
donderdag 2 juli 2020


What I am about to share will be affirming for some, and shocking for others. As many of you know, I have been extremely dedicated to investigating what has been happening in the world, on so many levels since March. I need to fully understand why so many things have not made sense to so many of us. I research EVERYTHING daily to look for answers and to educate myself. I have uncovered many things. What I am sharing with you today is the biggest thing I have uncovered that proves Covid was planned and executed. This is not a conspiracy theory. 


These are straight up facts right from the website of the people who planned this. It is right on the web in plain site! But most people don't know it is there, and most people probably won't understand the depth of it unless someone breaks it down for you. Which I will try and do today. I have realized that my job is not to awaken anyone. My job is to awaken myself. But my duty is to share what I have learned. I have thought about this long and hard if I should share this because I know it will be very difficult for some people to comprehend. But I feel that if I do not share, I am being deceitful and compliant. So I must share what I have found. I am going to try and keep this simple, take out any of my opinions, take out my emotions, and just stick to the facts, which is what is happening in our world HAS BEEN PLANNED FOR DECADES. 

As we know, many major inconsistencies have been coming out about Covid, especially in the last week alone. Tainted tests, falsified numbers, manipulated stats, doctors & scientists speaking out, lockdowns that don't make sense, predicted numbers TOTALLY WRONG.....we are all aware. It is also questionable how the virus originated. It is however evident 100% that there is a virus of some sort and it is still a mystery who gets affected, who dies, and who doesn't (although many of us in the health profession have theories about why this happens). This is not being disputed. Now the riots. There seem to be many incongruences with the black man who was murdered, was he really who he said he was, did he actually die, was that man really a cop, did they really work together, why was his casket closed, why was there even a big funeral allowed with politicians & celebrities when people all around the world are being denied funerals right now, why were protests suddenly allowed to happen when a week earlier we were told NOT to go outside, why were there riots, why were there 2 groups (peaceful protestors vs. destructive rioters), where did the rioters come from, why were bricks planted many things being said about the situation of what is true and what is not true. Imagine if everything we THOUGHT WE SAW WAS NOT TRUE. 

Imagine if we have been deceived, and the media (and government) sways you to think and feel in a certain way......something to ponder for sure, but I would like to stick to the facts today. **(Side note: Have you researched who owns the main stream media? YOU SHOULD. Because it is all connected to what is happening here.) Everything I have found here and sharing took me 24 hours to research......I have been reading NON-STOP to figure this all out. And this is only the tip of the iceberg... I have found information that proves that Covid was planned, thought out, and implemented as smokescreen for something else. 


Have you heard of Agenda 21? Research it. I don't have time to do all the work for you, I can just point you in the right direction and let you see for yourself. Key points I will share that I have found on my research: Agenda 21, created in 1992, has been carried out by NGOs funded by foreign countries, and groups like the "Open Society Foundation" (George Soros) + Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. One major objective of the Agenda 21 initiative is that every local government should draw its own local Agenda 21. Since 2015, Sustainable Development Goals are included in the newer Agenda 2030. Research this, too. The official name is the UN AGENDA 2030 FOR SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT. 

**Also, you can check the Agenda 21 programs implemented in your city or town by searching Agenda 21 and the name of your city in Google.** I have provided a link here so you can read it all: 

The United Nations Agenda 2030, adopted in 2015 and fiercely promoted and funded by the Gates Foundation, consists of 17 Sustainable Development Goals [aka Green New Deal] to be achieved by the year 2030. Soros & Rockefeller are also funders here. Surprise, surprise. (Gates is also the largest private donor to the World Health Organization, a U.N. agency.) The below is a listing where the government/entity/organization Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation is listed as a partner: 

IT IS VERY IMPORTANT THAT YOU KNOW THIS WAS AMENDED AND CREATED IN 2015. New York, USA, 13 June 2019– "The World Economic Forum and the United Nations signed today a Strategic Partnership Framework outlining areas of cooperation to deepen institutional engagement and jointly accelerate the implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development." 

On the surface this looks very good. It looks beautiful and amazing! It looks like everything we have ever dreamed of, right? But it is more than meets the eye and once dissected reveals global government takeover of every nation across the planet, dismantling sovereignty, property rights, privacy, food systems, and more. The document reveals code words for a corporate-government fascist agenda fueled by globalist corporations like Monsanto and DuPont. (You all know how I feel about Monsanto). If you read through all this information and would like to discuss the pros and cons with me, I am all for it. But today I would like to stick to facts, not opinions. Ok, next step. The World Economic Forum that was created to support Agenda 21, now Agenda 2030. It was created in 1971. 50 years ago. Bill Gates is attached to both parties, the UN and also The World Economic Forum: In 2018, World Economic Forum states: "The multi-stakeholder approach defines the core of the 2030 Agenda and Sustainable Development Goals: "we are all in this together." (Wait a minute....sound familiar? Have we not heard this phrase being said over and over and over again since Covid started??" 

WE ARE ALL IN THIS TOGETHER??" This is not a co-incidence.) On the surface, the website looks amazing. Stunning! Beautiful! All the words and mission statements we want to hear!! It is an action plan to support & implement the UN AGENDA 2030 FOR SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT. 

I IMPLORE you to sign up to the site (all you have to do is put your email, takes 1 min). This way you can see the entire plan for GLOBAL GOVERNANCE. What does that mean? It means the New World Order where there is no borders, only 1 government, and only 1 world. 

THAT'S WHAT THIS WHOLE ACTION PLAN AND SITE IS FOR. It is an extremely mind blowing comprehensive plan to change our entire world as we know it. Once you start going into this VERY IN-DEPTH WEBSITE, YOU NOTICE MANY MANY THINGS. (I would also like to add that I have spent already over 24 hours researching this website and probably not even 1/3 of a way through. On top of that it changes every single day). **(You do not have to spend 24 hours here to understand it as I have laid this out for you very easily to just follow the links and do some readings and explorations, and come up with your own conclusions. I have done all the work for you to make this easy for you to navigate.) 

THIS WEBSITE IS COMPLETELY MASSIVE. It has to is the entire systems plan for changing our entire world. I IMPLORE you to sign up to the site (all you have to do is put your email, takes 1 min). When you click on one link, there are numerous tentacles for each topic. When you dig deeper there are more than 200 links PER tentacle. It is never ending! It just keeps going and going! And everything is connected!! Why? Because it is an entire, comprehensive, meticulous plan for changing our ENTIRE world! No detail has not been addressed. I have literally already spent 24 hours on this site, researching, and have barely scratched the surface. And it all starts with the Covid page. The covid page starts the journey of world globilization. See for yourself PLEASE. Once you go on the website, go to the actual Covid page. (not the intro page) 


It is impossible that this was made this year, or even last year for that matter. IMPOSSIBLE. "Global Governance" & "The Fourth Industrial Revolution" has been planned out for DECADES. I highly urge you to go on their site, sign up and look for yourself. It is called the New World Order. Or One World Government. One world, one government, no borders. The 1 government has complete control of all of us. Artificial intelligence, controlling our business, our food, our money. No privacy, no freedom. I am not going to argue if it's good or bad because I know many of you will say it's good for the world. I mean it is certainly created under the guise of helping eradicate the worlds problems, particularly climate change. Discussing the merits, pros & cons of this, is another conversation. Today I want to just stick to the facts, and is that this GLOBAL GOVERNANCE HAS BEEN PLANNED, and if you go through this site very carefully you can see it all for yourself. I am not conjuring anything up, everything is there for you. 

To be honest, it is very fascinating. Years and years and years of elite masterminds coming together to think of how to take over the world on this website. There is no way this elaborate plan to TOTALLY TRANSFORM OUR WORLD, WITH EVERY SINGLE DETAIL PLANNED, just happened. And if you go on the site, you can BLATANTLY SEE: 

Covid is just the first step to initiate the plans. Covid is just a starting point to start the process of world domination. You can blatantly see that Covid has been created here to initiate change, to change our entire world as we know it. How we do everything. Please go the site and see for yourself. It has the plans for the next 10 years, until 2030 on every single page. To initiate such RADICAL plans, history has proven things to us: A scared and divided world is easier to dominate. Killing the economy and depopulation is how you get an entire world to behave and start from scratch. The New World Order: wipe the slate clean, and then start our new world heavily focused on artificial intelligence. 


Remember, their words are "feel good words' designed to win us over. I will point that out below in the photos. But like I said, whether it is good or bad is not the discussion right now, my point today is to show you what has been planned for over 50 years. All of the data and videos on the sides are updated daily and are supporting propoganda to support the current narrative that supports the world takeover. So remember, you have to be able to understand their language and what is really being said. (I had to re-read some things like 10 times to truly understand what the bottom line was, or also to truly understand what they were not addressing). Also, when you go through the site, please note how every single topic and CIRCLE is actually designed to look like the corona!! This is not co-incidence. This is because every single topic for world take-over STARTS with corona). Here we go...make sure to look at the tentacles, then the sub-topics. Remember, each sub-topic has 200+ MORE levels to go through. You do the math.

Here are some screen shots to highlight key terms: 

GLOBAL GOVERNANCE means one government. (Notice how they even wrote on the first line that "nationalist backlash has made this difficult". That's "the awakened people"). You can blatantly see how this one government system on the left affects all the other topics and tentacles, and each topic goes down 200 levels. Look closely, SEE COVID ON THERE?? That's because this has been planned. Also, see 5G, Anti-Globalism, "The Great Reset, Transnational ACTORS, Civic Participation, Artificial Intelligence & Robotic, Human Cyborgs......this is as far as I've gotten in 24 much more to dig into). Again, my point right now is not that this is good or bad, MY POINT IS THAT THIS HAS BEEN PLANNED. (Question though: If GLOBAL GOVERNANCE is so good, why do they have to lie to us about it? I mean if it is truly for the greater good of the planet, isn't there a better way of doing this than causing death, pain, and destruction? And if they are lying now, what else are they lying about?) THE COMPLEXITIES OF THIS WEBSITE ARE MIND-BLOWING & NEFARIOUS.

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