early 1980s.[12] Dutch media began spinning titillating rumors of kinky promiscuity, apparently enticing the German periodical Der Spiegel to feature a sensational piece blowing the prince’s cover – his wholesome image as hetero-family man.

Struggling with the role as queen’s secondary appendage and nonstop lack of privacy since his wife was crowned queen in 1980, and burdened by the breaking scandal questioning his sexuality, Prince Claus apparently fell into deep depression and by November 1982 sought refuge and escape in treatment at a Swiss psychiatric hospital. Aside from those nasty rumors that wouldn’t go away, mainstream media settled on disclosing the queen’s consort was suffering from a severe bout of Major Depression.[13]

After a year of constant tabloid gossip claiming Claus was a homosexual with hints he preferred underage boys, eventually by late 1983 the press backed off from pursuing the sexual scandal any further. Der Spiegel never did run their feature bombshell story but only a watered down, heavily edited, much shorter version. Meanwhile, the sympathetic Dutch people mostly felt sorry for the overshadowed royal, grateful for his siring three boys to give the Netherlands a guaranteed male heir to the throne for the first time in a century. Since his shaky start of a marriage to the future Dutch queen in 1965 as another obscure German Hitler-linked import, the second one in a row just two decades after their bloody war against Nazis, Dutch citizens gradually warmed up to the unassuming charm of the soft-spoken prince, won over and impressed by his unassuming, low-key style and by Holland’s adopted royal sire’s due diligence at mastering the Dutch language with hardly a German accent. His efforts to fit in overcame Dutch citizens’ initial grudge.

Two decades earlier in 1962, four years before the German nobleman married the future Dutch queen, Claus was summarily dismissed from his West German diplomatic post in the Ivory Coast, due to sexual blackmail over an alleged affair with an East German spy.[14] Then on more than one occasion over the years, Prince Claus was observed and allegedly photographed in sexually compromising situations with 12 and 13-year old boys in Dutch brothels and at child orgies hosted by his sex buddy Salomonson in his notorious S&M torture chamber cellar. For decades as an alleged homosexual pedophile, Prince Claus was reportedly blackmailed as an unspoken royal liability, outside of occasional symbolic ribbon cuttings, the last two decades of his life sheltered away from the media, cloistered atop a Swiss mountain retreat. Despite maintaining such a low profile with increasing health issues culminated in 2002 with his death, like so many male members of European royal families, evidence remains strong that Prince Claus upheld the longstanding despicable tradition of the black nobility bloodlines – shamelessly sodomizing children.

Frits Salomonson, the kinky pervert hosting these sado-masochistic orgies, with Prince Claus among his high profile guests, also had photos taken and circulating of Frits all decked out in sadist drag with underage Moroccan boys inside his own basement crime scene, providing ample blackmail leverage keeping him somewhat in check, yet still protected from lifetime arrest due to his cozy royal relations.[15] The pics were offered to editor Willem Schmitt of the paparazzi magazine Prive, who turned them down. His reason:

I’m not going to press charges against the attorney of Her Majesty.[16]

In 1999 Frits Salomonson sued two adversarial neighbors for damages for outing his perversions in a letter to the Amsterdam mayor but lost.[17] After gunshots were heard, a meter-thick slab of concrete in Salomonson’s backyard was poured to provide a barrier for allegedly covering up his dead victims. After Frits was further exposed in the Van Traa Commission report over his laundered mobster drug money in the IRT scandal, in 1996 the royal favorite had to be let go as the crown counsel and, eventually humiliated by all his criminal overexposure, Frits hightailed his sick ass to friendlier, safer pastures in nearby pedo-friendly Belgium for his twilight years. With old Frits now 86, he’s sheltered by his fellow aging pedo-buddies – the powerful Lippens brothers, 78-year old Count Leopold Lippens, still mayor of Knokke after four decades, and 77-year old Bilderberger Maurice Lippens, chairman of the board of the 2008 defunct Fortis Bank that after a decade of fraud charges, Belgium finally dropped its case in December 2018.[18] Recall from last chapter that these cruel VIP sodomites go back to Regina Louf’s earliest memories of hometown abuse. More to come on the queen’s favorite pedo-lawyer Frits later.

Next comes the tainted legacy of Prince Claus’ predecessor father-in-law, fellow German prince consort to Queen Juliana – Prince Bernhard, exposed former Nazi SS officer,[19] notorious Bilderberg founder, scandalized for his million-dollar bribe from Lockheed,[20] and another alleged pedophile with a heavily tarnished reputation. Recall last chapter that the Belgian scandal’s key witness in Regina Louf as a 1980s network child sex slave alleged that she was trafficked to a party aboard Prince Bernhard’s yacht Jumbo VI.[21] Also Bernhard has been cited a hunter at royal child hunting parties,[22] an attendee at satanic cult rituals involving child sex abuse, torture and blood sacrifice, and reportedly on a regular basis sexually assaulted teenage girls.[23] Of course Bernhard had his share of bastard kids too, forced to reluctantly admit, two before his 2004 death with an illegitimate third daughter emerging AD, of course from three different mistresses.[24] See a royal bloodline pattern here? Just like the Saxe-Coburg-Gothes.

What is it about these sexually deviant German princes and their Dutch queens? Aside from the current King Willem-Alexander married to an Argentinian Queen Maxima, daughter of Jorge Zorreguieta, a cabinet member during the deadly military junta’s “dirty war” killing thousands in the 1970s and early 1980s,[25] and one other Dutch king in the distant past, every single other king and queen in Dutch history has always married a German, and nearly 2 out of every 3 House of Orange marriages have all been with German nobility.[26]

From Micha Kat and Juriaan Maesson’s scathing 2010 piece for on how Bilderberger’s first president Prince Bernhard’s three grandsons, one the current king of Holland Willem-Alexander, the deceased Prince Friso and the youngest of Queen Beatrix’s boys Prince Constantijn, carry on the royal family tradition’s “torch of treason,” blatantly moving the planet towards New World Order tyranny through increasingly centralized, megalomaniacal, blueblood control:

The objective: to dismantle the nation-state, strip the people of their self-determination and free will, and position themselves as sovereign rulers of the planet. Their common cause does not deviate from the age-old directive, but their means are custom-made to fit current times.[27]

Back in the days prior to Prince Willem-Alexander’s 2013 crowning, the future king focused on water management control, concentrating his energy cutting up the New World Order’s slice of the global pie, recommending:

The World Trade Organization develop and consider virtual water balances, using a resource accounting framework, when assessing and negotiating agriculture subsidies and trade in agricultural products.[28]

Harnessing the most basic life sustaining commodity – water – that should be a universal human right as yet another natural domain subject to strict global governance leading to privatization,[29] the Dutch king is a mere cabal tool whose “trained expertise” role is all about centralization and consolidation of royal power and control at the expense of every earthling’s birthright to privacy and individual freedom.

On the royal House of Orange website, at one point Constantijn’s resume boasted he was “programme associate of the Bilderberg conference.”[30] Prepping for his big family Bilderberg gig, the prince cut his teeth at Booz, Allen & Hamilton, the notorious military industrial complex intelligence consultancy private contractor, a central figure in war-gaming and spying on our every move. Constantijn’s next career move was the Dutch European Commissioner’s office and then onto the notorious NWO fixture, the Rand Corporation, where he assumed command at Rand’s Bruxelles office, writing papers on RFID tracking technology and global regulation of the Internet. Author of The Bilderberg Group Daniel Estulin sized up Rand’s importance in the NWO hierarchy this way:

The interlocking leadership between the trustees at RAND, and the Ford, Rockefeller, and Carnegie foundations is a classic case of Bilderberg modus operandi. The Ford Foundation gave one million dollars to RAND in 1952, at a time when the president of the Ford Foundation was simultaneously the chairman of RAND.[31]

Also from last chapter, there’s eyewitness Anne Marie van Blijenburgh’s account, forced to observe ritual child killings by her mafia husband whose crime family sponsored them for sexual blackmail, where a Queen Beatrix charity program dispatched Dutch kids from youth detention centers to be ritually sacrificed. Anne Marie maintains that the following VIP notables were invited blood sacrifice participants – the late second son of Prince Claus and Queen Beatrix – Prince Johan Friso and his wife Mabel Wisse-Smit, herself a former girlfriend of the 1991 murdered Dutch mobster-drug kingpin Klaas Bruinsma,[32] along with other infamous attendees that include global insurrectionist-terrorist George Soros, Dutch president Mark Rutte, head of parliament Geert Wilders, former justice minister Piet Hein Donner (loyal protector for accused pedophile Joris Demmink), and former justice minister-Bilderberger Ernst Hirsch Ballin.[33] All are Luciferian blackmailed Dutch reps from the international crime cabal circuit.

No accident that Soros and Prince Friso should meet up at an occasional sacrificial B.S. get-together. Friso’s gangster moll wife was also director of Soros’ Brussels based Open Society Institute – small NWO crime cabal world.[34] With Soros having a hand in the pot seemingly wherever trouble is looming in the world, the big question then becomes, did Soros know about Mabel Wisse Smit’s mafia past prior to hiring her? Or as a December 12, 2003 EIR article probes:

Did Godfather George Soros show his humanity and loyalty, by overlooking all the evidence about Mabel’s involvement with mafia thugs, drug deals, brutality and torture, to keep her on as the representative of his Open Society Foundation in Brussels? Or were these gold stars on her resumé, which, to begin with, made her the ideal candidate to represent the biggest drug pusher and mega-thief in the word?

This rhetorical question sides with the latter.

Though the hapless witness Anne Marie was horrified of the child blood sacrifice and notified police, courts, Interpol, and every authority she could think of, none were willing to investigate the elites’ systematic murder of throwaway institutionalized children. Again, from last chapter, recall that Prince Johan Friso’s name also came up in connection with the royal sport of lethal child hunting parties. That was prior to Prince Johan’s fateful run-in with an avalanche, while skiing the Austrian Alps in February 2012, leaving him in an extended coma for the next year and a half before his August 2013 demise.[35]

While studying in the US at Cal Berkeley during the late 1980s, the prince was alleged to have also engaged in homosexual activity with minors. Like father, like son, America just brings out the worst in these repressed, away from home royal degenerates. It’s no surprise Prince Friso would end up with the ex-girlfriend of Netherland’s very own Al Capone the #1 drug dealer. According to journalists Jurriaan Maesson and Micha Kat, Johan’s gangster involved wife Mabel blackmailed the pedigreed pedo-gay prince into marrying her.[36] Apparently compromised like his dad Claus, Friso had to voluntarily give up his next-in-line succession status to the throne while the prime minister quietly maneuvered past the obligatory parliamentary approval vote for every senior royal prior to marriage. Professionally, the onetime Goldman Sachs banker, Prince Friso acted as a royal economic hitman for the World Bank, dishing out unpayable loans to Third World nations for natural resource thievery. Friso was also affiliated with numerous NWO organizations involving microchipping, radio tracking, MRI body scanning and satellite spying technologies.[37]

The most media covered murder case in Dutch history occurred on Walpurgisnacht night of May 1st, 1999, a satanic holiday when child blood sacrifice rituals are regularly conducted. 16-year old Marianne Vaatstra never made it home from her boyfriend’s in the rural northern Dutch province of Friesland. Marianne was raped, strangled and had her throat slashed, found the next day in a field.[38] After years of allegations swirling around a local asylum center housing 300 mostly Muslim refugees, producing 10 arrests that went nowhere, years alter a 5 km radius dragnet was eventually set up whereupon 5,000 residents in the area voluntarily submitted DNA. According to media accounts, a local farmer Jaspar Steringa living 2.5 km from where the corpse was found stepped up to offer his own DNA evidence that led directly to his 2013 conviction.[39] From the unlikelihood of that illogical outcome, after more than a decade of the unsolved mystery producing an avalanche of speculation percolating over who would commit such a grisly act slashing the victim’s throat ear to ear on a satanic holiday no less, inevitably many would conclude the murder had to be a satanic blood sacrifice. Then a confessional from an anonymous witness’s firsthand observation surfaced:

[Prince] Friso was present at a satanic execution of a young woman in the province of Friesland in the night after queen’s day in 1999.[40]

Incriminating evidence linking the same royal prince to attending another child blood sacrifice ritual?

For more clues let’s take a closer look at the company the royal family keeps. As Queen Beatrix’s friend ever since their college days at Leiden University together as Minerva society members, it was natural that Frits Salomonson would become the royal family confidant, the crown’s personal attorney from 1975 to 1995, and even the appointed guardianship to future King Willem-Alexander. Known as “Uncle Frits” to their three boys, Salomonson was far more than just Prince Claus’ fellow pedo-perv in New York City. Throughout the 1980s as chairman of the board of a company called Text Lite, Salomonson was also alleged to have laundered some serious dirty drug money.[41]

Holland’s IRT drug scandal, finally exposed in 1994, was simply the European counterpart to the same global organized crime network of the Bush-Reagan regime and their underlings Lt. Col. Oliver North running drugs and arms while Lt. Col. Michael Aquino and Lawrence King ran their MK Ultra-Franklin pedo-scandal. Aside from Salomonson, since the 1980s the royal Orange-Nassau crime contingent was also represented by Frits’ HIV infected law partner,[42] Oscar Hammerstein (born in 1954, obviously not the famous American song lyricist), who shared links with underworld mafia, along with aristocratic law partner Count Rutger Jan Schimmelpenninck (born in 1949).[43] They were all covertly moving and money laundering a vast volume of heroin and cocaine into the Netherlands and beyond. In fact the IRT scandal of the 1980s resulted in the parliamentary Van Traa Commission of 1994, tasked with examining both Hammerstein and his mentor Salomonson’s improprieties.[44] Oscar was even briefly detained, accused of laundering 17.5 million guilders while law partnering with Count Schimmelpennink at their Bockel de Nerée law firm for the drug kingpin Klaas Bruinsma’s drug syndicate.[45]

According to a member of the Van Traa Commission:

Drug money was laundered by Text Lite. The murdered drug trafficker Klaas Bruinsma would have injected millions in startup capital in the firm… The now retired attorney, Mr. F. Salomonson, as advisory board president, would have been in the know of the criminal activities.[46]

Once the Dutch Capone was violently out of the way, quick to fill the power void to continue warm liaisons with the royal surrogates were Bruinsma’s mobster successors Etienne Urka, Charles Geerts and John Engelsma, the latter even helping Prince Friso’s wife Mabel Wisse Smit in 2003 lie about her relationship with Bruinsma.[47] Engelsma and Prince Willem-Alexander also both ran the 1999 New York City marathon together. Geerts was the longtime mafia player who ran the global child pornography network. One more connection between the royals, their sexually deviant legal protectors Frits and Oscar, the Bruinsma organized crime cartel, and both drug and child sex trafficking is Pakistani hashish importer and diamond dealer Fouad Abbas.[48] During the late 1980s and early 1990s, he centered his drug and child trafficking operation in Belgium and the Netherlands, while selling hash by the tons to Bruinsma. Further, Abbas was linked to money laundering through Salomonson and Hammerstein’s Text Lite. In the Netherlands, as the world over, it’s one big happy extended crime family. On top of all that, one time or another the royal Prince Claus, his son Prince Friso, Salomonson, Hammerstein and Schimmelpennink have all been accused child abusers, if not traffickers themselves.[49]

Bilderberg founder and Queen Beatrix daddy Prince Bernhard also developed the Gladio Stay Behind network in conjunction with CIA and NATO through his 1001 Club, fostering more collusion between security services, organized crime and Euro-terrorism.[50] Thus, the singular theme of royalty, intelligence community, heads of state [and church] covertly tied to organized crime operating the international trade of trafficked arms, drugs and child sex remains a longtime embedded historical fact.

Speaking of Church, an independent commission in 2011 estimated that Catholic priests sexually abused 10,000 to 20,000 Dutch children since 1945.[51] Moreover, the Dutch Public Prosecution Office maintained a policy for decades of simply filing away cases literally in a box, essentially subverting justice by never charging or arresting rapist clergy and deliberately letting the statute of limitations expire.[52]

As a related aside, Queen Beatrix was Grand Master Knight of the Order of Saint John,[53] affiliate partner to the Catholic Sovereign Military Order of Malta, in 1959 knighted by her SMOM father Prince Bernhard.[54] Current Dutch King Willem-Alexander is Honorary Commander of this same secret society[55] (See Chapter 5), as well as head of the Loyal Orange Order, an Irish Celtic Masonic Order. Queen Beatrix nephew, the Italian-Dutch Prince Jaime Bernardo of Bourbon-Parma, is also part of the powerful Farmese bloodline that established the Jesuits as another secret Catholic military order[56] (See Chapter 6), and as a Malta Knight, served as Dutch ambassador to the Holy See until 2018.[57] Also recall that the former Jesuit Superior General aka Black Pope, Peter hans Kolvenbach, hailed from the Netherlands. With roots and tentacles connected to Catholicism, Protestantism, Nazism, Jesuitism, in case you haven’t noticed, the black nobility House of Orange bloodline is known to finance and manage Luciferian cults and secret societies.

So we come full circle, the House of Orange, just as the House of Windsor/Saxe-Coburg-Gothe of both Britain and Belgium (See Chapters 33 and 35) and House of Rothschild (See Chapters 27-28), along with the Astor, Russell and Sassoon family bloodline dynasties, behind death cults and Luciferian secret societies, all have made vast fortunes immersed in the illicit drug smuggling trade.[58] For centuries the Dutch royals have profited off the sale of opium since the early days of the Dutch East India Company and Dutch Trading Company,[59] that by 2000 morphed into the world’s sixth largest bank ABN AMRO worth $480 billion,[60] partially owning Saudi Hollandi Bank of Saudi Arabia. The Dreyfus family has partnered with the House of Orange, opening up their Louis-Dreyfus Group in the Netherlands. Current head of the company, Margarita Louis-Dreyfus is now married to Philipp Hildebrand, the current BlackRock Vice Chairman.[61] The Koch brothers’ family is Dutch, originating from the Netherlands, with David and Charles Koch financed by the Dutch Crown.

While the Dutch royals are among the wealthiest monarchies in the world, today’s sobering consensus is that they are also heads of a full-fledged narco-state.[62] Continuing evidence of the ever-growing reach of the Dutch narco-state terrorizing the Netherlands erupted last September 18, 2019 when top defense lawyer Dirk Wiersum was gunned down outside his home in an upscale Amsterdam suburb.[63] Wiersum was defending a witness supplying state evidence against a rash of drug murders in recent years. Until the people realize that their idolatrized royalty and their friends are the overlords of this lawless mafia ruled pedo-world, we can expect nothing to change.

Turns out the Dutch elite are notorious historical traffickers of both illegal drugs as well as human slaves. From author Louise Shelley’s Human Trafficking A Global Perspective:

The Netherlands… became the second most powerful slave trading state in the Atlantic slave trade.[64]

Long immersed in bigtime international drug trafficking, conjointly with illegal arms and stolen children, the Netherlands remains Europe’s major destination hub for both drugs and children,[65] particularly in the one nation where both soft drugs and commercial sex are legally available more than anywhere else on the planet.[66] As a result, the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) lists the Netherlands as the number one destination for human trafficking victims,[67] and according to US State Department, it’s also Western Europe’s only country among the world’s worst five nations as a source for trafficked victims, in other words, in Holland, underage sex slaves are both coming and going at a record pace.[68] Moreover, 80% of all the trafficking victims inside the Netherlands are forced into labor as sex slaves, also higher than any other country… as the Sodom and Gomorrah of the modern world.[69]

In just a recent 7-year period from 2004 to 2011, with the number of globally trafficked underage girls more than doubling from 10 to 21%, and boys quadrupling from 3 to 12%, out of the total human trafficked population,[70] this trend has only grown worse in the last 9 years to reach a pandemic scourge blighting this earth. In a study from October 2017, combining both UN and national statistics, in the Netherlands from 2012 to 2016, there was an average of 1,320 reported cases of trafficked Dutch girls aged 12 to 17 each year, making up nearly half of the total reported female victims in the nation’s sex industry.[71] But when estimated unreported cases are included, the actual number of victims jumps to at least five times that amount. And this particular study was restricted to Dutch girls only, not the much larger influx of trafficked foreign girls from Eastern Europe and beyond. Plus, the borderless boundaries of European Union nation-state members and notorious EU policy record has only contributed to this ever-widening global pedophilia network.[72]

As a recent outrageous, mind-blowing illustration demonstrating just how disastrous and unsafe conditions are in the Netherlands for children, the national Dutch children’s shelters for Asylum that house its children from Vietnam have been responsible for losing 97% of its young Vietnamese residents to child traffickers.[73] In other words, virtually all the children under the Dutch care’s asylum program are apparently funneled directly into the child sex trafficking pipeline. In March 2020 National Rapporteur on Human Trafficking and Sexual Violence against Children, Herman Bolhaar, announced:

The suspicion that a large proportion of these children fall into the hands of human traffickers or people smugglers have been confirmed.[74]

This astounding news followed the story last June 2019 that an amazing 1,600 kids have gone missing from asylum centers in the Netherlands over the previous 4.5 years.[75] What does that blatantly say about how the Dutch government fails to take care of its children? It’s nothing short of a child sex trafficking accomplice. And it has everything to do with the fact that pedophiles and their friendly protectors have infiltrated the federal government, pretty much all federal governments in virtually all Western nations. Sadly, that’s what it says.

So what’s the Netherlands’ answer to their dire straits situation of so many missing children? Hire a 72-year old battle-worn Leiden U. Minerva alum gatekeeper for secretary of state for justice and security – Ankie Broekers-Knol. De Telegraaf prints a reader’s expressed opinion chagrin over Dutch “inner club” nepotism:

She [Ankie Broekers-Knol] is going to pick up asylum cases at the age of 72 and manage everything. With all due respect: you cannot take this seriously as a citizen. Was there really no one else available? So it is not about the knowledge and skills but it is about who you know.[76]

In February 2018 Herman Bolhaar replaced outgoing Rapporteur Corinne Dettmeijer after her dozen years of allowing thousands of children go missing on her watch.[77] Both Demmink and Dettmeijer are close Leiden U. Minerva society friends with Joris Demmink (along with another Minerva pedo-enabling justice minister Ivo Opstelten), so it’s obviously this pedo-club where all their loyalties lay, because it’s definitely not for the children. Also Bolhaar and Demmink were both students and friends of their mentor,[78] Rolph Gonsalves (1932-2002) who prior to becoming a lead prosecutor at home, brutally murdered, pillaged and plundered both adults and children abroad in Dutch New Guinea throughout the late 1950s,[79] and then promptly knighted at home by Queen Juliana in 1960.[80] Familiar theme of royalty saluting thugs and pedos… just ask Queen Elizabeth.

Herman Bolhaar’s job before letting all the asylum kids become the latest easy pickings in the sex trafficking trade, in addition to being senior fellow at Harvard’s Kennedy School of Government, Bolhaar has worked as head honcho inside the Public Prosecution Service (2001-2017),[81] right alongside his pedo-buddy Justice Demmink. See what I mean?

In June 2019 an article in the Volkskrant newspaper pointed out the atrocious track record on children:

Lost in Europe is the name of the network of European journalists that has been trying to piece together the fate of disappeared children in Europe since last year. It concerns thousands of children, perhaps ten thousand figured out by Europol two years ago, although nobody knows for sure because the figures are kept so sloppily. They are off the radar and no one knows what happened to them. It is suspected that some of them have fallen into the hands of human traffickers, for sex work or child pornography or forced labor, because children to whom no rooster crows are good trade.[82]

Again, as long as gatekeeping pedophiles and their enablers are handpicked to remain in charge of children’s welfare and responding to violent crimes committed against them, nothing will ever change, and it’s obvious that in the nearly two and a half years since Rapporteur Bolhaar took over, conditions have only further deteriorated.

All of these unbelievably alarming facts in such a small affluent nation are the resultant consequence of a security services’ blackmail-controlled mafia amalgamation of royalty, banking and political elite operating openly in direct partnership cesspit with the country’s out of control organized crime. In effect, all the above unique dynamics render the Dutch Establishment among the world’s biggest criminal profiteering racketeers, holding the dubious shameful distinction as the intracontinental global trafficking epicenter of the planet’s most profitable illegal commodities – drugs, arms and children. Having reached worldwide crisis, the growing urgency to hold these elites accountable in their vast criminal global enterprise has become most dire, and nowhere is it more blatant than the little old wooden shoe-windmill nation of Holland. With the thumb in the dike, the dam’s ready to blow and all hell’s breaking loose.

The Dutch-Belgian connection is embedded even in the Dutroux X-Dossier compiled by Belgian police, disclosing details of a highly organized, integrated pedophilia network, based on the testimony provided by a Dutch victim-witness named “Catharina.” She supplied further evidence of the long practiced web of child sex abuse operating in the Low Countries, perpetrated by elite members of a Luciferian international cult.[83] Six months after the Dutroux scandal broke, PV 150.006 dated February 20, 1997 addresses the firsthand experience of a woman who was sexually abused as a young child for many years by her wealthy businessman father who belonged to the pedo-cult. Near her father’s estate in Lugano, Catharina claimed she observed the making of a snuff film. She also explained that the satanic cult included abduction of children in Belgium and Poland trafficked to the Netherlands. She alleged that she and other children were ritually abused and tortured at a number of locations – at a small airport in The Hague strictly used by the Dutch royal family, inside an Italian consulate, at the cult’s main headquarters in Zurich, Switzerland and at a UN building in Geneva as well as other sites in Belgium. Catharina stated that child victims abused in satanic rituals by the occult sect comprised of nobility, lawyers and army officers would often disappear “via a butcher shop in Rotterdam in the Van Hellemondstraat.”[84]

Again, another aristocratic family involved in both child sex abuse and drugs, the Schimmelpennink family owns several castle estates linked to a pedophile cult that abused and tortured young children, causing altered personalities inducing Dissociative Disorder, similar to MK Ultra mind control. Among the locations where the cult practiced satanic ritual abuse mind control was the Westerflier estate in Diepenheim near Markelo, owned by Count Rutger Jan Schimmelpennink.

From the police Dutroux X-Dossier, an anonymous letter sent in to the Dutch Justice Ministry dated December 13, 1996:

A group of 300 people formed a sect that exists in Holland. They organize orgies with children (3 years and older). Members = lawyers – jurists – judges – police officers. Meetings in rural estates – hotels – at one of the members [Schimmelpennink]… Example: Villa Westflier in Markelo [Westerflier/Nijenhuis estate, which, coincidentally, used to be a boarding school for girls from 1948 to the late sixties and has been in the possession of an aristocratic [Schimmelpennink] family] [and the] beach of Noordwijk. Meetings are held the first Saturday after the full moon as well as on dates of Christian feasts or on anniversaries. Groups of 12 people with children. Rapes and tortures of the children. Large meetings = 50 adults and 50 children – drugs, booze, orgies, rapes. Registration on video of abuse of kids… Apparently, a whistleblower who tried to inform the police was disbelieved and soon thereafter disappeared.[85]

A military intelligence operative that infiltrated the above pedo-cult alleged that he observed Prince Bernhard, consort to the queen, attending one of the satanic cult meetings at the Westerflier estate.[86] The Schimmelpennink family were friends with the royal family that owned an estate in Markelo (next town over) where Bernard’s mother resided from 1952 to her death in 1971. The prince, his wife Queen Juliana and their daughters including Queen Beatrix and eventually Prince Claus regularly spent holidays at the royal family estate in Markelo.

With a population of 17.5 million residents, the Netherlands is perhaps the most sexually permissive nation on earth where, like its neighbor Belgium, pedophilia runs rampant. In previous chapters we learned that its capital Amsterdam is the world’s child snuff porn headquarters and that Belgium’s elite pedophilia network is inextricably bound to the Dutch child raping web as virtually one and the same. Recall the London-Amsterdam-Berlin trafficking network that attracted dozens of British and German pedophile criminals like Warwick Spinks and “Welsh Witch” Alan Williams,[87] both instrumental in the startup and proliferation of many child pornography studios and boy brothels located in and near Amsterdam. In January 2014 it was reported that even a top BBC executive owned a 3-story home in the heart of Amsterdam where one floor was exclusively reserved for the commercial production and distribution of child pornography films, abusing British boys from care homes trafficked to the big Dutch city where sex never sleeps.[88] German implants Lothar Glandorf and Gerrick Ulrich also gravitated to fertile Dutch ground for child exploitation through trafficking and child pornography in Rotterdam and Zandvoort. These expatriates all found a home in Holland because of its sexually lax, highly permissive culture and tolerance for pedophilia.

As recently as a year ago last June 2019, the NL Times re-raised the issue of banning a 1000+ page pedophile manual circulating freely in Europe’s heartland, detailing the ins and outs of how to get away with committing acts of pedophilia against children without getting caught, debating to make possession and ownership of the manual in the Netherlands against the law.[89] But Dutch Minister of Justice and Security, Ferdinand Grapperhaus, said it would nearly be impossible to ban based on feedback from his ministerial lawyers, “because the manual contains no criminal material” [Boldface emphasis all mine].[90] The last time I checked, sexually molesting children even in “progressive” Holland is still a crime. Yet such inane absurdity in applying such letter of the law interpretation prevails in this nation that appears to bend over backwards protecting sodomites’ criminal rights over victims’ rights.

In 2000 the Dutch chose to legalize prostitution, believing conditions for its sex workers would vastly improve. Yet within a few short years it became increasingly apparent that such “progressive” legislation only created working conditions far worse and more dangerous for exploited, unprotected sex workers as victims, not to mention causing a growing influx of child sex trafficking primarily from Eastern Europe.[91] The law stands to be repealed since organized crime predatorily seized the moment, taking full advantage of this seemingly “anything goes” national policy.[92] Louise Shelley’s Human Trafficking A Global Perspective highlights yet another problem with organized crime controlling Dutch prostitution:

In the Netherlands, with its long-standing red-light districts, the trafficked prostitutes who cannot acquire work permits exist in an underground where they are paid less, suffer greater risks, and have no security for the future.[93]

She is referring to all those trafficked in minors who make up nearly half of the nation’s sex workers. The Netherlands, with its large mafia-controlled sex industry as the magnet drawing in trafficked girls from Eastern Europe, a whopping 90% of its sex workers are foreign, the most in all of Europe, and very many are underage.[94]

At the same time that the Netherlands was learning that its legalized prostitution wasn’t working out as planned, similar to Britain’s PIE (Pedophile Information Exchange) that operated politically from 1974 to 1984, in 2006 Dutch pedophiles opportunistically decided to launch their own political party (the Charity, Freedom and Diversity Party – NVD), advocating not only legalizing pedophilia but bestiality as well, lowering the age of consent from 16 to 12, with intent to eventually eliminate consent altogether.[95] An opinion poll at the time affirmed that 18% of Dutch respondents did not want the government interfering or stopping the new party from forming, with one in three believing that actively promoting pedophilia should not be illegal.

A 2013 Guardian article casually mentions that a 1987 Dutch study actually “found that a sample of boys in pedophilic relationships felt positive about them.”[96] Another Dutch study featured in the Spring 1983 Alternative Lifestyles journal published an article entitled “Pedophile Relationships in the Netherlands: Alternative Lifestyle for Children?,” focusing on the positive value that 25 boys aged 10 to 16 attributed to their sexual relationship with their pedophile male partner of average age 39.[97] A progressive social science attitude exists in the academia world of Europe and the US that views society’s hang-ups as automatically programming, predisposing and prejudicing a lack of social acceptance of pedophilia through placement of such negative value judgment. This attitude is illustrated below in a passage from the above referenced 1987 study conducted by the same Dutch researcher as in the earlier 1983 study:

Our society’s vision of sex and sexuality is rather unstable. For a decade or so it can be rather supple, generally approving, and then, only a little later, everything sexual is seen as troublesome or problematic. This is especially true of sexual contacts between adults and minors. Toward the end of the 1970s many Dutch newspapers, news and family magazines carried relatively positive articles about ‘pedophilia’ – positive in the sense that an attempt was made in them to understand how both partners involved in pedophile relationships felt. At the same time, however, they invariably stressed the adverse judgement of society at large.[98]


This cultural perception appears to still be prevalent in the Netherlands. After recently informing a Dutch owner of a Bali restaurant located in the onetime Dutch colony that I was writing a book on the scourge of worldwide pedophilia, with a serious, quizzical look, he queried, “What’s wrong with pedophilia?” All these multiple reflectors along with the preceding alarmingly hardcore facts collectively provide all the tall tale signs that kids in Holland are not safe from lecherous child sexual predators since pedo-promiscuity appears a culturally embedded societal norm, at least amongst a sizeable portion of its adult male population. As with all Western nations, the royal and political elite are taking full advantage of this normalization process towards blasé acceptance of pedophilic relationships. No doubt that’s precisely why the sexualization of children is so pervasive in global mass media (See Chapter 2).


Despite the already presented evidence of pedophilia amongst Dutch royalty and friends, the “lone gunman” syndrome in the Netherlands applied to the Dutch pedo-scandal has centered around “unproven” allegations toward the most accused pedophile in the nation’s history, the now former Secretary-General of the Justice Ministry – Joris Demmink. From an April 18, 2016 article covering the civil case brought primarily against the former justice minister:

A court in Amsterdam has begun hearing testimony from nine witnesses into allegations that senior politicians knew about and used underage male prostitutes in the 1980s.[99]

Apparently with gatekeeper Joris Demmink running the Dutch justice department, access to criminal court remained off limits to his pedophile victims. This unprecedented Dutch legal case of historic child sexual abuse in the 1980s and 1990s was filed by victim-witnesses against Demmink. Witnesses told the newspaper they had observed boys “no older than 15” get into his government car in The Hague’s Schilderswijk neighborhood, one adding that he regularly took “an Arab-looking boy.”[100] Witnesses also claim that Demmink was apparently a client during the 1980s of a known pimp of underage boys Dick Willard, who allegedly was murdered in 1991 by two of his former “sex slaves.” One witness recalled:

Willard boasted about his customers, also about this Demmink.[101]

Alleged victim Koos van Woudenberg testified that during his youth in the late 1980s, he was trafficked to an Amsterdam apartment belonging to Free University modern history Professor Ger van Roon (1933-2014), where a number of underage boys were regularly sodomized by former Justice Minister Joris Demmink, former finance minister and IMF head Onno Rudding, former Amsterdam Mayor Ed van Thijn and even Prince Claus, husband of Queen Beatrix.[102] Another witness in the 2016 abuse lawsuit was 43-year old Bart van Well, who alleged that at 15 years old, Demmink forced him to have sex in the back of his chauffeur driven government car.[103] Bart said that for several years he was routinely drugged, sexually abused and passed around by prominent men from the halls of government, and that much of it was filmed and sold as child pornography while simultaneously doubling as sexual blackmail evidence.

Professor van Roon maintained close ties between his powerful VIP friends and such notorious pedo-brothel owning procurers as Rotterdam’s German Lothar Glandorf (mentioned earlier as well as last chapter) and Dutchman Karel Alex Maasdam.[104] Boys trafficked from Britain, Belgium, Germany and Eastern Europe arriving at Amsterdam’s central train station would be routinely picked up and delivered to van Roon’s home for christening orgies in the Dutch pedophile boy brothel network.

Yet another Dutch government honcho linked to this same pedophile ring under investigation in the 1998 Rolodex affair was former Defense Minister (1982-1986) turned Amsterdam Appeals Court District Attorney (1986-1991), the now deceased Job de Ruiter (1930-2015). A sling and arrow from an October 24, 2006 Metro article:

And then we aren’t even talking about the then Secretary of Defense Job de Ruiter, who, I read, not only was guilty of this cover-up [defective landmine affair in which top Army officials were involved], but was also blackmailed over the fact that he was committing immoral offences with underaged boys.[105]

Hans Laroes, the NOS Journaal editor-in-chief, wrote in 2004:

The name Joris Demmink had been given to me in conversations with detectives. These spoke about a 1998 investigation, ran from a very secret location in Utrecht: an investigation into a network of top public officials, two district attorneys [one being Henry Hans Holthuis out of the total of 19 at the time in the Netherlands], a former minister [Onno Rudding], a former attorney of the Queen [aforementioned Frits Salomonson] and a single professor [aforementioned Ger van Roon] who would have sex with underaged boys. The investigation had begun at the direction of the College of Prosecutor-Generals – instigated by the district attorney of Amsterdam, [Hans] Vrakking.[106]

Prosecutor Hans Vrakking had collected enough information to move forward with the Central Detective Information Service (CRI) conducting searches on some of the above suspects, several of the district attorneys – primarily Henry Hans Holthuis, Jan Wolter Wabeke and Henk Wooldrik.[107] So just as the police were closing in on busting the biggest pedophilia scandal in Dutch history in 1998, Chief of the National Police Services Agency Joop de Wijs, Holland’s top cop overseeing the Rolodex investigation, then leaked it to the then Justice Secretary General, Demmink’s predecessor, Harry Borghouts. According to DA Hans Vrakking:

And then something very strange happened. I will never forget it. One morning the telephone rings: Harry Borghouts, the secretary general of the ministry of justice calls. What are you involved in, he yelled. You are busy investigating one of my officials. I said: about whom are we talking here? He said: Demmink. Then I said: we investigate many things here, but Demmink is not part of the investigation.[108]

Though Demmink’s name had arisen regarding complaints from his driver Rob Mostert, and Demmink was Professor van Roon’s friend listed in his rolodex, apparently Vrakking’s main purpose for the police investigation was simply inquiring about involvement of his fellow chief district attorneys. Again, in Vrakking’s own words:

In the intelligence work it turned out that compromising information by the BVD [Dutch intelligence, now AIVD] about Demmink. The driver of Demmink, Rob Mostert told the BVD that he ‘couldn’t stand it anymore.’ He was troubled that Demmink occasionally had sex with boys in his government car. In the end, after a discussion with [Fred] Teeven, it was decided not to investigate information about Demmink, because it lay outside the reach of the Rolodex case. We tactically focused ourselves on two chief officers [Wabeke and Wooldrik] and the VU professor [Ger van Roon]. Thus the name Demmink was most certainly mentioned, but not investigated deeper.[109]

Seems very odd that only fellow DA’s listed in Roon’s rolodex file were of interest to Vrakking while the more powerful Demmink and cabinet ministers also listed in Roon’s file were allegedly not pursued. The obvious reason would be that pedo-investigations never go as high as government ministers. Though Demmink was already implicated as a pedophile four years before taking over the Justice Ministry, already in 1998 because of his rising star status and political clout, Demmink no doubt was considered off limits and untouchable. So long before Demmink was cherry-picked to lead his nation’s justice system, the Dutch government already was well aware of his criminal behavior, but because he was a compromised, controlled puppet by blackmail, he was the perfect groomed candidate for the job – in Lucifer’s world.

Amsterdam DA Vrakking’s boss, Prosecutor-General Rene Ficq weighed in on the aborted investigation:

To this day I don’t know how Borghouts got it in his head to call me up while it involved secret intelligence. Borghouts claimed that he heard about the Rolodex investigation from Demmink and Demmink says he heard about it from some chief officer in the Justice Department [Hans Halthuis]. That is absolutely impossible. I was the only chief officer who knew about the investigation.[110]

Meanwhile, CYA Borghouts said he didn’t recall the conversation with Vrakking, insisting that Rene Ficq revealed the investigation to him.[111] Obviously someone’s lying and evidence leads to Borghouts.

Almost two decades later two detectives from this 1998 Rolodex investigation were called in as trial witnesses on behalf of victim-plaintiffs in the 2016 civil suit. After all, Professor van Roon’s rolodex file included names and numbers of some of the most powerful pedophiles atop Netherlands government. By the time police raided Roon’s home in 1998, Demmink had already tipped the professor off and all incriminating evidence had been removed from the premises.[112] Despite what the big boys were saying, the court testimony of the two police witnesses in 2016 implicated Joris Demmink as a prime suspect in their aborted inquiry into the Dutch VIP pedo-network. But in keeping with every child sex abuse scandal to date, an order from above suddenly commanded police to cease and desist midway through their probe. That order from on high originated with the nation’s corrupt pedo-protecting Police Chief Joop de Wijs.

Meanwhile, Rolodex detective Jaap Hoek reported that underage boys were in possession of secret phone numbers belonging to top Dutch officials.[113] Vice squad officer Leen de Koter confirmed that the Rolodex investigation was “destroyed,” dead in the water thanks to his boss of bosses Joop de Wijs, who should have minimally faced obstruction of justice charges. One of the former detectives in the Rolodex probe commented in court in the 2016 civil case:

I’ve never come across an investigation like it being halted halfway.[114]

If he conferred with his cohorts in Britain or Belgium, he couldn’t say that. As soon as prominent child rapists are about to be arrested in every national cover-up, an order from on high is always given to abruptly halt all police investigations and destroy “missing” evidence as standard cover-up protocol.

Despite the cat already let out of the bag by Hans Vrakking, in early March 2014 the then Dutch Minister of Security and Justice Ivo Opstelten still continued lying through his teeth, emphatically claiming that Demmink did not appear in any way in the Rolodex investigation.[115] See how puppets like trained seals in the circus system are reflexively taught to always lie, lie, lie and deny, deny, deny, right to their bitter end? Opstelten’s bitter end politically came a mere year later in March 2015, forced to resign in disgrace after being caught in yet another lie with fellow fibber Fred Teeven, both minimizing the amount the state secretly compensated in a payment to convicted drug trafficker Cees Helman, both falsely insisting it was 2 million guilders when in fact it was a whopping 4.7 million.[116] In January 2017 yet another political casualty over the faux pas of restarting the livelihood of a busted drug dealer is yet another Minerva member and justice minister, Opstelten’s successor Ard van der Steur.[117]

Why would the government owe money to any convicted major drug trafficker anyway? So they can make more money harming more people dealing more drugs? Converting that large sum of money to USD, what the fuck is Holland giving a convicted drug trafficker almost two and a half million US dollars, regardless of any initial overcharge? It’s like the government’s in bed with the criminals… oh yeah, they are. When we’re living in an insane world gone mad, that’s what thoroughly corrupt, drug pushing, pedo-infested governments do, the cabal finances the traffickers. A final point, if these two dipshit politicians would bother lying over their secret cashback deal with a major criminal, they most certainly would lie to cover up and protect powerful child rapists guilty of involvement in the biggest pedophilia scandal in Dutch history.

Getting back to the Dutch pedophilia problem, another victim-witness interviewed by detectives during the 1998 Rolodex investigation prior to its shutdown stated that he had been abused by VIP pedophiles since he was 14-years old. His statement to NOS Nieuws:

I had to go with [procurer] Mister Maasdam to the Festival Bar. I have been in the SM [Sadomasochism] Cellars of Frits Salomonson [former house lawyer of the royal family] on the Keizers canal 497. That’s where I saw Prince Claus. I also saw people, which I know have disappeared later on, no one heard from them again. I was brought to Salomonson in a black car. His house is decorated with lots of Marble details. There was an enormous living room. On the right, a stairway down into the Cellars. Leather hats, whips, chains, all that sort of things would hang on the walls. That’s when I saw Prince Claus. I was under the influence of drugs and was penetrated. Mister Karel Maasdam abused us in Salomonson’s Cellars.[118]

If the above description of S&M abuse in a cellar torture chamber referring to those who soon disappeared sounds eerily familiar to the Marc Dutroux case, it’s because it is the same interlinking network operating in bordering countries. As alluded to in last chapter, Dutroux made many trips to the Netherlands in his role as both child pornographer and network procurer, and many underage victims in the Netherlands were trafficked from Belgium and vice versa. This same witness had this to say about prime suspect Joris Demmink:

Demmink mainly had anal sex with young boys. He is abusive. He was able to become SG [Secretary-General] of the Justice Department because he has ‘sensitive material’ on Prince Claus, which has been recorded at Salomonson’s house. I am prepared to declare that in front of a camera too. Demmink is in contact with foreign intelligence services and he shared the material of Prince Claus with them.[119]

In 2016 the Dutch pedo-Establishment sent disgraced junior justice minister puppet Fred Teeven into the civil case courtroom in Utrecht to defend Joris Demmink. Back in 1998, Teeven worked in the Public Prosecution Office with DA Hans Vrakking, so he was there to testify in order to directly contradict both the victim-witnesses’ and police investigators’ court testimony, bogusly claiming that Demmink was never considered a suspect in the Rolodex investigation.[120] Despite the known catalogue of allegations of protracted abuse piling up on Demmink, dogging him for close to three decades (a familiar theme among the more infamous unindicted VIP pervs), including charges that in 1995 Turkey, Demmink raped two more boys aged 11 and 14 at the time,[121] yet it never seemed to obstruct his ascending career path. You can be the biggest sodomizer in the world, and as long as you do what you’re told, you’re home free to live a privileged life in renowned luxury as a so called “pillar of society,” again only in Lucifer’s world.

As soon as Piet Hein Donner was selected Justice Minister in 2002, Demmink was promoted as his Justice Ministry’s Secretary-General for the next decade right up to Demmink’s November 2012 retirement. As mentioned earlier, Donner was among the invited guests to a Dutch elite’s child blood sacrifice. Is it any wonder he’d no sooner become Holland’s Justice Minister and appoint Demmink his top civil servant in charge? And in response to the recurrent allegations of Demmink abuse, Donner threatened media with lawsuits if they dare even mention his name, refusing to open an investigation, smugly replying:

There is not a trace of smoke, let alone fire.[122]

Emile Broersma, head of the CRI surveillance operation into justice department officials’ pedophilia, exposed all the liars and deniers, maintaining that in late 1998 prior to the Rolodex investigation shutdown, Demmink, were all suspected of “organized child abuse.”

As the Justice Department’s rising star, when his raping Turkish boys kept coming up, Demmink simply had the Dutch Embassy lie, claiming the accused pedophile hadn’t set foot in Turkey since 1986.[123] Meanwhile, travel documents confirmed Demmink had been there at least five times since the 1995 alleged crime and depositions from both Dutch and Turkish law enforcement officials called him out as a child rapist. Turkish police officer Mehmet Korkmaz has gone on record stating that he was assigned to head security for Demmink during his trips to Turkey, but instead was requested to abduct young boys off the street so the predator could rape them.[124] Additionally, there are four police reports and six victims who identified Demmink as their alleged abuser in Turkey alone.

Yet the same stooge that threatened defamation suits and lied to keep Demmink’s ass out of jail went on to become longtime Dutch Minister of State until 2018 and, as of 2019, Piet Hein Donner is The Hague’s current Carnegie Foundation chairman, rewarded for his years as a pedo-enabler to lead an institution that quintessentially represents the NWO crime cabal. See how the system works in Lucifer’s world, where no misdeed goes unrewarded?

Repeated complaints from both Demmink’s government limo drivers and heads of federal transportation had already been common knowledge to the BVD intelligence services prior to his appointment in 2002 to head the Justice Ministry.[125] But with Demmink’s extensive involvement and support from both Dutch intelligence and how the inner elite’s pedo-club operates inside and out of the Netherlands, through sexual blackmail, since the 1980s the accused pedophile’s meteoric fast track rise in professional standing was actually enhanced. In September 2015 the Turkish government ultimately refused to hand over its extensive files regarding the long beleaguered 1995 Turkish rape case as a deal had been struck a full two decades earlier between the Dutch pedo-Establishment and Turkey.[126] Vulnerable to blackmail, known pedophiles the world over are compromised and controlled pawns in Lucifer’s “Great Game” of chessboard geopolitics.

In exchange for the accused serial pedophile’s non-prosecution, Turkish officials blackmailed Demmink in 2002 to ensure that Kurdish gangster Huyseyin Baybasin, living in the Netherlands, received the maximum life imprisonment sentence for drug smuggling and conspiracy for murder allegedly based on false evidence, according to former Dutch Criminal Intelligence Service (CID) Chief Klaas Langendoen.[127] But then Klaas Langendoen himself is not above reproach, allegedly allowing large heroin shipments to pass through Dutch customs in Haarlem during the 1980s IRT scandal. This all comes out after the former CID head himself conducted a Demmink rape investigation in Turkey. A UPI article stated in March 2013:

[A report labeled] EK RAPOR prepared by [Turkish] intelligence officer Huseyin Celebi, revealed how Demmink’s sexual tourism in Turkey under different aliases was used to blackmail the Dutch authorities to neutralize a senior Kurdish separatist leader [and notorious drug trafficker].[128]

A Turkish journalist showed Langendoen a video of Demmink’s Turkish driver stating he was also required to procure boys for Demmink as well as a report showing the blackmail deal struck between then Turkish Prime Minister Tansu Çiller and the then Dutch Justice Minister Winnie Sorgdrager.[129] In July 1998 under Winnie’s watch, Reuters broke the story in the thick of the Zandvoort scandal that a Justice Ministry employee (supposedly not Demmink) was fired for distributing massive amounts of downloaded child pornography images and file videos within the internal Justice Department network, implicating inside the ministry legions of child porn consuming pedophiles. The Reuters article asserted:

Since those [June Zandvoort] revelations, Dutch police and justice officials have been criticized for alleged slowness in responding to leads and for brushing aside tipoffs. Dutch newspapers have criticized police for spending more time hounding [Marcel Vervloesem’s anti-child abuse NGO] Morkhoven for the material in its possession than on tracking suspected members of the ring.[130]

Again, huge cover-up of nasty players infested throughout the Dutch government and high society, scrambling desperately to cover up the world’s largest internet child porn bust in history at the time, with direct tentacles implicating lots of the most powerful sickos not just in Holland but the entire world. This child pornography web hub stumbled upon in Holland has direct links to the child sex slave network operating internationally by the pedo-crime cabal throughout Europe, Russia and the United States.[131] And evidence of a list of worldwide VIP child porn customers was never followed up but simply suppressed. After all, those powerful players around the world of course had to be protected, that was the Dutch Justice Ministry’s job, hence the “slow response.”

Under the unwanted glare of a growing number of cover-up allegations, Justice Minister Winnie Sorgdrager reportedly fired all the top brass in her department except Joris Demmink.[132] Meanwhile, journalists in both Netherlands and Turkey along with families of alleged Demmink victims have had their lives threatened, imprisoned and personal rights grossly violated by a concerted campaign to neutralize threats seeking justice and exposing the truth. From the March 2013 UPI piece:

Turkish authorities allegedly possess a video of Demmink raping an under-age boy together with other incriminating evidence of Demmink’s sexual tourism in Turkey in the 1990s, which he continues to deny having visited at that time. Former Chief of Police of Istanbul, Necdet Menzir, and [Officer Mehmet] Korkmaz, who was responsible for Demmink’s security during three visits, both contradict his [Demmink’s] claim that he hasn’t visited Turkey.[133]

Now let’s look at the other blackmail dealmaker securing protection for Joris Demmink – Turkish Prime Minister Tansu Çiller. After taking her post doctorate studies at Yale University (notorious CIA recruiting ground) and becoming an American dual citizen in 1970, the rising star became Turkey’s youngest female professor at 36. And just eight years later in 1990, Tansu Çiller entered politics. Within three years she is miraculously elected as her nation’s first female prime minister from 1993 to 1996. Talk about a meteoric fast track to success, with a little help from her CIA friends, she proved quite a wheeler-dealer, aligned ever-so-tightly with Western elites. As Turkey’s CIA puppet leader, in 1995 when Joris Demmink was busily engaging in his alleged sex tourism rapes, under her “leadership,” a deal was struck with the Netherlands. No prosecution for Joris in Turkey for full prosecution in Holland for the Kurd Baybasin. In 1997 at a NATO meeting serving as Turkey’s then foreign minister, Tansu met her only female NATO member counterpart, war criminal Secretary of State Madeleine “we think the price is worth it” Albright, infamous for her May 1996 “60 Minutes” performance on national TV justifying her coldblooded decision killing half a million Iraqi kids.[134] In Brussels just nine months later, the star-struck, giddy, two-peas-in-a-pod Tansu nearly peed her pants exclaiming:

It’s the two of us, Madeleine. I’m so excited![135]

Tansu’s Çiller’s unbridled groveling towards her US idol aside, by century’s end, the Western pawn was about used up, having fallen out of political favor with her own people, and subsequently investigated for her widespread corruption that on technicalities she managed to dodge, no doubt with a little more help from her fellow American friends. She had proven to her people she’d rather stay in good stead with her Western masters than protect little Turkish boys allegedly raped on her watch by a reputed Dutch untouchable despicable.

An added twist of foul play suspicion – the 41-year old Turkish “Super Prosecutor” (as he was dubbed) assigned the Demmink rape case, Murat Gök, suddenly wound up dead at his home in April 2013.[136] Add to the “suicided” list Dutch government chauffeur with a conscience Rob Mostert, who saw the backseat predator-in-action, registering a complaint against Demmink and then found mysteriously dead in 2000.

From the previous Chapter 35 on Belgium, recall the persecuted to death anti-abuse NGO leader Marcel Vervloesem’s uncovering of the Dutch Zandvoort File containing an enormous child porn collection and the alleged snuff film made aboard the murdered German porn king Gerrick Ulrich’s boat Apollo, and the abducted 12-year old boy Manuel Schadwald missing from Berlin. Before the system killed him, during a radio interview Marcel V. corroborated earlier sources that the VIP on board the Apollo when Manuel was snuffed was none other than Joris Demmink.[137] Keep in mind that Zandvoort, Wonderland and the Rolodex scandals were all breaking stories during that same eventful pedo-year of 1998, a mere two years after the Dutroux bombshell erupted in Belgium. Prior to the massive quad-cover-ups, initially the bread crumb trail led to Demmink being investigated as the potential headliner in virtually all four.

Incidentally, also in April 1998 the NCRV’s television program “Netwerk” broadcast a police wiretap conversation between the Rotterdam boy brothel owner-child trafficker from Germany Lothar Glandorf and a Dutch government official named Joris, not Demmink but apparently another Joris named Francken, a senior policy officer at the Dutch Ministry of Health, Welfare and Sport.[138] The interdicted dialogue had to do with Francken consulting his boy orders with Glandorf, specifically involving the Dutch senior civil servant returning from a trip to Poland, crossing back into Holland at the German border in clandestine company with the trafficked boy. The evidence was used to prosecute both criminals, Glandorf receiving a 5.5-year prison sentence while the ministerial official quietly got off jail-free with only 6-months’ probation and 240 hours’ community service, just to save the Dutch government a little embarrassment during an already scandalous pedo-year in Europe. See how discreetly lax the Dutch justice system is when it comes to pedo-trafficking and protecting their own?

With all the rumored accusations flying around, the aired NCRV program apparently had wrongly implied that the man named Joris high up in the Dutch government was Demmink. Ultimately Joris Francken not only got a gentle hand slap as his punishment, he also got to keep his upstanding government career intact till his honorable 2010 retirement. His protective boss from 1994 to 2002, Health Minister Elst Borst, who served as deputy prime minister from 1998 to 2002, was ultimately murdered in her home in February 2014 at age 81. Her murderer, Bart van U., confessed his motive for killing Borst – her responsibility as health minister for enacting the Dutch euthanasia law in 2001.[139] A year after killing the high profile politician, the apparently untreated psychiatric patient reportedly murdered his own sister for offering him a cookie that, according to him, she knew he didn’t like, culminating in his pathological mind a life of her bullying him, leading to her violent stabbing death as well, and in March 2017, Bart’s 8-year prison sentence.

A mere month after Demmink’s own November 2012 retirement as head of the Dutch justice department, it was reported that during an earlier off-the-record conversation with two Dutch magazines Gaykrant and Panorama, Joris Demmink admitted to having sex with young gay boys and that he did not always ask their age. It was audio recorded and is still posted in Dutch language at the website, which means Demmink cover-up, an excellent site holding ample evidence cataloguing Joris Demmink’s protracted pedophilic crime spree.[140] Remaining a never indicted free man after ten years in charge of all legal cases in Holland, and essentially admitting to sexually assaulting multiple minors, his in-our-face, over-the-top hubris and psychopathy appear boundless.

In April 2014 former MP and editor of the gay newspaper Gaykrant, Henk Krol, testified at a hearing in Utrecht civil court in a lawsuit initiated by the De Roestige Spijker (Rusty Nail) Foundation, clarifying whether the persistent allegations hanging over Joris Demmink the past few decades held any merit or not. During initial preliminary witness examination phase, the foundation was able to gather considerable incriminating testimony from former police detectives and justice officials that the Dutch government engaged in subversion and obstruction of justice. Again under oath, detectives Broersma, de Koter and Hoek all confirmed that Demmink, Jan Wolter Rabeke, Hans Holthuis, Henk Wooldrik and other significant figures within the justice department in 1998 were all considered viable suspects.

It was Henk Krol who in 2003 solicited feedback from park-goers at Anne Frankplantsoen in Eindhoven, confirming that Demmink was a frequent park guest picking up young boys.[141] Krol explained that the minister’s government pass had even been carelessly left behind in the grass as further indication of the more than strong likelihood he’d been trolling there hours earlier. Krol even traveled to Prague in the Czech Republic where a doorman and a driver both confirmed that Demmink was a frequent guest at a particular sex club with underage boys, showing up in an officially dispatched government car from the embassy, catering to the perversions of yet more Joris sex tourism playtime indulgence. Additionally, through Demmink’s likely murdered driver Rob Mostert, the powerful Dutchman who enjoyed his sex tourism holidays abroad in Turkey and Prague, reportedly knew British criminal Warwick Spinks who made his fugitive residence permanently in Prague once it grew too dicey for him in Amsterdam.[142]

Besides Demmink, Henk Krol also spoke in court of another suspect in the Rolodex investigation, Jan Wolter Wabeke, the chief public prosecutor in Breda in 1998, a gay lawyer and judge who proudly calls himself the architect of same-sex marriage in the Netherlands, the first nation to pass such a law.[143] Though the notorious leak in the 1998 police probe prematurely aborted the investigation years earlier, with suspicions never fully substantiated, legally they were never lifted either, which technically renders Wabeke, Demmink, Holthuis and the others named as still suspects. Like Demmink, allegations of raping underage children haven’t hurt Wabeke’s career path either, who went on to become an appeals court judge in The Hague for 8 years until 2010.

During the late 1980s Wabeke and his homosexual friends formed an ad hoc coalition that culminated in the 2001 same-sex marriage law. Henk Krol was part of Wabeke’s coalition and disclosed during his testimony in April 2014 that Wabeke had shown Henk a homosexual porn video entitled “Das Fickende Klassenzimmer (The Fucking Classroom),” given to him as a gift from Joris Demmink.[144] The star of the film was Demmink’s now former long-term boyfriend, Czech actor Libor Ctvrtlík. The head of the Dutch justice ministry was gushingly proud of his very young strapping stud boyfriend’s leading role performance in the sleaze film set in a school classroom with underage schoolboys. Krol conveyed in court that Wabeke intended to share the video with him and pass it on.

According to an anti-child abuse organization Gezin in Gavaar:

The photos from the film on the internet leave little doubt that the film has an unequivocal pedophile nature: it is about homosexual acts with adolescent schoolboys. [145]

Rolodex investigative detective Jaap Hoek had this to say about Demmink’s prized boyfriend’s flick:

There are clips here of boys who are definitely not 18 years old, but I can’t say if they are 14- or 12-years old.[146]

Regardless, the legal ramifications of clearly hiring underage boys as actors in a child porn flick is serious violation of the law, but to have it then be proudly passed around among the highest members of the nation’s judiciary is totally disgusting, not to mention a crime in and of itself, illustrating the sickest mindset of absolutely deranged psychopathic predators currently running and ruining our planet.

Once it was released that under oath that witness Krol outed Wabeke and others, the board of the Court of Appeal in The Hague came out with the following statement:

According to a witness – the board understands from the media – the police had in 1997 indications that three chief public prosecutors (including Wabeke) were involved in the sexual abuse of underage boys.[147]

Based on the above statement, one would automatically assume that announcing a formal investigation would come next. Think again, we’re talking about a nation that prides itself on its progressive, anything goes world view:

The mere fact that a negative statement about a member of the judiciary comes into the public domain cannot be a reason to question his position.[148]

Despite the “negative statement” being child rape coming from a professional law enforcement officer or MP based on concrete incriminating evidence that made the judge a suspect not only to police but Amsterdam’s chief prosecutor’s office as well. And so it goes, forever protecting their own.

Speaking of which, less than a month prior to Joris Demmink’s retirement, on October 4, 2012 a hearing in Washington DC entitled “Listening to Victims of Child Sex Trafficking in the Netherlands,” was sponsored by the US Helsinki Committee for Human Rights.[149] A December 2012 UPI article specifies:

USHC Chairman Chris Smith [R-NJ] testified that Joris Demmink, secretary-general of the Dutch Ministry of Security and Justice, has been accused by witnesses in Amsterdam and Turkey of pedophilia with boys aged 11-15.[150]

Rep. Smith even proposed a resolution in US Congress to move the UN’s International Court of Justice from The Hague, because The Hague as the seat of the Dutch national government demonstrated nothing but commitment to protecting the pedophile in charge of its own justice system, avoiding all accountability for his litany of child rape crimes.[151] Panelists at the congressional hearing presenting evidence against Demmink about rampant Dutch pedophilia included a victim-witness, an attorney representing both Turkish and Dutch victims, and aforementioned former CID chief Klaas Langendoen who investigated Demmink’s child rape allegations and concluded the Justice Secretary General was wrongly never brought to justice. No surprise that these particular panelists would speak out against pedophilia perpetrated by their national leader in charge of the Dutch justice system. But a visit to the website of the Netherlands Helsinki Commission (NHC) and its “About Us” page incredibly displays as one of its sitting members on its executive committee, the country’s most accused pedophile in history – Joris Demmink! Granted the position of investigating himself both in his own Justice Department and NHC, no wonder he has escaped justice for decades as supreme gatekeeper in charge of protecting not only himself but his entire nation’s infested pedophilia cesspool. Of course it never hurts to be chums rubbing shoulders with criminal planetary overlords like perennial Bilderbergers and the Dutch inner club of Minerva society members that includes Holland’s former queen and current king, their pedo-friends Salomonson, Hammerstein and Schimmelpennink along with virtually all the justice ministers.

Given such unlimited power to both abuse and be protected, the now 72-year old Demmink remains forever out of reach, living out his golden years with never a worry of ever having to answer for his alleged sexual assault crimes. In retirement he sits on the advisory board of E.M. Meijers Institute and law faculty at his alma mater Leiden University. Hans Holthuis, the onetime DA and fellow child abuse suspect that Holland’s top cop allegedly leaked the Rolodex investigation, also with never a worry over his past sodomizing underage boys, comfortably serves on the Leiden faculty’s advisory board.

As a footnote of momentary inconvenience, Joris Demmink was once finally required to show up in a courtroom and briefly take the witness stand for all of 20 minutes in early June 2016 in that mock trial civil suit. Of course, he flatly denied all accusations and walked out 20 minutes later untouched and unscathed.[152] The media coverage sparsely failed to even disclose the lawsuit outcome. The criminal complaint that began in 2014 against Demmink ultimately found its way to the Arnhen-Leeuwarden Court of Appeals whereupon three years later on August 18, 2017, it proclaimed the outright falsehood:

A very extensive and thorough investigation has taken place, with no stone left on top of the other.

In so many words, how many times have we heard “no stone” unturned followed by justice denied? The whitewashed final verdict:

The investigation has convincingly shown that there are only speculations and assumptions with regard to the suspicions that have arisen. There is no evidence that Demmink was in Turkey in the years 1995, 1996 and/or 1997. Also, on the basis of all the findings in this investigation, it is highly unlikely that the later judgmental criminal judge would be able to come to evidence of rape on the basis of the present report, nor would it be established that it was Demmink who was responsible for that fact, is responsible.[153]

So there you have it, another three-year phony deliberation rigged from the outset that Demmink would walk, confirming that he and his Dutch VIP pedophilia slate were completely wiped clean by standard cover-up protocol, as always. Demmink remains above the law to this day because as a member of the inner club, he holds the dirty goods on international royalty as well as heads of church and state. As long as the Luciferian insiders’ global pedo-alliance and mutual self-preservation pact of silence remains as tightly sealed as it ever was, this pathetic sad story ending will always remain shamefully the same.

While the powerful guilty never fail to go free, the opposite fate always awaits victims and truth tellers. In every single pedophilia cover-up around the globe, those who seek to expose the child sex crimes do so at their own peril. Countless numbers are murdered for knowing too much, others are targeted with character assassination – nonstop ridicule and harassment by court litigation and media attacks, resulting in damaging retribution and forced imprisonment in the criminal or mental health system. The chronically debilitating effects of child sexual abuse make victims easy vulnerable prey as both children and adults if they live that long. With no justice coming, the more vocal victims become, speaking out against their powerful perps, the more punishment they receive over and above their devastating original abuse. If they are persistent enough, the corrupt system possesses a myriad of ways of removing them as threats, simply by labeling them mentally ill, safely discarding them behind insane asylum walls, overly-sedated into oblivion so they cannot talk or function, or worse yet, murdered by unsolved crimes to appear as accidents or natural causes as well as quietly murdered by euthanasia laws. This method of destroying potential threats is becoming more viable with more nation-states passing euthanasia laws. Leave it to Holland to again be the world’s frontrunner in 2001. With every kind of gaslighting resource at their beck and call disposal, evil powerful perpetrators can increasingly elect to misuse the mental health system and euthanasia as their convenient lethal weapon of choice for neutralizing the more vulnerable potential threats, primarily the child abuse victims themselves.

Case in point – in May 2015 the Daily Mail reported that the year before a woman in her 20s who suffered severe chronic child sexual abuse from age 5 to 15 was “put to sleep” by the state in the always “progressive” Netherlands, disposed of by its loose application of its own 2001 euthanasia law.[154] The doctors and psychiatrists decided the young woman’s symptoms from Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder and depression “were incurable,” and elected to kill her with their “kindness” in the form of a lethal injection, despite the woman making progress through intensive trauma therapy within the last two years of her life.

Many suffering in the throes of depression may verbalize a desire to die as a means of escape from their torment and despair, frequently attempting suicide, but nearly as often as a desperate cry for help. Yet placing someone’s life in danger out of a pretext of charitably “putting them out of their misery” through euthanasia legislation is a dangerous slippery slope, easily misused and abused by an oppressive state granted legal license and excuse to willfully kill, fully sanctioned, aided and abetted by its own lethal laws deceptively masked in sheep’s clothing.

Another case in the Netherlands in June 2019 involved sexual abuse victim Noa Pothoven, still a minor at only 17-years of age who opted to end her life.[155] She even wrote a book called Winning or Learning about her struggle coping with effects of sexual abuse, suffering from PTSD, depression and anorexia. It was also a constructive critique of the mental health system. She had reached a point in her young life where the pain was too unbearable to continue, her last post on social media being, “I have not really been alive for so long.” At 16 she attempted to die through the Dutch euthanasia law but the hospital refused without the consent of her parents. Her death was initially misreported as euthanasia but it was suicide at home after she stopped eating and drinking. The takeaway here is how the universally broken mental health system failed her after her first sexual assault at age 11 followed at age 14 by two men raping her. She was not psychologically supported or prepared to formally report the crimes, so her assailants are still out there likely reoffending and her caregivers were unaware of her abuse until years later. Stuck on waiting lists of so few treatment centers adequately suited to address the complexities of sexual trauma, an eating disorder and major depression, Noa was shuffled from one acute inpatient hospitalization after the next, up to 23 different institutions between 20 and 33 times. At one point she was kept in isolation for months against her will, and another sent to a facility that treated youth with behavior disorders among boys prone to violence, re-traumatizing her and exacerbating her anorexic symptoms that went untreated.

All the wrong interventions at the wrong institutions with limited treatment focus only caused her illness to spiral out of control. Both her autobiography and life courageously confront the systemic gross failures and mental health crisis plaguing this troubled world, especially meeting the acute psychological needs of sexual trauma victims prone to multiple disorders and symptoms. A dire reflection of this thoroughly broken system amidst the digital age of social media is the fact that the adolescent depression and suicide rates have soared over 60% and 56% higher respectively from 2009 to 2017 in the US alone,[156] with a parallel trend worldwide.[157] Noa is a case in point of how victims of child sexual abuse, regardless of nation or system, be it mental health or legal system, are totally inadequate in providing the necessary care and support to facilitate a viable pathway to healing and health. Historically the system has viewed abuse victims especially from the care system as a throwaway population the world over.

As a clinician who worked with young abuse victims for many years and had clients commit suicide, I always have mixed feelings regarding these kinds of tragic life and death situations. My therapeutic role was to provide unconditional support and awareness that reaffirms life and reduces clients’ motivation to want to end it all, regardless of how bad they may feel at any given moment. If over an extended period an adult over 18 becomes so overwhelmed by their crippling pain and debilitation that it increasingly becomes too much to bear, after exhausting every available treatment option, and the client is still determined to exercise what little control they perceive they have over their life and still wish to die, in most nations, states and provinces therapists by law are mandated to make every effort to ensure the safety of those in their care no matter what. Required by law to keep a client safe from self-harm, when clinical judgment indicates clients may still be at risk of hurting themselves, therapists will generally err on the side of caution, even to the point of arranging involuntary hospitalization.

Where euthanasia laws apply, I would never be willing to actively assist another person commit suicide. Therapists are mandated to do everything in their power to sustain human life. If and when a client beyond our control still chooses to commit suicide, it’s devastating for loved ones as well as peer friendships, especially if it appeared to come out of the blue, though most often there are warning signs. As a therapist losing a recently former client and one current client in a career spanning over a quarter century, it wahen I lost a client, and I can think signsanasia t to keep that person alive at virtually all cost. risk, then sometimes invols only natural to struggle with a sense of guilt for not doing enough. But knowing I did everything in my power to help them, as sad as the tragic outcome always is, ultimately I came to understand, realize and accept that it was their choice and passing value judgment on them is not up to me nor others who never walked in their shoes. Stories like Noa’s are today’s abysmal reality where far too many fall through the ever-widening cracks of our shattered system. The lesson from her life is we desperately need drastic major systemic change. Often the root of depression is the sense of powerlessness and lack of control to change one’s life and circumstances, so in the end, suicide may end up what they view as their only choice still available that they do exercise control over. U

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Pfizer-vaccin besmet met DNA dat in menselijk DNA kan worden geïntegreerd, zo blijkt uit onderzoek Nadat ze je hadden verteld ...