
zondag 22 november 2020

The Continued MH17 MH370 Cabal Scam

The Continued MH17 MH370 Cabal Scam || Rinus Verhagen
The Continued MH17 MH370 Cabal Scam || Rinus Verhagen

Operation Disclosure | By Rinus Verhagen, Contributing Writer

September 28, 2020

Continued MH17 / MH370 Cabal scam

Dear Ambassador Pete Hoekstra, Members of Congress, Donald J Trump, Vladimir Putin.

The parts of airplanes were transported to the Netherlands and reconstructed in a hangar at air base Gilze Rijen.

Evidence that at least one MH370 wreckage was present at the MH17 crash site clearly shows that the knocking down of the MH17 was staged.

Wrong assumption due to lack of information is quite understandable.

It was exactly the other way around, part of the MH17 was placed at the crash site of the MH370 with the Asian victims.

The perpetrators in the investigation falsified their own evidence.

Before the real salvage could begin, from the side of Petro Oleksiyovych Poroshenko Nazis there have been heavy bombardments on the MH370 Crash site, so that with the remaining wreckage of the MH17 and the victims could be salvaged for shipment from the hitherto unknown location for us.

As the images with victims and found parts of the plane differ, given the difference I logo of the MH370, which had a new logo, and the MH17 with the old logo, an involvement of governments and interested NGO does not seem far sought.

Question is the wreckage of the MH17 which is probably also partly built with parts of the MH370 still in Gilze Rijen?

By material testing the ages of metals can be checked.

Rupture lines, which are torn, but made to fit the MH370, should then show cutting edges.

It's clear why no radar images were released, because then two devices should have been visible.

The fact that agreements were made between the parties involved points to their fellow perpetrators.

A sham trial in a country where there are no legal laws, due to the lack of the constitution from May 13, 1940 cannot be taken seriously.

If the Black Box of both devices were actually read out and compared the data, the two locations and crash times would be exactly known.

The whole Dutch Cabal policy together with the fake investigators of JIT have made themselves suspicious by the lie reports that have been made to hide the deception.

Are there still bank accounts to check who was paid a lot of money to remain silent and cooperated, or bribed MSM.

Have survivors been paid with blood money to keep silent?

The MH17 foundation is known to have ex VVD politicians among them, the VVD is a Bilderberg mafia party with the most corruption, others compete to keep up with their competitors in the Hitler Cabinet in the former Netherlands.

The whole investigation will have to be done again, this time by experts who don't want to hide the real truth.

It is not true that George Soros bought the MH17 device, it was in Israel to be supposedly demolished in the US.

I wouldn't buy an airplane to be scrapped, it would only be a loss, unless I had another purpose with it, the exchange truck of the MH370.

Everything indicates that the passengers of the MH17 and the MH370 were deliberately executed to serve a globalist agenda.

All persons involved in this MH17 / MH370 scam and Genocide committed a war crime against innocent civilians in order to blame Russia and provoke a war with much death and destruction for humanity.

Since this is a war crime, because there was never a peace treaty with Germany after the Second World War, the perpetrators will have to appear before a war tribunal.

None of these criminals and/or companies have immunity that the Cabal politicians have granted themselves.

The Stadholder of occupied Holland should be tried for treason and as an order of treason, with total expropriation of all his property and companies including Shell, Akzo-Nobel, Banks, ING, ABN-Amro, SNS Bank, Rabo Bank, lands and goods.

It should be clear to everyone that the whole history from May 13th 1940 onwards stinks against the wind, due to the betrayal of the imported Hitler administration on May 18th 1940, while the population has been a constant victim of the Satanic Nazis.

That the judiciary in occupied Holland is involved in human trafficking and child abuse was already known, Joran van der Sloot's father was a judge.

If the message below is correct, it also points to the Satanists of the Dutch Elite who are corrupted to the bone.

This info comes from a Site that contains a lot of double info with names of people who have been arrested and already tried, imprisoned for life, executed, or still waiting for their trial.

Updated site on Sept 28, 2020:

Like me, there are many people who seek the truth, governments lie in order to maintain their power and perpetuate crime against the population.

If politicians started thinking and realizing that they are under the magnifying glass of millions of people from all over the world who want justice.

Should Natalie Holloway indeed still be able to testify, the involvement of the Dutch Cabal will also have been substantiated.

In addition to human trafficking, the Caribbean islands under the Dutch Cabal are also a transhipment point for drugs that are flown in from Afghanistan by military planes.

Since the invasion of Afghanistan by the U.S., drug production has increased enormously and has been used by the Cabal as income where a whole network of people and banks have laundered money.

When Donald J Trump announced to withdraw the troops from Afghanistan, the Dutch Cabal proposed to fill this place with Dutch commandos to secure the drug fields and trade for Fake King Willem Alexander.

The population has been so brainwashed by the MSM that they don't understand the crimes of Mark Rutte's Bilderberg gangsters.

In the meantime, we can imagine this very well, because all the data can be found on the internet, you only have to interpret them properly to see the thread of lies and involvement.

If you don't look critically you will find nothing and you believe the state propaganda.

All crimes seem to be connected through the Ukraine, where the people of Ukraine have been scandalously abused, murdered and robbed, made possible by the support of the West the EU, Obama-Biden, Gloria Nuland, Alexander and George Soros, Rutte and his Cabal Hitler government, Human trafficking by the Clinton family, arms sales and support of the Dutch tax payer in the MSM in Ukraine.

Weapons and vehicles supply to Isis troops, and the smuggling of Islamists into Europe, by the sponsored NGOs, to terrorize own people with the indoctrinated hatred culture of forced import stupid aggressive people at the expense of a extorted population by the Rutte Hitler cabinet.

We have to be honest, Muslims have also been slaughtered like animals by the Cabal, precisely to spread hatred, they are as much victims as the rest of the world where Satanists and globalists have played out and robbed everything and everyone.

Right now there is action from the Cabal that the world's population must submit to their proposed Genocide of Vaccination ID and behavioural change based on fear.

Psychopath Rutte says in a TV conversation, that the population really should stay 1.5 meters apart and wear their masks, if they don't do this the population will be to blame for the total destruction of the economy.

MSM Propaganda for brainless people,

All broadcasters, local or national, are the mouthpiece of the Dutch Cabal Propaganda, just for a change in behaviour and total acceptance of the NWO Cabal.

It is precisely a political attack and agenda to deliberately destroy the economy of the Cabal.

In all Deep State governed countries you hear one and the same story to keep the lies alive.

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