
woensdag 9 september 2020

Ed Nijpels, Breda en de (NL) porno-underground

Ed Nijpels, Breda en de (NL) porno-underground

ednijpels.jpgEen tsunami aan berichten en tips komt binnen over de rol van Ed Nijpels in de Nederlandse porno-underground en die tips komen niet van de eersten de besten. Rond Nijpels heeft altijd een merkwaardig geurtje gehangen van seksuele perversiteit en dat lijkt niet ten onrechte. Steeds meer stukjes van de Nederlanse (kinder)porno-puzzel vallen in elkaar en er ontstaat een huiveringwekkend beeld. Maar laten we ons vooral aan de feiten houden. De feiten en de bronnen. Hoe zat het ook alweer met Ed Nijpels?

Het artikel Linksgestrickt dat na te lezen is via de site van Stan de Jong meldt dat Nijpels ‘een relatie’ onderhield met de spin van het Nederlandse kinderporno-netwerk mr. Frits Salomonson. Daarnaast deden macabere geruchten de ronde dat Nijpels met zijn seksuele escapades werd gechanteerd, met name door oud-Telegraafjournalist Jaap Metz die via deze chantage zelfs enige maanden in de Tweede Kamer belandde ook al had -ook hij- een besmet verleden. Volgens het ‘verboden artikel’ Linksgestrickt lekte Rudolf de Korte -gefrusteerd omdat hij de VVD-troon had moeten afstaan aan Nijpels- al deze informatie aan het weekblad De Tijd dat op 17 december 1982 verhaal ging halen bij Nijpels. Het artikel schrijft dan: Nijpels dementiert. Und damit sind die Schleussen geoffnet; von mehreren in den entsprechende Szene gut Eintgefuhrten wird die andersartige Veranlagung des VVD-fraktionsvorsitzenden bestatigt.

jean_pierre_van_rossem.gifNa een zegetocht door politiek Den Haag vertrok Nijpels begin 1990 naar Breda om burgemeester te worden wat hij tot medio 1995 zou blijven. In deze periode gebeurden er in Breda erg interessante dingen, op pedo-seksueel gebied wel te verstaan. In een gelegenheid die ‘Club Paradise‘ heette en die onder leiding stond van de travestiet Leonne (vroeger Leo) Zeegers liet Nijpels zich volgens de tipgever ‘afrossen in een purperen jurkje’. Bovendien zou Nijpels bang zijn voor chantage. De bron: Ik heb van Zeegers begrepen dat met name Nijpels bang is. Zijn advocaat heeft haar, zo zei zij, onder druk gezet. Tja, valt ook niet mee voor Edje. Zelf destijds verantwoordelijk als burgemeester voor de openbare orde en goede zeden en dan ’s nachts in purperen jurkje zich laten afranselen in Club Paradise. Deze club werd bezocht door tal van andere prominenten onder wie ene J. Demmink, thans SG van het ministerie van Jusitie, zo meld de bron.

Was het hier allemaal bij gebeven, hadden we gezegd: no big deal. Maar er gebeurden in het Breda onder Nijpels veel ergere dingen. Dingen die doen denken aan Marc Dutroux. De nabijheid van Belgie zal hier ongetwijfeld een rol bij hebben gespeeld. We verleggen de focus thans van Ed Nijpels naar de alweer bijna vergeten Belgische miljonair en excentriekeling Jean-Pierre van Rossum. Op de X-files website lezen we het volgende -huiveringwekkende- verhaal. De kern hiervan: pedofiele sadisten konden in het begin van de jaren 90 in Breda tegen betaling getuige zijn van de opnames van zogeheten ‘snuff-movies’.

But besides members of the Morkhoven Workgroup there was another researcher who already in the early 1990s gave detailed information about Belgian child abuse networks and the reality of snuff movies. His name is Belgian Jean-Pierre Van Rossem, and apparently, just before bailing out, he had even arranged to play in one.

No doubt, van Rossem is one of the most eccentric and controversial persons of Belgium. However, even though he looks like a doped-up cult leader, he certainly isn’t. In the 1970s, Van Rossem developed a piece of software called Moneytron which apparently could quite accurately predict trends in the money market. With an average return on investments of 18 to 25% in the 1980s and early 1990s, van Rossem gained a fortune of several hundred million dollars and attracted businessman from all over the world. At some point, he also counted the Belgian royal family among his clients. In 1991, van Rossem was sentenced to 5 years in jail on charges of massive financial fraud (released after about a third of the sentence, which is normal in Belgium). It would probably have been a lot longer if his clients would have testified against him. However, a lot the money van Rossem was handed appears to have been dirty.

Just before being convicted, van Rossem had become active in Libertarian politics and had won three seats in parliament. Around the time he went to jail he had begun to write books. One of these books was ‘Hoe kom ik van de ground?’ [‘How do I get off the ground?’], published in 1993, in which he described his experiences with escort-services, brothels, SM clubs and other aspects of sex culture.

Even though he was enormously wealthy and knew everything about finance, van Rossem was mostly shunned by the Belgian aristocracy. Besides his unusual look and simple background, his anarchist tendencies appear to have been the main cause of that. Van Rossem has made numerous peppered statements, not only against the Belgian royal family and Islam, but more recently also about the West’s financial clique keeping the third world poor, 9/11 and bird flu (88).

For his book ‘Hoe kom ik van de ground?’ van Rossem gathered a small group of people who went to all kinds of different sex clubs to give them a rating. Although this is already quite an unusual thing to do, especially for a reasonably prominent person, that wasn’t even close to enough for van Rossem. Van Rossem also tried to unearth evidence of child abuse and snuff networks and it appears that he succeeded in that. His narrative of the whole adventure reads like a somewhat more hardcore version of the 1999 movie 8 mm with Nicolas Cage.

At some point, Van Rossem took with him a well known customer of many different sex shops in Belgium and just across the border in the Netherlands. In all these shops he asked the owner for “more exclusive” material, obviously implying illegal, under the counter magazines, pictures and videos. None of the sex shops in Antwerp and Brussels could or would help him with this request. However, in a few stores in Hulst and Putte (two small towns about 60 km or 40 miles apart, the former just across the border in the Netherlands, and the latter in Belgium.

He was able to get pedophile magazines, pictures and videos. One of the things that Van Rossem learned was that paedophiles were active at the Dutch- Belgian border who kidnapped children, often for brief periods, to abuse them in front of the camera. Apparently, the Dutch and Belgian police in these areas have numerous dossiers on this kind of abuse, but in the rare cases that a perpetrator is caught, they are usually unable to prove that the abuser is in contact with a network. As numbers on missing and killed children are too unorganized to be very useful, this might very well be true. (89)

After buying some of the pedophile goods, which included a painful rape of a small child, van Rossem went back to one of the sex shops and asked for even more hardcore material for which he was willing to pay a hefty price. He hinted that he would like to see a girl being murdered on camera. Within a week, van Rossem received what he had ordered for 5,000 euros, a price quite similar to later reports.

“The tape showed how the girl was brought into an empty room by a man with a hood over his head. She was handcuffed… The man cut the clothes from her body with a knife. She had scratches and bruises all over her body. He hit her in the face with his hand. After that she was thrown to the ground by the same man and anally raped. When he was done with this, he threw the girl against a wall and began to beat and kick her over her whole body. When she slid to the ground, he went to stand with one foot on all her limbs and broke with both hands her arms and legs. Then for some time he slowly worked on her with a knife, and stabbed her 32 times in total, mainly in the chest and abdomen. Finally, he cut her throat, again slowly. After that, he slowly labored on the girls’ body, from the feet to her head, with great attention to the bloody details. It was perfectly clear that the girl was already dead by then. The whole movie had lasted 57 minutes and had not been edited.” (90)

Having been supplied with this video still was not enough for van Rossem. While receiving the video from the sex store owner, he had inquired if he could be present when such a snuff movie was shot. The sex store owner had called to his anonymous supplier with this request and informed van Rossem that something might be arranged. But first he had to give his personal information. Two days after having watched the video, van Rossem was called by a representative of the organization that made these snuff movies, and was invited to a cafe in Breda (Netherlands) that same evening. When van Rossem arrived, a well-dressed man of about 30 years old approached him. This person informed van Rossem that he was to take him to a person “who could help him”. Van Rossem was brought to another cafe where a slightly younger, but equally well-dressed man was waiting. This person informed him that they had looked at his personal and financial information and that this was satisfying. In two or three short conversations over the next two days a deal was made in which van Rossem would be taken to an undisclosed location where he could rape and kill a girl any way he liked. It would cost him 75,000 euros; 45,000 if he only wanted to watch

Of course, van Rossem backed off at the last moment, leaving the organizers of the event with the impression that he was afraid to get robbed by them. Van Rossem went to one of his other apartments at the sea for the few months to lay low, but before doing that, he had deposited all his evidence and additional information in the mailbox of the Court of Cassation in Breda. Van Rossem waited and waited in the following weeks, expecting to be contacted or at least reading something in the paper about a follow up investigation. Nothing happened and nothing was reported.

The sex shop remained in existence and after some time van Rossem sent one of his contacts to inquire yet again for “special material”. It turned out that there was a new owner who couldn’t arrange any of this. After the contact explained that it had been possible in the past to get this “special material” at this location, the new owner explained that this is what had gotten the previous owner into trouble. So apparently something happened, but it never made the newspapers.

Het moge duidelijk zijn dat we op geen enkele wijze een direct causaal verband willen leggen tussen de snuff-movies en het burgemeesterschap van Nijpels te Breda. We constateren wel een alarmerende coincidentie tussen berichten over het persoonlijke seksuele leven van Nijpels en het verhaal van Van Rossum. Deze conclusie willen we wel voor onze rekening nemen: het was niet pluis in Breda onder Nijpels.

Hiermee is deze horror-story nog niet ten einde. Van Rossum vermeldt aan het eind van zijn verhaal dat hij een dossier van zijn avonturen met sadistische pedo-sex heeft gedeopneerd bij het parket te Breda. Het OM deed daar vervolgens….. helemaal niets mee. Het ‘depot’ van Van Rossum moet worden gedateerd vlak voor het uitkomen van zijn boek in 1993. In 1994 werd Jan Wolter Wabeke hoofdofficier in Breda. Wabeke is de belangrijkste kandidaat voor de vacature van de ‘tweede hoofdofficier’ in het door Frits Salomonson gedomineerde Nederlandse pedofielen-netwerk. Dezelfde Frits Salomonson met wie de burgemeester van Breda ‘betrekkingen’ zou hebben onderhouden.

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